
Open Face vs Full face helmet?

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Hey guys! I don't know which helmet is more appropriate for a student, if it's reasonable to slam $370 on a full face or should I just pick up a Pro-Tec skate helmet for $50? What are the pros and cons of both?

Also, if I decided to go full face should I get a Phantom XV or Cookie G3? Reckoned Cookie is more popular but Phantom seems to have better overall ratings on DZ.com. Thanks!

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If you're still a student get a Protech but why the halfshell ? the full helmet will offer more protection and not move around your head as much . when your progressed to where you want to slap a go pro on it ;)

i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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A protec will work perfectly fine with an audible. Just loop a rubber stow around one of the bars in the ear openings, and use that to hold the audible. I jumped like that for easily 150-200 jumps before switching to a fullface.

Ninja edit: assuming a full shell helmet, not the half shell.

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If you're still a student get a Protech but why the halfshell ? the full helmet will offer more protection and not move around your head as much . when your progressed to where you want to slap a go pro on it ;)

I just think half shell looks silly:) I must be wrong then...

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If you are still a student, as in just starting to jump.... Don't buy a helmet. Your DZ will provide you with one.
If you want to get one after a couple of jumps: discuss with your instructors. Not every dropzone will let a student jump with a full-face helmet because of the reduced peripheral vision (especially some older types (of helmets)). In some cases, it makes it difficult to locate your handles.

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Protec Fullcut.

I didn't need to do anything with my audible other than stick it in the ear cut-out... stayed all by itself for me.

Worry about the expensive stuff after you've got your wings under you. Partially to spread out the expense. Partially to keep the good visibility and help you hear better. Partially because some DZ's won't want their students/newbies using full face. And partially because you're most likely to scratch up your helmet when you're newer.

Just my $.02
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Peripheral vision is NOT obstructed at all in modern full-face helmets.

It is a bit (I own a KISS and a G3 and use both regularly, I know of which I speak). But I agree it's not the big deal it has been in the past.

The one thing nobody here has mentioned is hearing. Fullfaces and even a lot of skydiving open-faces affect your hearing under canopy and, importantly, in the plane. As a brand-new jumper, a lot of important information comes to you through your ears, on the way to altitude and jump run. Until you are pretty familiar with all the goings-on, then it's worth considering.

I'd get the full-height Pro Tec (which gives much better impact protection than any full-face on the market, assuming you care), and optionally put an audible in it. You can hear it fine. Buy 10 or 15 jump tickets with the price difference.

Get a full-face later, when catching a knee in the nose on a 4-way block or chunked exit is a big worry.

Or when winter jumping is something you really think you want to do a lot of (although there are problems with that too - no matter what the ads say, no full-face helmet on the market today is immune to totally fogging up and then freezing over - I have done it with pretty much all of them. Now I just don't jump when it's that cold :P)
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"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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Or when winter jumping is something you really think you want to do a lot of (although there are problems with that too - no matter what the ads say, no full-face helmet on the market today is immune to totally fogging up and then freezing over - I have done it with pretty much all of them. Now I just don't jump when it's that cold :P)

Few years ago, I understand that a bigway event the organizer indicated to the full-facer's that fogged/iced was not an excuse and bad flying would be grounds for replacement. All the visors came off and folks went to goggles.


PS - learned on a Protec-full, currently using a Fuel, but considering a G3 myself but I've got a few more jumps than the OP... FWIW...
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If the cookie fuel was an option, I'd have voted for that.

As a student myself, I like to feel the wind on my face, it helps me with my general awareness. I tried a full face, and I felt a bit closed off but that was just me.

As my experience increases, and I start to do more than belly flying and backloops, I'll probably invest in a full face helmet but for now, I wanna feel the rush!

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Protec Fullcut.

I didn't need to do anything with my audible other than stick it in the ear cut-out... stayed all by itself for me.

Worry about the expensive stuff after you've got your wings under you. Partially to spread out the expense. Partially to keep the good visibility and help you hear better. Partially because some DZ's won't want their students/newbies using full face. And partially because you're most likely to scratch up your helmet when you're newer.

Just my $.02

^This. Only thing missing is the fact that the Pro-Tec actually offers some protection for your head. The "skydive specific" helmets don't offer much more than "bump and scrape" protection.
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I'm a student and just started jumping my full face helmet about 5 jumps or so ago...I'm off the walkie talkie and done with AFF though...I have the Phantom XV. While I prefer it over the open face, I do now wish I went with the cookie. No probs fogging in freefall. But, I don't care for the strap/button fastener on side. I also don't like that the visor isn't fully retractable and that the mouth is fully covered. I did like the price... but if I could go back I would shell out the extra cash for a cookie. I would ask your instructors first about if they would even allow you to wear full face before you go buy now.

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I jumped a Bunny for the longest time and now jump the Phantom XV. I truly love the Phantom. It is very well designed, and functional. The only con that I have is that it is difficult to talk to people while you wear it, however who wants to talk to people anyway? Thats way overrated :)

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Check out the Kiss, it surpases Phantom and the Cookie if you have the $ for it.

Could you maybe be a little more informative?

This is not for me - but simply saying "you should get X because it's better" does not actually help someone make a decision, unless that person already knows you and thinks you are a God. Why is it better?
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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No chin strap (which can be uncomfortable), less claustrophobic feeling inside the helmet, better ventilation, unobstructed field of view, thicker shell, lens can be changed with ease in no time without any tools, outside audible ports.

It is perfect for people that can't get their head into a Cookie or feel that the phantom is too narrow. (like me :) )

I tried them all. Honestly if you can fit your head into a Cookie I'd highly recommend considering Z-1 Sl-14 instead. Cheaper, same quality.

But if you are looking for an open face helmet and want some real protection Tonfly made something you would be interested in.

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*** If you're still a student get a Protech but why the halfshell ? the full helmet will offer more protection and not move around your head as much . when your progressed to where you want to slap a go pro on it ;)

I just think half shell looks silly:) I must be wrong then...

Looks 1st, safety 2nd. The last thing you need right now is some over priced GO PRO holder. And IMO an audible. Learn the right way with putting OUR safety FIRST.

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Benny is great, but the advertised audible pockets are just cuts in the foam for your ears, put an audible in there and you'll see that the whole ear-cheek region is kinda without protective padding.
Use DZ gear for training and then get a decent fullface. If You really seem to like the 120- FF speed mph "wind in your face" then you can always go and get that cheaper open face.

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Benny is great, but the advertised audible pockets are just cuts in the foam for your ears, put an audible in there and you'll see that the whole ear-cheek region is kinda without protective padding.
Use DZ gear for training and then get a decent fullface. If You really seem to like the 120- FF speed mph "wind in your face" then you can always go and get that cheaper open face.

Some wing suiters recommend open face to get that instant feed back.

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***Benny is great, but the advertised audible pockets are just cuts in the foam for your ears, put an audible in there and you'll see that the whole ear-cheek region is kinda without protective padding.
Use DZ gear for training and then get a decent fullface. If You really seem to like the 120- FF speed mph "wind in your face" then you can always go and get that cheaper open face.

Some wing suiters recommend open face to get that instant feed back.

I had a Benny and now have a Fuel. I enjoy feeling the air.
Instructor quote, “What's weird is that you're older than my dad!”

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