
so I was watching fox and freind this morning...

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I can't remember now if they said it was in England or New England or where. But there was some sporting event with cheerleaders varying in ages from their 30's down to maybe 7 years old. (all female) Then there was this male, whose age I would guess to be 7 or 8, that wanted to cheer with them. They gave him a pair of pom poms, shorts that matched the girls skirts and got him involved. They then explained that the kid was already involved in ballet classes and stuff of that nature.

Now if I was the parent I probably would not have it. However, I think its pretty obvious that the kid wants to be a girl. So if they are going to allow him in there, why not issue the kid a skirt. If they did so, it would still look like cheerleaders and probably nobody would even notice. Instead as they had it, it looked like 20+ cheerleaders and one future flamer which I think is far more repulsive.
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Give him a skirt and call it a kilt, eh? B|

Sure they look the same anyway.
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Why is it that once every couple of weeks someone has to start an "I hate homos" thread in here? I guess the "Brokeback Mountain" thread must be getting stale.

P.S. - it's spelled "F-R-I-E-N-D". And if this wasn't a lowbrow hate thread, I probably wouldn't give a shit. But thanks for validating the stereotype.

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What have you got against male cheerleaders?

George W was a male cheerleader, and he turned out OK, right? :)

George W. Bush was not a cheerleader running around with pom poms and being carried by females. Instead his role was more to assist the female cheerleaders by carrying them. That is and entirely different story. But nice try.

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Why is it that once every couple of weeks someone has to start an "I hate homos" thread in here? I guess the "Brokeback Mountain" thread must be getting stale.
There is no hate in this post. I was simply stating that if the kid was allowed to do what he really wished it would be less repulsive to watch.


I probably wouldn't give a shit. But thanks for validating the stereotype.

What stereotype are we referring to?

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>George W. Bush was not a cheerleader running around with pom poms and being carried by females.

What's wrong with pom poms and being carried by women?

>Instead his role was more to assist the female cheerleaders by carrying them.

So he was sort of a cheerleader lackey?

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the boy's only 7 or 8 years old. how's he going to carry a cheerleader?

He isn't and that is why he has no place there. What he wants is to act like the rest of the girls and they are letting him do it halfway. I think if they must that it would be better if they let him do it all the way.
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I guess you watched was he was doing better than I did.

And not sure about "nice try..." I voted for him, after all. (Well, in 2000...)

Again your loosing me. What are you saying that George W. Bush as a male cheerleader (in college) was running around with pom poms and having himself carryied by the female cheerleaders? Or are you saying that this morning the kid of fox and friends was not? Which is it?
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>George W. Bush was not a cheerleader running around with pom poms and being carried by females.

What's wrong with pom poms and being carried by women?
Nothing if you are a cheerleader and female. A male being carried by females in that senario just looks disturbing to me.

>Instead his role was more to assist the female cheerleaders by carrying them.

So he was sort of a cheerleader lackey?

If you want to put it that way, then ok.

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I have no idea what the kid on Fox was doing. I didn't watch the show.

My knowledge of George Bush's cheerleading at Yale was just that: he was a cheerleader at Yale. I don't know what his position was on the hotly contested pom-pom issue (was he "in favor of a woman's right to pom-poms?" or was he in favor of pom-pom cuts).

"I guess you watched what he was doing" was originally referring to GWB, but equally true for the kid as well.

Based on some of the college cheerleading squads I've seen, there are some moves in which the guys are carried by the girls. Usually these moves an the finales (the guy is sort of carried by a bunch of girls as if he's laying down -- I have no idea what the move is called). They look pretty hard on the girls, and require some athletic ability, I'd bet. Does that make them morally wrong or something? I'm just trying to figure this out.

In thinking about it, using a smaller kid would probably make it easier to do those moves if the girls weren't quite as athletic.

Don't get me wrong, like I said, I'm not a cheerleader, and I'm not gay (which is I think what you're implying cheerleading will do to the kid). I'm just trying to work out what permitted behavior in your opinion.

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>A male being carried by females in that senario just looks disturbing to me.

Why? I wouldn't mind! Better than being carried by a bunch of guys.

Thats like saying I wouldn't mind having my pants pulled down in front of a my homeroom class. It would be better than having them pulled down in front of the audience at a footbal game so while everybody got to laugh.

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>A male being carried by females in that senario just looks disturbing to me.

Why? I wouldn't mind! Better than being carried by a bunch of guys.

Yes, but you are weird... and "straight" men prefer to wear little tight pants and "tackle" each other, forming the occasional "man pile" on top of one another... oh, and occasionally slapping each other on the rear...

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>Thats like saying I wouldn't mind having my pants pulled down in
> front of a my homeroom class. It would be better than having them
> pulled down in front of the audience at a footbal game so while
> everybody got to laugh.

OK, obviously I'm missing something here. Having a woman carry a man is more embarrassing than having a man carry a woman? It's like geting your pants pulled down?

Is this going to be like that "I want to call my truck a 350" thing that I'm just never going to understand?

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Yes, but you are weird... and "straight" men prefer to wear little tight pants and "tackle" each other, forming the occasional "man pile" on top of one another...

And if you do it without protection, it's called rugby. Or unsafe sex. Take your pick.

Rugby, where each team has a hooker...

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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This reminds me of a couple of guys and their girlfriends who came to our dropzone one day when I was on a wind hold. They were looking or a first tandem jump. All of the tandem instructors available that day (I think there were 4) were men.

The guys hadn't quite understood the whole "tandem means strapped into another skydiver" thing, and spent at least 5 minutes asking around if there were female tandem instructors (including asking my friend who had just finished her 2nd AFF jump -- now THAT would have been funny).

I they got over it, because all four of them went, but it was painful to watch how awkward these guys were about it....

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Is this going to be like that "I want to call my truck a 350" thing that I'm just never going to understand?

Hey, hey, hey, lets not get confused here, its an F-550. See picture attached.
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Is this going to be like that "I want to call my truck a 350" thing that I'm just never going to understand?

Hey, hey, hey, lets not get confused here, its an F-550. See picture attached.

And I think you just answered his question. :P

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Hooker is an absolutely brutal position to play. I generally played wing forward.

For those who don't know the game, the hooker is generally a little guy who is held between by two very large guys in the scrum. If you're not very careful, it's a great way to break your neck.

I qualify as a little guy (by rugby standards) at 5'11" and 185 lbs, so I had to do it for three games. I was more afraid playing hooker the three times I did it (two in college and once just recently) than I have been in any of my skydives (not that there's all that many of those, yet).

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