
Do you oppose same-sex marriage for religious reasons?

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Let me first apologize for bringing this topic up once again; I know it has been argued into the ground on here...

But I am writing a position paper on same-sex marriage and trying to come up with a clear reason for why people are opposed to it... So for those of you who are opposed to it, is it mostly a religious and/or moral issue for you? Or is it something else? (Links to websites that provide clear opposition statements would be appreciated too, as most of what I am finding is not very clear.)

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I think you'll find people will offer answers which fall into the following categories:

1) Clearly stated religious or moral opposition based on non-universal premises.

2) Weak practical reasons which obscure or disguise a religious or moral stand. Often accompanied by a footnoted religious/moral position which is usually the real key to their thinking.

3) Weak practical reasons which obscure or disguise bigotry. Often accompanied by a footnoted comment about revulsion, social superiority, or fear of an uprising by oppressed groups.

4) Confusion (i.e.: misunderstandings about the practical ramifications).

5) They personally don't want to engage in it so they don't believe anyone else should.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I am a Christian and belive its not my place to judge others. Guess not everyone is easily put in a catorgory. ;)
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Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I am a Christian and belive its not my place to judge others. Guess not everyone is easily put in a catorgory. ;)

I wasn't drawing comprehensive categories to describe the entire human race -- just people who fell under the scope of the original question.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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No. I'm not religious.

But I am not sure whether I support or oppose the idea. I also don't know I am comfortable with the idea of gay couples adopting.

I just think that society is moving WAY too fast in an "anything goes, any lifestyle is just as legitimate as any other" direction, and we don't have ANY idea what kinds of repercussions there will be, down the line, in terms of just what kind of people we are going to be raising in these kinds of environments.

In my mind, "these kinds of environments" is not limited to GAY situations, either. Environments where day-care raises kids for their parents because both of them work and one does not stay at home... Environments where TV raises kids because the parents are ILL-EQUIPPED to BE parents, or just apathetic. Environments where it's treated as perfectly okay that there were never going to be TWO parents in the picture...

Lots of departures from the "traditional" family have occurred in recent generations, and I fear that they are not for the better. The big problem is, we are not able to run test-scenarios. We are doing a live exercise and we will be living the result, even if it is disastrous as far as the kind of people who are raised up from these kinds of "families."

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I am a Christian and belive its not my place to judge others. Guess not everyone is easily put in a catorgory.

Amen to that..

I hear of the sanctity of marriage in this country..... and the 50%+ divorce rate and see some HUGE amounts of hypocrisy there.

I two people want to experience all of this marital bliss.. then more power to them.

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LMFAO... I love the way you dismiss out of hand any view that would oppose yours as "weak"...

MUST be weak -- it doesn't agree with YOU! :S

You make me laugh, man. :D

You're trying to point out bigotry, and instead you just exhibit elitism and arrogance.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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It's too bad you didn't understand what I wrote, but I wouldn't expect otherwise.

Yeah, you're right. It wasn't a transparent attempt to make a pre-emptive statement that anyone who opposes gay marriage can't possibly have valid reasons, even if they are just personal feelings.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Yeah, you're right. It wasn't a transparent attempt to make a pre-emptive statement that anyone who opposes gay marriage can't possibly have valid reasons, even if they are just personal feelings.

Valid reasons not based on religion or personal morals? Please name one or two.



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No. I'm not religious.

But I am not sure whether I support or oppose the idea. I also don't know I am comfortable with the idea of gay couples adopting.

I just think that society is moving WAY too fast in an "anything goes, any lifestyle is just as legitimate as any other" direction, and we don't have ANY idea what kinds of repercussions there will be, down the line, in terms of just what kind of people we are going to be raising in these kinds of environments.

In my mind, "these kinds of environments" is not limited to GAY situations, either. Environments where day-care raises kids for their parents because both of them work and one does not stay at home... Environments where TV raises kids because the parents are ILL-EQUIPPED to BE parents, or just apathetic. Environments where it's treated as perfectly okay that there were never going to be TWO parents in the picture...

Lots of departures from the "traditional" family have occurred in recent generations, and I fear that they are not for the better. The big problem is, we are not able to run test-scenarios. We are doing a live exercise and we will be living the result, even if it is disastrous as far as the kind of people who are raised up from these kinds of "families."


wow! Amazing Jeffrey! :):) ( except I DO know where I stand on the idea:))

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Let me first apologize for bringing this topic up once again; I know it has been argued into the ground on here...

