
Why is there a need for a "gay day" for skydiving? Or any other kind of "day"?

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That's bullshit. Any basic day at the DZ is supposed to be about the skydiving, and who gives a shit what gender of human being I'm gonna fuck when I get home? :S

Hey dude, I ain't disagreeing with ya. I'm just saying like most I'm a hypocrite when things can turn in my favour. Well, somewhat of a hypocrite, in the sense that I get an urge to act. Usually I have enough sense to override it.


There's nothing about "any basic day at the DZ" that makes it a better day spent there for me as a heterosexual than for some other dude as a gay man.

C'mon Jeff, you gotta admit that the demographics at an ordinary day at the DZ is heavily tilted in favour of white young males and the culture they represent. We're most comfortable in our own sub culture.


Well, I'm glad to hear you say so, anyway. I know that they don't say, "Don't come to skydive if you're a breeder, handsome!" But the idea that the day "belongs" to a group because of something about them that is unrelated to what they do when they skydive is, to me, stupid.

Yeah that's kinda what pisses me off about this too. The "ooh I am gay we're gonna have gay things and do gay stuff! Yayy!" And almost as a sidethought "oh you ca come too, if you're a friend, but this is all about MEEEE and my sexual orientation. Your participation is secondary, if at all. Toodlepipski". Of course that's probably my "inner child" - the bad half - speaking. I listen to both of 'em.

Then again, my attitude is: "wtf, let people do whatever they want. It doesn't affect me. If it does, I'll deal with it like I always do. No change."

Which is the thing - for me, it isn't a big deal unless I make it so.

Live and let live. Let people do their thing if it makes them happy. Others are happy, I'm passingly mildly annoyed because the discriminating factor is so fundamentally *stupid* (sexual orientation).

ANY discrimination, be it a pro- or against rally, only further contributes to an Us vs Them atmosphere.

And that mildly annoys me for a while.

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Yeah that's kinda what pisses me off about this too. The "ooh I am deaf we're gonna have deaf things and do deaf stuff! Yayy!" And almost as a sidethought "oh you ca come too, if you're a hearing friend, but this is all about MEEEE and my disability. Your participation is secondary, if at all. Toodlepipski".

Mark, who is organizing this, is also deaf. Reread your paragraph the way I edited it above. Would you say that to him? Pop on into Skydivers with Disabilities and see how that goes over. Right before the next Deaf World Record should be a good time, since they'll be planning their "deaf thing". :)

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And maybe it was recognized that there are a lot of gay folk who might never consider going to make a first skydive because they had no idea how they might be treated when they arrived at a DZ...so here's an opportunity to be public about a gay friendly place to come make a jump for the first time.

That's about the only offered reason so far that I think seems pretty legit. Thanks.

But I am still wondering how those tentative skydivers would ever even know about a gay boogie. They're not already on the "inside" of skydiving, and they're very unlikely to be reading SC on Dropzone.com, so how would the word reach them? ...Gaydar? :P

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I would say the exact same thing. Basically, I think discrimination, pro or against, is stupid. One legged, deaf, transvestite, blonde, Aryan what have you.

Why do we do this stuff? Why do we voluntarily create an atmosphere of division?

It's a nice tangent, but not really relevant.

"ooh I am a programmer we're gonna have coding things and do coding stuff! Yayy!" And almost as a sidethought "oh you ca come too, if you're a no-coding friend, but this is all about MEEEE and my |337n3$$. Your participation is secondary, if at all. Toodlepipski"

Doesn't that just look stupid to you?

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But I am still wondering how those tentative skydivers would ever even know about a gay boogie. They're not already on the "inside" of skydiving, and they're very unlikely to be reading SC on Dropzone.com, so how would the word reach them? ...Gaydar? :P


It's been pointed out in many threads that the plan is to market the event through some of the same marketing channels as the gay games event that'll be taking place in Montreal at the same time and even to promote tandems at that event. The location and timing were chosen to take advantage of this.

Or, it could just be the gay mafia working underground, as usual, to bring the straight man down. We'll never know, I guess.

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And maybe it was recognized that there are a lot of gay folk who might never consider going to make a first skydive because they had no idea how they might be treated when they arrived at a DZ...so here's an opportunity to be public about a gay friendly place to come make a jump for the first time.

