
I am thankful I live in a country where this is possible

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She was saying she was GLAD of our ability to be messy and jabber. She is proud that we have the ability to be dumb if we want or to argue silly points. And you STILL find offense.


christ all mighty
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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If I have to do what you say, then is it really a free country?

You may not like what I choose to gripe about, or how I go about my griping,

but where the fuck do you get off screaming at me to knock it off? If you don't want to know it, don't fucking read it. Your bitching about what I say is far more pathetic than what I say could ever be.

And it's funny -- you're using your right to bitch, in order to criticize my using my right to bitch. Not too hypocritical a position, huh? :S

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Quack Quack


Hunting down threads I have written in and posting "Quack"?

Not much going on in your life?

I guess I don't know what to say. Could be I should be flattered that you have taken such an interest in me.

But something makes me uneasy about this, in a "maybe-I'm-the-victim-of-an-unbalanced-stalker" kinda way... [:/]

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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DUDE.. I stopped at just a couple threads....and its a wet windy rainy night in Seattle... and its SciFriday... and Stargate Atlantis just came on... and.... my wireless network in my house RAWKS.....and there are a LOT of commercials....

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... enjoying the dots?????

a search of Peacefulljeffrey and gun keywords comes up with.. 39+ pages

Quack Quack


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You should try "JohnRich," then.
And "pajarito"
And "ron"
And "billvon"
And "TomAiello"


But hey, you're fascinated with me. Can I blame you? Surely not.

Knock ya'self out. :$
I am pretty cute! And what a conversationalist!

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.


Poor parable - the worker ants are FEMALE, and you forgot the Monster Raving Looney Party.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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in reply to "how about that? We could swap places"

Have you got a real nice car and fast friends to go with the deal?

;) I'm considering it. I've heard there is nothing in the world like those friendly Finnish ladies

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The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.


Poor parable - the worker ants are FEMALE, and you forgot the Monster Raving Looney Party.

yeah, I thought the 'withering heat' was pushing it somewhat as well! hehe

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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