But I am writing a position paper on same-sex marriage and trying to come up with a clear reason for why people are opposed to it... So for those of you who are opposed to it, is it mostly a religious and/or moral issue for you? Or is it something else? (Links to websites that provide clear opposition statements would be appreciated too, as most of what I am finding is not very clear.)

Here's the first link google produced...

It has in interesting overview on the front page and some links to other points of view.


The institution of marriage has been in a state of flux for centuries:

It was only after the civil war that African-Americans were allowed to marry in all areas of the U.S.

It was only after a U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1967 that mixed race couples could marry anywhere in the U.S.

But, until recently, same-sex couples could not marry anywhere in the world.

I think most opposition to SSM can be generally boiled down to xeno-phobia.:|
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I'm currently reading The Commitment by Dan Savage, kind of a follow-up to his book The Kid. Both contain a lot of information on the oppositions to same-sex marriage and adoption (and, unless you had your funny bone removed, will crack you up). Check them out if you're looking for a fun take on the subject.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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wow! Amazing Jeffrey! :):) ( except I DO know where I stand on the idea:))

You know I'm no defender of religion.

But I also dislike the arrogance of some here, and so I say that I understand if you feel offended that your own (my guess is "religious") reasons for opposing gay marriage are being devalued and delegitimized by people who feel it is their place to condescend to you for believing how you do.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Yeah, you're right. It wasn't a transparent attempt to make a pre-emptive statement that anyone who opposes gay marriage can't possibly have valid reasons, even if they are just personal feelings.

Valid reasons not based on religion or personal morals? Please name one or two.



Why don't you just read my other post. I expressed concern that monkeying with the traditional family may have unseen repercussions. Society already feels them -- look at the problems they attribute to single-parent-raised children, who are more apt to get involved in crime and/or drugs.

(NO, I cannot quote a study. I have read about such studies in the newspaper and that's what I retained, not the author or agency or whatever. I'm a human being, not a rolodex.)

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I oppose same-sex marriages for completely irrational reaso... Oh wait, no I don't. I couldn't care less whether happy adults marry each other, regardless of their respective genders.

:D Will you marry me? I hear you have a big dick. ;)

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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:D Will you marry me?

Thank you so much for asking, but I'm sorry I have to decline. I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment. ;)


I hear you have a big dick. ;)

Aw shucks... :$ That reminds me of something. Did I remember to thank you for giving me that blowjob? :D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I just think that society is moving WAY too fast in an "anything goes, any lifestyle is just as legitimate as any other" direction, and we don't have ANY idea what kinds of repercussions there will be, down the line, in terms of just what kind of people we are going to be raising in these kinds of environments.

Ok, I can agree with that...


Lots of departures from the "traditional" family have occurred in recent generations, and I fear that they are not for the better.

This is true... but I think that the biggest departure from the "traditional" family is having divorced parents... and, as a child that grew up with divorced parents, I can say that I don't think it was the "ideal" environment. I think that a loving family environment, whether that be a mom and a dad, two moms, two dads, or whatever... is better than a family full of conflict. I personally don't think that the gender of your parents has much to do with whether or not you are growing up in a nurturing environment.

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:D Will you marry me?

Thank you so much for asking, but I'm sorry I have to decline. I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment. ;)


I hear you have a big dick. ;)

Aw shucks... :$ That reminds me of something. Did I remember to thank you for giving me that blowjob? :D


You must have Really enjoyed it because you've thanked me a couple of times :)
edited to add: I think you meant "that" kind of commitment ;)

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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>>>I hear of the sanctity of marriage in this country..... and the 50%+ divorce rate and see some HUGE amounts of hypocrisy there.

Currently in the USA it is at 64% of all marriges end in divorce.

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This is true... but I think that the biggest departure from the "traditional" family is having divorced parents... and, as a child that grew up with divorced parents, I can say that I don't think it was the "ideal" environment. I think that a loving family environment, whether that be a mom and a dad, two moms, two dads, or whatever... is better than a family full of conflict. I personally don't think that the gender of your parents has much to do with whether or not you are growing up in a nurturing environment.

That is exactly what I was going to say. People who want to have children enough to go through the process of adopting are generally going to provide a loving and healthy home for that child. That is so much more important than the sex of the parents involved. Who cares if they are the same or opposite sexes. If they love their child and teach them how to behave in the world and provide a good stable home life, that child has a chance. To say that the child will have problems because they grew up in a gay home is absurd. That is just as ridiculous as saying they will be fine because they grew up in a straight home.
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