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mikkey 0
QuoteQuoteBut to stay on subject. If our country wish to be the guiding light, then we need to practice what we preach and not stoop to the level of those we are against. Show that we can be compassionate yet stern. Torture is barbaric and even though our enemies do it it is no reason that we do the same. We cannot win over the sons and daughters of our enemies by being the same as our enemies.
Before you can be a "guiding light," you have to survive and thrive. Sometimes in order to just manage that, you have to be pretty darned fierce and nasty.
Your reasoning in several posts in this thread is not so distant from the way Al Qaeda justifies its actions.
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.
QuoteBefore you can be a "guiding light," you have to survive and thrive. Sometimes in order to just manage that, you have to be pretty darned fierce and nasty.
Your reasoning in several posts in this thread is not so distant from the way Al Qaeda justifies its actions.

If you can't tell the difference, I doubt I or anyone here can help you learn how.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"
Trae 1

Putting one soldier/interrogator into a container to interrogate one prisoner/ detainee/terrorist without supervision is an acceptable interrogation technique?
This Iraq war was started with a pre-emptive strike that was based upon false and misleading intelligence. The true reason for starting it is getting a bit blurred with all this torture stuff. Is the fighting to defend bad behaviour or to stop it?
Most believe that the terrorists do pre-emptive strikes based on false and misleading evidence.
Information gained though torture has a tendency to be unreliable. What is done with this info? Is the torture stuff more like a training ground for even more excessive force? Creating lots of soldiers who will do anything to the enemy if told to without question?
Where has the high moral ground gone? if it ever existed.
There must be some concerns re deprogramming these interrogators to prepare them for return to society. If memory serves there was a huge violent crime increase when all the drug addicted US soldiers returned home after their stint in Vietnam.
What'll happen this time round?
Too many ???? that's part of the prob with Iraq ..not enough real solutions just more violence.
QuoteQuoteBefore you can be a "guiding light," you have to survive and thrive. Sometimes in order to just manage that, you have to be pretty darned fierce and nasty.
Your reasoning in several posts in this thread is not so distant from the way Al Qaeda justifies its actions.

If you can't tell the difference, I doubt I or anyone here can help you learn how.
Nope, I agree. They justify their actions exactly the same way: We must do bad things to survive and gain autonomy (from the west).
The only difference is degree, not overall attitude.
They are willing to do "nasty" things to survive. Apparently, so are you.

Dolph 0
That's the absurd part.
If you don't like the fact that I consider myself at war with you and free to kill you in any situation whatsoever, what are you gonna do about it? Declare war on me??!![]()
Nope. I'd try to kill you legally. Once you're captured or some such, I'll gently look the other way as your "interrogation" is outsourced to another nation.
It's absurd on its face that in WAR, I have to be NICE to you about the way I'm trying to kill you. I'M FUCKING TRYING TO [I]KILL[/I] YOU!!!!!!![]()
Yep, and if you do so illegally - your own may punish you. They might even kill you.
Yet another point showing Yossarian from Catch-22 was right:
the enemy is whoever is trying to kill you
Doesn't matter what side he's on
Hackb431 0
But just to stir some things up, why do I keep hearing how inhumane and unjust and all this other whining from people that to me appear never to have been in a combat situation?
It's easy to sit back and be righteous and just when you are not faced with the stress of life and death every day. Walk a mile in the boots of combat soldiers who have to deal with mayhem every day and see if your outlook changes just a bit.
My son is in Iraq...
Then your son most likely understands what I am trying to say here.
Hackb431 0
cool, so i guess you bought the whole they hate us cause we're free story and voted bush and every 1 question if i may. if your commanders told you to take arms against fellow americans on american soil..would you do it?
Well I did vote for Bush, primarily because when your sole income and career is Military the Republican party is know for giving you a raise and more funding. Where as the democratic party is more likely to cut military spending and close bases. Both parties are doing what they feel is best for the country but I will vote for the guy who represents my personal situation the best.
As for the whole they hate us for being free thing....I think they hate us more for being arrogant and their culture and ours conflict both politically and socially. We are the most wealthy and wastefull country out there. I know it pisses me off when I see Rapper gangsters on TV Bling Blingin' when I have bills going unpaid and all I want to do is jump but can't cause rent is due. Same thing in my opinion.
As for taking up arms against fellow Americans...the oath you take upon entrance includes I will defend against all enemies both foriegn and domestic. Hell I fear fellow Americans more so than foriegn terrorists so my answer is given the right situation then Yes I would. Would'nt you if you way of life was threatened?
kallend 2,070
But just to stir some things up, why do I keep hearing how inhumane and unjust and all this other whining from people that to me appear never to have been in a combat situation?
It's easy to sit back and be righteous and just when you are not faced with the stress of life and death every day. Walk a mile in the boots of combat soldiers who have to deal with mayhem every day and see if your outlook changes just a bit.
My son is in Iraq...
Then your son most likely understands what I am trying to say here.
My son was brought up to know that someone else's bad behavior did not justify bad behavior on his part. Apparently you were not brought up that way.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
Once again we as a whole are being charctorized by the actions of a few.
The "condonement" and the actions are wrong and a large number of people may be involved, but they are a small part of the Military and do not represent all of us.
But it is the Human way to attack all for a fews actions. We do it every day to actors, skydivers soldiers, police and politicians. (ok so the last one was a bad example

So, start being safe, first!!!
Hackb431 0
My son is in Iraq...
Then your son most likely understands what I am trying to say here.
My son was brought up to know that someone else's bad behavior did not justify bad behavior on his part. Apparently you were not brought up that way.
Now we are getting somewhere. Again to re-iterate my point is not to justify or condone the actions of the soldier in question but to shed some light on the mentality of people placed in these combat situations. Take it how you want to but no offense intended but no matter how well you raised your son after going through what he is currently seeing his mentality will be changed.
It is my sincere hope that he can cope with it and grow from the experience but make no mistake he will be changed.
That's the absurd part.
If you don't like the fact that I consider myself at war with you and free to kill you in any situation whatsoever, what are you gonna do about it? Declare war on me??!
It's absurd on its face that in WAR, I have to be NICE to you about the way I'm trying to kill you. I'M FUCKING TRYING TO [I]KILL[/I] YOU!!!!!!
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"
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