
Iran Motivates Germans To Consider Nuclear Weaponry

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Germany and Japan have the requisite technical expertise to build nuclear arsenals in short order. Both are facing potential threats by nuclear-armed neighbors. Given the passage of time, should these two powers develop nuclear arsenals to ensure their existences or, instead, should they depend on extant nuclear powers to protect them? One thing’s for sure, the spectre of Iran is casting a shadow well beyond the Middle East …

Germany 'needs a nuclear arsenal of its own'
By Kate Connolly in Berlin
(Filed: 27/01/2006)

A former defence minister has provoked outrage and broken a major taboo by suggesting that Germany should have its own nuclear arsenal.

Rupert Scholz argued that Berlin needed to embrace the idea of a nuclear deterrent in the light of threats from terrorists and the Middle East.

"We need to ask ourselves how we could react in an appropriate manner to a nuclear threat from a terror state, and if needs be, even by using our own nuclear weapons," he said.

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/01/27/wgermany27.xml&sSheet=/portal/2006/01/27/ixportal.html

Blutarsky 2008. No Prisoners!

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I think EVERY country should have nukes. We won't be a superpower for long. Can you say MAD? Kinda like I think every man (and woman) should carry firearms. Be a more polite world I think. MYOB:P Tired of MY country trying to sell democracy and put a fuckin Micky Dees on every corner of the world. Maybe these other countries want to be left to THEIR ways and not succumb to CORPORATE greed. Every EMPIRE has failed in the long run if I read my history right
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Chirac controls nuclear weapons and has been rattling his nuclear sabre recently.

Putin controls nuclear weapons and has revved-up Russian nuclear missile testing and funding recently.

If Iran can have nuclear weapons, then why not Germany and Japan? These two countries haven't threatened another country in many decades. Whereas Iran's president and military council have pledged death to America and Israel as well as to those who ally with them.

Why should France, Russia and North Korea get the limelight all the time? ;)

Blutarsky 2008. No Prisoners!

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French nukes........that is worrisome[:/]...

...And unshaven, foul-smelling, arrogant, and rude.

I know many (American) skydivers fitting THAT description.

Well, if it were UK nukes, I would have said "dentally-challenged." :P

Just kidding...:P
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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French nukes........that is worrisome[:/]

We should arm Monaco,Andorra,Lichtenstein,San Marino the Holy See and Belgium with small tactical nukes.....just to assure a balance of power in the region;)

"Luxemburg is next to go, and who knows, maybe Monaco..."

Name that song... ;)
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Name that song...

Who's next, by Tom Lehrer. :)
It's scary how apropos some of those songs are these days, isn't it.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Promote nuclear disarment in all countries. Including the US. No country needs an nuclear arsenal. Nuclear energy is another matter altogether. But, bombs? Pure insanity!! What is wrong with promoting peace? Is it wrong to promote peace? To hear Bush and his war-mongers, it is. To hear Bin Laden and his band of nuts, it is. To hear the Bush - puppet, Tony Blair, it is. Something is terriably wrong. What is wrong is that the wrong people are leading us and quickly down the wrong road. Promotion of peace is The Way.


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Oh dear God, NO!!!

The current nuclear stockpile, even allowing for the "megatonnes to megawatts" program, is disgustingly and horrifically large. There is no logical justification for any country to have a stockpile in the thousands.

If Japan or Germany (or Iran for that matter!) moves to violate their NNPT commitments, they should be reported to the UN Security Council.

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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"We need to ask ourselves how we could react in an appropriate manner to a nuclear threat from a terror state ....

Nuclear Terror State? Like The Soviet Union (?) that "Evil Empire" who occupied half their country and stood poised with a nuclear arsenal on their borders for 40 years?

Or were we supposed to have forgotten about that already?


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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French nukes........that is worrisome[:/]

We should arm Monaco,Andorra,Lichtenstein,San Marino the Holy See and Belgium with small tactical nukes.....just to assure a balance of power in the region;)

"Luxemburg is next to go, and who knows, maybe Monaco..."

the french have nukes but if a war broke out they would say:

I am le-tired so I will drink some wine take a nap and chew on my smelly socks...THEN WE LAUNCH THE MISSILES!

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French nukes........that is worrisome[:/]

the french have nukes but if a war broke out they would say:

I am le-tired so I will drink some wine take a nap and chew on my smelly socks...THEN WE LAUNCH THE MISSILES!

Clive Cussler (The author) tells a superbly funny true story of his brush with France's "Force-de-Frappe". If you haven't read it, I'll only say that it involves the French Secret Service, the CIA, Pirate Costumes & Potatoes!:D:D:D:D:D

If war does break out, the British first strike is ready! We've got us a Mercedes truck and 2 guys who'll call themselves Karl & Hans all ready to drive into the French Nuclear Arsenal shouting "Fur You Ze Var Ist Offer! Giffen Sie uz Der Bomben Jetzt!" and there you are! No more French Nukes.

What really worries us are the American Nukes! Still, there's every chance that they're too heavy to actually get off their fat exhausts & out of the launch tubes!


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Germany and Japan have the requisite technical expertise to build nuclear arsenals in short order. Both are facing potential threats by nuclear-armed neighbors.

who are the threatening neighbors of Germany?
The fact that there are only allies around has become
a strong argument to do away with short and medium
range missiles.

FWIW, Germany already hosts 150 or so nuclear war heads
(in possessions of US) which, under current treaties, would
be delivered with German planes and pilots.

Cheers, T
Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true

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Germany 'needs a nuclear arsenal of its own'
By Kate Connolly in Berlin
(Filed: 27/01/2006)

A former defence minister has provoked outrage and broken a major taboo by suggesting that Germany should have its own nuclear arsenal.

What, you mean Germany has not already made it a crime to suggest that Germany should possess a nuclear defense? :S

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Promote nuclear disarment in all countries. Including the US. No country needs an nuclear arsenal. Nuclear energy is another matter altogether. But, bombs? Pure insanity!! What is wrong with promoting peace? Is it wrong to promote peace? To hear Bush and his war-mongers, it is. To hear Bin Laden and his band of nuts, it is. To hear the Bush - puppet, Tony Blair, it is. Something is terriably wrong. What is wrong is that the wrong people are leading us and quickly down the wrong road. Promotion of peace is The Way.

The problem with promoting peace (with the accompanying voluntary disarmament that it suggests) is that unless everyone everywhere does it simultaneously, there will be some holdout who retains his weapons til just after the others have eliminated theirs -- and he will have power over them at that moment. And he will be the last motherfucker you'd want to be in charge.

Because of human nature, peace just doesn't work, I'm afraid.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Promote nuclear disarment in all countries. Including the US. No country needs an nuclear arsenal. Nuclear energy is another matter altogether. But, bombs? Pure insanity!! What is wrong with promoting peace? Is it wrong to promote peace? To hear Bush and his war-mongers, it is. To hear Bin Laden and his band of nuts, it is. To hear the Bush - puppet, Tony Blair, it is. Something is terriably wrong. What is wrong is that the wrong people are leading us and quickly down the wrong road. Promotion of peace is The Way.

Dude, lay off the bong. What nonsense. Didn't work in the 60s, not gonna work now. All the hippies--they all drive BMWs and have 401(k)s. Counterculture shite is fun when young, but you eventually have to accept reality.
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Didn't work in the 60s, not gonna work now. All the hippies--they all drive BMWs Mercedes and 4x4 Diesel PU and have 401(k)s. Counterculture shite is fun when young, but you eventually have to accept reality.

There fixed it for youB|

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