That's about the only offered reason so far that I think seems pretty legit. Thanks.

Why do you need a reason to get people together?
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Doesn't that just look stupid to you?

Well, Toodlepipski has looked stupid to me from the get-go. :P

Read my earlier post about the beauty of different types of boogies. I think it's cool to have a lot of different types of boogies to choose from. If they were all the same, what fun would that be? I don't think of it as divisive at all, it's just people getting together with a group that they have something in common with (besides skydiving) and having fun.

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Any basic day at the DZ is supposed to be about the skydiving, and who gives a shit what gender of human being I'm gonna fuck when I get home?

You seem to care about this a lot actually... why?

I was not the person making an issue out of it. I was questioning why others think it is a big enough issue to make a sexual-orientation-related-special-event day at a skydiving dropzone. Remember?

Mine was the argument that it should be something no one even bothers to think about.

The fact is I don't give a shit whether you're gonna fuck your girlfriend, boyfriend or goat after you leave the DZ. And I don't see why that orientation matters where skydiving is concerned, unless there was a recognized tendency for gays to be discriminated against at DZs and they therefore felt a reasonable need to assert themselves and their right to show up to skydive. The fact is, no one is here reporting that they've been the recipient of gay-bashing mistreatment on account of sexual orientation at a dropzone. Hence, I still don't see the need for a "gay day" kind of event.



There's nothing about "any basic day at the DZ" that makes it a better day spent there for me as a heterosexual than for some other dude as a gay man.

Why do you believe this? What information do you have the gives you this level of confidence of someone else's perspective and experience?

Why shouldn't I believe it? I have not ever seen anyone say that they were given a hard time for being a gay person at a DZ. DZ operations, skydiving in general, is not set up to cater more, somehow, to straight people than to gays. Do YOU have information to countermand that statement?

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I would say the exact same thing. Basically, I think discrimination, pro or against, is stupid. One legged, deaf, transvestite, blonde, Aryan what have you.

Why do we do this stuff? Why do we voluntarily create an atmosphere of division?

It's a nice tangent, but not really relevant.

"ooh I am a programmer we're gonna have coding things and do coding stuff! Yayy!" And almost as a sidethought "oh you ca come too, if you're a no-coding friend, but this is all about MEEEE and my |337n3$$. Your participation is secondary, if at all. Toodlepipski"

Doesn't that just look stupid to you?

So what? If you think its stupid don't participate in it.
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Because, just like micro-bikinis, unless you're a model, it's impossible to look good in them.

Amen... plus after most of us hit 18... micro bikinis are not a good thing.

The only other way is to be anorexic or bulemic.. or at least that is what too many believe they must do to fit the image in magazines and other media.

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But I am still wondering...

The 30 people who have all tried to appease "Peaceful" Jeffrey and been ignored are all wondering if there anything that can get through to him or if he's just going to keep antagonistically pounding his miserable misunderstanding over and over and over.

Either (A) he has no sense of fun or (B) he's intentionally missing the point so he can try to convince anyone else that an enjoyable party is something it isn't.

How about it Jeffrey? How long will you keep ignoring the obvious so you can be argumentative and political about PEOPLE HAVING A GOOD TIME TOGETHER?

All day, I suspect. Maybe longer.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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>Mine was the argument that it should be something no one even
>bothers to think about.

Generally, no one does - until someone starts questioning why gays/christians/women/people over 40/the Hispanic Airborne/vets have an event to get together. Other than that, no one really cares what the event is, as long as it's an excuse to get together. (Other than the person who started this thread, of course.)

Do you get peeved when people have birthday parties at the dropzone, and get all ageist? After all, age has nothing to do with skydiving! Why is there need for activist ageists to bring an age-related event to a skydiving center? What agenda are they pushing? Do they just want to divide the skydiving world by arbitrary meaningless criteria like birthdays?

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You know, come to think of it, Bill, I'm really mad at that whole World Team thing... "blah blah blah we're the best skydivers in the world and we're just going to run off to Thailand and have this event where we flaunt our talent and skills and tell everyone how great we are because we're on the World Team."

