
Anti-smoking Anvil Rant

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Dammit! I like to shoot pool, even though I am not good. The pool joint near my house is OK, except for one thing. They allow people to smoke inside. I fucking HATE. I mean I fucking HATE smelling that shit. However, I shot pool anyway. Now I have to strip down naked, throw every fucking thing I wore into a laundry basket, and set it outside so the fucking stench of the fucking smokers won't stink my house up. I'm so pissed off I went to shoot pool I think I'm going to drink some tequila. Er...I was going to drink tequila anyway, but now I'm going to drink more of it.

I'm very libertarian in many aspects, but I wish smoking were banned at all public places. Period. I fucking hate it. I hate it when I'm in a restaurant, I hate it when I'm in a pool hall, I REALLY hate it when I'm reading on the beach and some fuckhead lights up and the stench wafts my way. I hate it when I'm running and some fucktard's smoke gets in my path. I hate it when I want to sit outside at a restaraunt and enjoy a meal outdoors, and all of a sudden I end up surrounded by fucking smokers because they can't smoke indoors, so they come smoke outdoors where I'm eating and ruin my fucking meal with the stench of cigarettes.

There. I've said it. I need to get out of these fucking stenched up clothes and set them outside to soak in a bucket or something. I need to find a no-smoking pool place or buy myself a pool table I guess. Fuck am I angry right now. Perhaps I'll go on an evening run to clear my lungs and vent the anger and then drink some tequila.

Anybody feel the same way? I know it's my own fault for going, so I'm a bit ticked at myself, but I wanted to shoot pool and the consequences of doing so have fucking angered me.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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A privately owned pool hall is a public place? And restuarants too?

Time to buy yourself a pool table and set it up in the backyard - drew carry style. ;)

For the record, I like bars that have no smoking better too. But I do NOT support any type of law that makes them have to.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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I hate it when I want to sit outside at a restaraunt and enjoy a meal outdoors, and all of a sudden I end up surrounded by fucking smokers because they can't smoke indoors, so they come smoke outdoors where I'm eating and ruin my fucking meal with the stench of cigarettes.

We can't have it both ways. If we ban any smoking in the workplace, we can't be surprised or upset that they congregate just outside. It would have been far better had the law permitted for smoking rooms like I occasionally see at airports.

And yeah, I'd hate to have to put up with that at a pool hall. California eliminated that concern, but if I go to Vegas, I dress like a bum because I don't want any nice clothes ruined.

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Vote with your money. Go somewhere where smoking isn't allowed.

Not so many of such places? The it might be because those who spend lots of money at pool halls like a cig.

As far as outside, I hate it when shallow people walk by. Or beautiful people. Or ugly people. Fucking people ruin my day. I fucking hate it when I have to wait to get on a lift. It's fucking annoying and really, like totally, bums me off and threatens to destroy the world as we know it.

Like the people wearing excessive amounts of deodorant or other smelly stuff. That fucking ticks me off (really!). That should be illegal, too. What right do they have to piss me off in that way? People are allergic to that stuff, too.

Ban it all. Start with humans.

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A privately owned business isn't a "public venue" in the true since of the word. Its public access private property, but its still private property. Thus if something doesn't violate any of the state, federal or local codes, then good on them. As of now in many places its still legal to smoke on private property, even though folks are fighting (and winning) to take away private individual's rights to allow or dis-allow these actions on their private property.

Personally I will tell you that even though I'm a smoker, the intense amount of smoke in the pool halls I enjoy do leave me annoyed. However, I respect the business owner's right to choose to have or not have smoking. If it bothered me *that* much I wouldn't go.

There's nothing stopping anyone from purchasing a pool table and putting it in their house (someday hopefully I'll be one of those people:P).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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WA just banned smoking in all public venues.....I think its a very good thing...

You may have a right to smoke.. but I have a right not to smell your stench.

Oh and go put your ears in an ashtray... they are smoking:P

creeeeeaaaaaaak... :D

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I'll smoke to that.:P A BIG FAT FUCKIN CIGAR. Go find a yuppie bar to shoot pool :P

Oddly enough, cigarette smoke really annoys me, but I find cigar smoke to be quite pleasant. :P

Edit: as long as it's not the cheap shit. :ph34r:

I like pipe smoke, and clove cigarettes, but I detest the smell of cigar smoke. It's like they packed a bunch of fuckin' humus from the forest floor, including animal shit, into a tube so they could burn it. :S

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Oooooh...that's a good idea...pool and tequila...and no smoking...you might be onto something there...

Anvil's Tequila Paradise...pool tables...a velcro wall with a trampoline for stupid human tricks...and a mechanical bull...discount shooters for women in bikinis...air hockey...and best of all...no smoking...I wonder how much investment capital I would need...

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Anybody feel the same way?

Completely, and many pool halls are packed with minors and they are smoking. Now instead of having acne and looking totally lost, they look like smoking monkeys AND they have acne and look totally lost.

But, a business owner should get to choose how they run their own joint.

Take your dollars elsewhere. Or, pretend you are a liberal and protest them publicly and make their personal lives hell until it's changed. Shout them down whenever they try to respond. everybody's doing it...

Sounds like a business opportunity for Vinnie. Pool, wind tunnel, tequila, funland.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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clan rallies

Where's the hot fork?
Or even the lukewarm fork?

You guys should get a room.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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My son and I went to shoot pool before his guitar lesson last night too. I thought the same thing. Always pisses me off when I leave a place smelling like smoke...and my darlin' (lol) boy went to his guitar lesson stinky too. I don't like to be in smoky places either, but I also think that laws prohibiting smoking are wrong. I can choose whether I want to go there or not though....
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Comments like this are VERY VERY telling

insights and bias are very telling, but personal attacks on the forums are part of our respect for Sangiro and what he's doing for us here. But I overstepped my bounds Do what you want.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Rules have to apply to all of us, and not be excepted just because the person being attacked is considered by some to also be over the top.

Or else it's just a popularity contest.

Smoking in big places suck - I hope owners realize this and start to CHOOSE to make more places non-smoking.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Oh I feel so honored that the great PJ would take time out of his life of correcting peoples spelling and clan rallies to respond.. I am so honored.

it's klan with a k people...get it right! :D:P
"Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch
NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329

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