
A good old fashioned hanging or firing squad

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We need more men like Gary Gilmore__http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=domesticNews&storyID=2006-02-21T132337Z_01_N21368630_RTRUKOC_0_US-CRIME-EXECUTION-DELAY.xml&archived=False__Me thinks if you commit the crime be a man and take the punishment like a man. Screw the "cruel and unusual BS". What he (they) did (do) to his (their) victim(s) wasn't? Just damn make sure they are guilty before you whack em. I know my English is a crime too so SHOOT ME:P
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
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We need more men like Gary Gilmore__http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=domesticNews&storyID=2006-02-21T132337Z_01_N21368630_RTRUKOC_0_US-CRIME-EXECUTION-DELAY.xml&archived=False__Me thinks if you commit the crime be a man and take the punishment like a man. Screw the "cruel and unusual BS". What he (they) did (do) to his (their) victim(s) wasn't? Just damn make sure they are guilty before you whack em. I know my English is a crime too so SHOOT ME:P

not quite sure what you mean.. Hanging and firing squad are painless, if done right.. thus a far more humane way. Most killing-methods used by US gov today are not.

Oh, and may I suggest doing it in public? Revenge is what it's about, so why not show everyone..

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Well at least hanging he can hang there for a minute or two watching as I drink some beer while telling him to go fuck himself. "Would you like some beer?" "Oh I'm sorry, I forgot you're choking to death and can't drink!"


The execution could not take place after the doctors refused to be present to give the court-required certification that Morales, 46, was in fact unconscious before the lethal injection was given, thus minimizing the pain.

You gotta be fucking kidding. "Minimizing pain"...what a crock of shit.

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Too fast and not enough pain. Hanging for a few minutes while I laugh in his face while drinking some beer is much more fun.

your funny, very funny, just too picture this is great !!!

I always thought the Arabs had a good idea of execution ... ' Stoning to Death '

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Well at least hanging he can hang there for a minute or two watching as I drink some beer while telling him to go fuck himself. "Would you like some beer?" "Oh I'm sorry, I forgot you're choking to death and can't drink!"

only if the executioner sucks at his profession :) hanging IS painless, if done correctly.

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Yet with only hours to go before the death warrant on Morales expired at 11:59 p.m., San Quentin could not find a licensed professional despite "exploring all the options available," Crittendon said.

Barbara Christian, the mother of Morales' victim, said she was angry and disappointed by yet another postponement, which prison officials said would last indefinitely.

"We just want to get this out of our heads and out of our lives," said Christian. "The whole justice system, it's ridiculous... The victims are going through more pain than the murderer."

Simple solution to that problem - abolish the death penalty altogether, like civilized nations have done.

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What disqualified the firing squad as a viable method in the US?

I'm no supporter of the death penalty but if it is implemented, why would a firing squad not be an option?

For me, rather that than lethal injection or (specifically!) the electric chair.

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"Simple solution to that problem - abolish the death penalty altogether, like civilized nations have done" _________________________________________________Only prob I have w/ that is us taxpayers have to foot the bill for 3 hots and a cot for the rest of their lives. And cable TV etc. etc. Maybe if they went back to good old chain gangs and make em grow their own food, like make it, REAL punishment and NO PAROLE for the serious crimes
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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I'm no supporter of the death penalty but if it is implemented, why would a firing squad not be an option?

Isn't the argument something along the lines of the firing squad being too dramatic and allowing criminals to become "martyrs"?
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