Are World Team members mistreated in skydiving? Is it directly because of people's knowledge that someone is on the World Team? If so, that would need to be addressed, but people's skydiving skill is supposed to be something that just is, not something that is flaunted. When you come out to the DZ, do the people around you have some reason that they have to know you're on the World Team? What's served by that?

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I bet all free straight guys get a free tandem.... :|


They're going to entice us there and try to convert us.

Ya know I didnt really think Id want to go to a boogie so far away, but people like PJ make me want to go.

Did I mention that I absolutely hate it when people withdraw all the funds in their bank accounts in the form of a cashier's check and send them to me? I don't think people should do that -- it's divisive.


I hate .... crap thats a PA so I will just have to leave it at that... I already got one warning today...

Must really be workin' ya to not be able to continue the personal attacks on me like you usually feel free to.

Bummer. :|

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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and may well alienate others (those who are not comfortable with homosexuality, perhaps),

There's aspects of most boogies that some subset of skydivers are uncomfortable with. There's teetotalers who skydive. They may not be comfortable with the amount of drinking that goes on at boogies. They might even feel alienated.

So we should have a boogie specially for the people like me who think that the juvenile fascination with drinking is stupid and detracts from skydiving? Cool.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Can someone please explain to me, what is wrong with speedos?
For example, I can buy speedos at swimming section of any big American sportswear store, but if I show up wearing them at public swimming pool, I get all this strange looks. For a woman, wearing tight bikinis is perfectly acceptable. Why it is not appropriate for a man to wear speedos?

Basically for the same reason you would NOT want to see me in a bikini:S

Ohhh... The gross-factor. Check.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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and may well alienate others (those who are not comfortable with homosexuality, perhaps),

There's aspects of most boogies that some subset of skydivers are uncomfortable with. There's teetotalers who skydive. They may not be comfortable with the amount of drinking that goes on at boogies. They might even feel alienated.

So we should have a boogie specially for the people like me who think that the juvenile fascination with drinking is stupid and detracts from skydiving? Cool.


YES. It is in the works. I'm thinking we call it the PJ Boogie and hold it in Nome on the same day as the GayDay Boogie.:)
"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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And maybe it was recognized that there are a lot of gay folk who might never consider going to make a first skydive because they had no idea how they might be treated when they arrived at a DZ...so here's an opportunity to be public about a gay friendly place to come make a jump for the first time.

That's about the only offered reason so far that I think seems pretty legit. Thanks.

Why do you need a reason to get people together?

You obviously haven't been paying attention.

It's not about "people getting together." If that was all it was about, it would be a regular day at the dropzone. This was specifically about an event that caters to a specific sexual orientation, and then applying that to skydiving, for what I view as no compelling reason.

Gee, it really seems as though a bunch of people here want to deny me my right to feel that there's no compelling need for a gay boogie. Surprise surprise, there's intolerance among the people who scream loudest for tolerance. :S

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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But I am still wondering...

The 30 people who have all tried to appease "Peaceful" Jeffrey and been ignored are all wondering if there anything that can get through to him or if he's just going to keep antagonistically pounding his miserable misunderstanding over and over and over.

Either (A) he has no sense of fun or (B) he's intentionally missing the point so he can try to convince anyone else that an enjoyable party is something it isn't.

How about it Jeffrey? How long will you keep ignoring the obvious so you can be argumentative and political about PEOPLE HAVING A GOOD TIME TOGETHER?

All day, I suspect. Maybe longer.

How many posts would it take for me to reply to before you are satisfied that I am not "ignoring" posts? :S

In fact, who has the plurality of posts til this point, anyway?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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And maybe it was recognized that there are a lot of gay folk who might never consider going to make a first skydive because they had no idea how they might be treated when they arrived at a DZ...so here's an opportunity to be public about a gay friendly place to come make a jump for the first time.

That's about the only offered reason so far that I think seems pretty legit. Thanks.

Why do you need a reason to get people together?

You obviously haven't been paying attention.

It's not about "people getting together." If that was all it was about, it would be a regular day at the dropzone. This was specifically about an event that caters to a specific sexual orientation, and then applying that to skydiving, for what I view as no compelling reason.

Gee, it really seems as though a bunch of people here want to deny me my right to feel that there's no compelling need for a gay boogie. Surprise surprise, there's intolerance among the people who scream loudest for tolerance. :S


You really crack me up.
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