
If some-one offered you money to shut up?

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If some-one offered you money to be quiet about something obviously unjust would you take it and shhhhhhhh .?

eg if you knew something unjust was happening or had happened to a person/victim and you were offered money to 'look the other way' would you take it?
What if instead of money you were offered a nice job with more prestige than you currently have...would that be more attractive to you than just being paid off?

Say this was to do with systemic corruption and you had the goods on the powers that be .
Under what circumstances would you 'stick to your guns' ?

If you were subsequently threatened with violent retribution as a second option what would you do then? Take the money ? or job? or go to a higher potentially more corrupt power seeking a just solution.?

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No, that's called bribery, and I wouldn't do it.

What would my culpability be if someone offered me money and suggested I forget something, but then I took the money, and spilled the beans anyway?

I mean, if they committed a crime, and I turned them in, it would be like reward money from the criminal!! That should be legal if it isn't. :D

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I mean, if they committed a crime, and I turned them in, it would be like reward money from the criminal!! That should be legal if it isn't. :D

That's it, can I have a small bronze statue of you to have here at work?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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No, I don't think everything/everyone has a price. There are some things I wouldn't do for any amount of money (kill someone, seriously harm someone, have an abortion if my life wasn't in danger, etc...) and I'm sure others have similar lists. There comes a point where you look at what really matters, and decide that in certain situations, money doesn't matter, no matter how much, because if you do something for money and then can't live with yourself afterwards, what's the point?

Edited to add: I remember having a very lively discussion in my college ethics/philosophy of human nature class. It was really fascinating, and everyone had good points, on both sides.

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My father bought and paid for me a long, long time ago. He purchased that by teaching respect, honor, integrity, values, and self-worth. He purchased that by letting me learn early and often, so that as I matured and grew, I would not have to learn again, harder. And he purchased that with undying, unconditional love.

I'm not for sale.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Hell, take their money, if it is cash. THEN report their crimes to the authorities, then deny you took the payments, and go into the witness protection program. :P
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I mean, if they committed a crime, and I turned them in, it would be like reward money from the criminal!! That should be legal if it isn't. :D

That's it, can I have a small bronze statue of you to have here at work?

HA!! :D

Sure dude, no problemo. I just happen to have a couple of extra little models from when they did the life-sized one... :D

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I declined, subsequenlty lost my job, nearly lost my house, had to scrape by and barely made it. I was tenacious enough to wait it out. Now things are better for me ...oh and the IRS and attorney general have enough evidence to fry the fuckers :)
Thanks for playing have a nice day ;) prison should be down right comfy for the sleezeballs.
Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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I declined, subsequenlty lost my job, nearly lost my house, had to scrape by and barely made it. I was tenacious enough to wait it out. Now things are better for me ...oh and the IRS and attorney general have enough evidence to fry the fuckers :)
Thanks for playing have a nice day ;) prison should be down right comfy for the sleezeballs.

Ah. A kindred spirit.

I left my job and had my life threatened. I couldn't get a real job for three years.

But he lost his license to practice law.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Well the good ol boy network is alive and well here. They thought they were going to blackball me but didn't count on being outwitted. They used to say 'mess with the bull and you are gonna get the horns' all the time.

Well wonder what they think of the good ol Texas longhorn :)
Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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when it comes to actions that don't directly hurt others, I think everyone has a price. May be small, may be large, may be something other than money - job, life, etc.

But if the task was to kill someone, that's a different matter and I think a considerable number wouldn't be able to do it.

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Ugh, wow, I hope this isn't about a situation you are stuck in. [:/]

I would really like to think that my morals can't be bought. I guess that for me to be honest, I'd have to say that it would depend on how grave the situation was and how much money was offered.

If someone offered me a million dollars to not tell the cops that they'd driven drunk, hit a couple of parking meters and drove off, I'd be like, "Ho-kay!" :)
If someone offered me a hundred bucks to say nothing when I saw them bash another car in a parking lot, then fuck no, I'd be writing down their license plate, calling a cop and waiting for the victim to come out of the store so I could tell them what I saw.

If I found out that managers at work were routinely padding their own paychecks or embezzling funds from the company, I'd notify some authority, whether it be the CEO, the police, or the attorney general.

If I were threatened with VIOLENT RETRIBUTION, I would sure as fuck not capitulate to that. I can return violence if it's brought to me directly, but if I know that it is just implied, I would notify the police that I had been threatened and demand to file a charge against the person who'd made the threat.

Who is the higher, potentially more corrupt power to whom you would appeal? Still inside the company, or within the police?

If there is nowhere you can bring the complaint, you might just have to drop the issue. If you can drop the issue (by necessity) AND get a payoff out of it, I think that the moral dilemma is solved. What's wrong with taking the money when they've left you no choice? If you keep quiet, and they pay you to, at least they get to feel confident that they're paying to get it so they will get it; you get the confidence that they won't keep second-guessing whether you're gonna keep quiet.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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What if it wasn't money? What if it was the treatment of your brother who had a medical condition threatening his life that you otherwise couldn't afford?

What if it wasthe promise of breaking all the trade barriers to third world countries? A deal between North Korea/Iran/the US about abolishing all nukes?

The creation of hospitals for those without means, of orphanages, well staffed, compassionate and professional?

Usually, if you spend enough time with someone, you'll find their price. Some don't have one and (since you brought up ethics/philosophy discussion in human nature class :D) one could argue such people are coldhearted bastards, if one presented a lucrative enough situation :)

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