
Do you oppose same-sex marriage for religious reasons?

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No offense, but this is irrelevant. In the 200 year history of this country's existence, has marriage ever meant anything other than a man and a woman marrying?

What about the remaining four-thousand odd years since God created man, MB?

Don't they count?

Also, the age old question: if God dislikes gays so much, why did he make them?

I know GTA already addressed this in his own inimitable way, but inquiring minds want the answers to these questions.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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What about the remaining four-thousand odd years since God created man, MB?


In Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., created a new religion, Bokononism. The holy scripture of Bokononism was the ever-growing "Books of Bokonon",

The Fourteenth Book
[ A short book with a long title. ]

Title: What Can a Thoughtful Man Hope for Mankind on Earth, Given the Experience of the Past Million Years?

Only verse: Nothing.

Owned by Remi #?

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... In the 200 year history of this country's existence, has marriage ever meant anything other than a man and a woman marrying?

Not so far....there's a lot that we haven't got right yet though


So husband + wife = family wouldn't be considered as "getting it right"?

Only partly right. A family can be many other combinations too.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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wow there are alot of responsed to this post. I'll add mine but its so far down the list might not be read...though i doubt people really care. My thoughts are Who the hell cares if a dude and another dude wanna get married? Or a chick and chick for that matter??? how does it affect you one way or the other? Only that you wanna push your religious beliefs on other people. Then again i am a liberal californian tree huggin hippy. I think we just need to let people be what they want and have the lifstlye they want as long as it does no harm to the general population.
I may not agree with what you have to say but i'll defend to the death your right to say it.

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So physically abusive husband + alcoholic wife = family would be considered as "getting it right"?

I think you're reaching. You don't change the definition of a foundational concept because of abuses.

Yes, because the last 200 years is definitely foundation and nothing should ever change from what it is. In fact, lets take away the right of women to vote too. I mean, the two concepts must have been INVENTED at the same time right?

Progress is dumb. Down with progress, up with denying rights of people who probably have no bearing on your life!

And for the general population:

I should take this time to note: I understand that marriage is a concept that some people like to reserve for man and woman because that is the prevailing notion. And because it is such, it should stay that way. A marriage should not be recognized by the state at all. Only civil unions should, for straights AND gays. This has been said here before but I wanted to say it again. There. That solves this marriage semantics crap.

And then I carry this thought a little further and make this query: Do you people who oppose gay marriage (or unions) HONESTLY think it will stop gay people from living together or raising children? If you do, you are fooling yourselves. You are in no way going to stop gay family units from occurring by denying the right to be legally joined. All you are doing is denying them other rights, such as spousal rights to healthcare. Ya know, fundamental need stuff.

So once again, this concept of the "family unit?" Well, guess what? Holding onto the concept of male/female unions only is just that: a concept. The reality is that the family unit is not, and will never EVER be, ONLY a man and woman. So you can hide behind your belief that you are protecting some type of reality, but the reality is you are not.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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No I'm not reaching. You're talking in circles. The fact of the matter is you think the definition of a word is more important than human rights.

You want a massage too, Keith?

This is nuts. :S

I only argue in these threads for the entertainment value--it's compelling in a gory accident kind of way to watch some of these folks twist themselves into knots, because one thing I know for sure:

Reason and logic have nothing to do with it. The historic record has nothing to do with it. Basic human decency has nothing to do with it. Edited to add: Biology has nothing to do with it.

Sometimes it's just too much to bear.

Nice post, Rob. I enjoyed the clarity of thought, even if it won't do a damn bit of good.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Also, the age old question: if God dislikes gays so much, why did he make them?

You're assuming, of course, that He made them and that other humans did not.


Science has advanced that much while I wasn't looking?

Oh wait. Are we offering up weird psychological theories for gayness? Believe me, Michael, if these were applicable, I'd be a lesbian.

Did anyone read the links I posted? Anyone?

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Progress is dumb.

Gay marriage isn't progress.


Down with progress, up with denying rights of people who probably have no bearing on your life!

Not directly, true. But I'm not thinking only of myself; I'm thinking of the USA that grandchildren and great-grandchildren, etc. will live in. We have a responsibility to them. Family is all-important. I realize that many who grew up in dysfunctional families disagree about the importance of the concept (of Family). But, I guess that's what this forum is for-- we can discuss stuff like this and not have to agree.

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Gay marriage isn't progress.


But, I guess that's what this forum is for-- we can discuss stuff like this and not have to agree.

You say that "gay marriage isn't progress" and you go on to say "Civil unions? No arguments from me" so it at first looks like your argument is merely with a word.

Unfortunately, you then say "But I'm not thinking only of myself; I'm thinking of the USA that grandchildren and great-grandchildren, etc. will live in. We have a responsibility to them. Family is all-important. I realize that many who grew up in dysfunctional families disagree about the importance of the concept (of Family)" and now I'm trying to figure out what you really mean.

Children will be forbidden to those in civil unions?

Children in civil unions will have to be cautioned not to call their living unit a "family"?

I resent your saying that those of us who grew up in dysfunctional families disagree about the importance of "family." "Family" is a basic human need, MB, and those without one sorely feel the lack--sometimes pathologically so. From personal experience--self and others--most of those I know who grew up in dysfunctional families spend their lives seeking to construct a substitute family in place of the original, non-working, family unit.

Furthermore--because it seems to be the implication--I don't believe you will find (if you take the time to do the research) that gays come from dysfunctional family units in any greater numbers than do straights.

Please avoid making assertions that fly in the face of both the facts and of elementary human psychology.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I realize that many who grew up in dysfunctional families disagree about the importance of the concept (of Family).

Then there are people who grew up in perfectly functional families that wouldn't fall into your definition of "family." I think that these families also have value in our society.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Progress is dumb.

Gay marriage isn't progress.


Down with progress, up with denying rights of people who probably have no bearing on your life!

Not directly, true. But I'm not thinking only of myself; I'm thinking of the USA that grandchildren and great-grandchildren, etc. will live in. We have a responsibility to them. Family is all-important. I realize that many who grew up in dysfunctional families disagree about the importance of the concept (of Family). But, I guess that's what this forum is for-- we can discuss stuff like this and not have to agree.

As rl said, there is a great contradiction between you saying you are fine with civil unions and then this. Did you even read a word I wrote after that line?

Actual families have NEVER BEEN and WILL NEVER BE solely a mother, father, and a child. You can want it all you want. You can hope for it. Wish on a star. Dream a little dream. Whatever. But your idealized notion of what a family is (based upon the definition of marriage) is simply not the way it actually is.

So go ahead, "protect" our children an grandchildren from the redefinition of a WORD. Because that is all you are doing. Keep the precious definition of marriage in tact. And while the word stays to mean a male and female union, REALITY will, as it ALWAYS HAS BEEN, far more complex.

But hey, at least we won't be redefining words. [:/]
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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You are wrong. I am bitter. I find it offensive that others feel the need to deprive me of simple rights that most others share.

Many polygamists are also deprived of their 'right'.

Do same sex marriage activists support polygamist rights?

I know some people do, but what about the organizations? It is a simple right that most others share, why deny them?

I think that the general public are much less likely to support the legalization of polygamy than same sex marriage, so it would hurt the cause of same sex marriage advocates.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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