
Do you oppose same-sex marriage for religious reasons?

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ok, just so i can have a hug after the official falling of the axe phone call that occurred 2 hrs and 20 minutes ago... [:/]

Oh dear.

And you didn't PM me?

No wonder you're posting disgusting, perverted, disgusting pictures in the Bonfire.

Hugs, Michael. It'll all be good. Soon.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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After all of that, guess what, I am straight. Imagine that.

Yes, but you're also short and green. :S

No one wants us to be taken over by a race of short, green...what are you, anyway? :D:D

I have to admit that frogs make me wet hot.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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not yet... i was going to call you soon...

and i've been busy looking elsewhere if you get my drift... it'll all be ok... faith is running at fair to middlin as they say down in the south.

panic level is welling at a low simmer.

thanks for the vibes, babe. your love helps.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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After all of that, guess what, I am straight. Imagine that.

Yes, but you're also short and green. :S

No one wants us to be taken over by a race of short, green...what are you, anyway? :D:D

Why you gotta go there...gotta play the race thing...not only do you support those damn fags in their quest to get special treatment, but now you got somthing against short green dudes as well. RACIST!

Just remember you are in Deland, I have friends in low places there that can take care of your kind for me ;)
Time flies like an arrow....fruit flies like a banana

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After all of that, guess what, I am straight. Imagine that.

These people aren't interested in your anecdotal evidence. They're only interested in their own anecdotal evidence.

Who are "these people" you're referring to?

Well, being that you threw out the whole "some companies give extra benefits to gays" thing (assuming this was from personal experience), and have not yet given proof of said companies as requested, I am going to say you are part of "these people."
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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do I have to start singing again? >:(

If you do, I'm sticking hot curling irons in my ears and hot forks in my eyes.

:(Some say I sing perrrty:(:D

And some like the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.

j/k girl. I thought your song choice was nice.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Who are "these people" you're referring to?

Are you still refusing to enumerate the supposed gay-only rights you keep going on about?

I already replied to those questions.

You didn't reply if you were one of the people that engaged in the sham marraiges in Multnomah County.

You had no comment on the sneaky underhanded way the gang of four in Multnomah County went about issuing those invalid marraige licenses.

But I suppose that you have unmasked me Narc.

I confess, in my free time I run around Maui at night with tiki torches, pitchforks, hoes and other garden implements seeking out people that aren't just like me! Sometimes we can't find anyone and the mob turns on me and attacks cause I'm a haole! Yikes!!! So much for mob mentality.

The gay movement went from wanting to be accepted, to wanting to be celebrated to wanting to be married.To much, to soon.

The activist gays probably got GWB reelected due to those 11 states that had gay marraige issues on their ballots, brought out those pesky Christians in droves didn't it?

So go ahead and fire back some lame ass thing about my not answering questions and I'm a racist, bigot bloodthirsty, backward, yadda, yadda, person now.

I'm done with this thread.:P

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But I suppose that you have unmasked me Narc.

That was long winded, but I think that's a backhanded way of admitting you can't come up with any "Special Rights" and you were either lying or just being biased and lazy all along.

I think you are admitting you pulled a typical homophobic soundbite out of your ass.

You did muddle this apology with a lot with bluster, hyperbole, random nonsense, and misdirection so it's hard to tell. You must be very embarassed indeed.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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The extreme political agenda of the homosexual community has become a stain on the undershorts of America. Perhaps the most offensive outcome of their constant activism is that they have shoved down our throats a world in which we cannot go two or three consecutive days without the issue of homosexuality somehow, in one way or another, being constantly brought to our attention.

Now there's an amusing misdirection. Or maybe I should say projection. One need look no further than the last presidential campaign to see that it was the right wing, and not either the left or "militant gay-rights advocates" who kept up the steady drumbeat of "gay marriage" as a political mantra, day after day after day. It was a classic example of making a "fear issue" out of a non-issue; and I gotta hand it to them, it probably won them some votes of people gullible enough to worry about marauding gays hiding under their children's beds. And ever since that campaign, to this day, most of the bitching about gay marriage either comes from right-wing pundits or Republican state legislators, and not from the other side.

Shoved down our throats? Maybe so, but almost always from the right.

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Shoved down our throats? Maybe so, but almost always from the right.

They really worry about that whole down their throats thing...more projection....:D

It's more like wishful thinking.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Just remember you are in Deland, I have friends in low places there that can take care of your kind for me ;)

I'm not in DeLand for much longer.

Please tell them to hurry. :D

Don't make me sick my little Phillipino friend Arlo on you, it won't be pretty :P
Time flies like an arrow....fruit flies like a banana

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Don't make me sick my little Phillipino friend Arlo on you, it won't be pretty :P

Arlo and I are supposed to have a regular weekly date at Publix but she stood me up the last few times.

Do you think she's cheating on me? :(

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Don't make me sick my little Phillipino friend Arlo on you, it won't be pretty :P

Arlo and I are supposed to have a regular weekly date at Publix but she stood me up the last few times.

Do you think she's cheating on me? :(


I am sorry to be the one that has to tell you this, but I actually saw her at the Winn Dixie with another woman.
Time flies like an arrow....fruit flies like a banana

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