peacefuljeffrey 0 #151 February 22, 2006 QuoteQuoteGee, it really seems as though a bunch of people here want to deny me my right to feel that there's no compelling need for a gay boogie. How about you show me the "compelling need" for Lost Prairie or the Byron Boogie or the WFFC? I haven't been to those, don't know really what they're about or if they're "themed," but in general I would think they're just for generic skydiving, not skydiving for gay people, or any other special interest group. There is no "need" to skydive at all, let alone to do certain kinds of skydive disciplines, or to have special skydive events. If we're going to skydive at all, it makes sense to have some sorts of events. But to me, it doesn't make sense to have skydive events that have to do specifically with a given sexual preference. Might as well have a blond-haired-people boogie -- and then say that oh, yeah, anyone with any color hair can come, too. (Makes the blond-hair thing moot, just as inviting heteros to a gay boogie makes being gay there moot, and sort of blows the theory that it's about making gays feel at ease there more than on any usual day at the DZ.) It's amazing how many people will come out of the woodwork in a thread like this, not to address the question, but to challenge the asker for even posing the question, and imply that he has no right to do so, or that his right to disagree with the boogie is diminished before the right of those who agree with it to agree with it. Y'all claim to be the tolerant ones, but you appear pretty filled with hateful intolerance to me... --Jeffrey "With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peacefuljeffrey 0 #152 February 22, 2006 QuoteYou really crack me up. So glad I could help. --Jeffrey "With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NWFlyer 2 #153 February 22, 2006 QuoteThere is no "need" to skydive at all, let alone to do certain kinds of skydive disciplines, or to have special skydive events. You just answered your own question, then. It only took 152 posts, but we got an answer. Huzzah! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peacefuljeffrey 0 #154 February 22, 2006 QuoteQuoteThere is no "need" to skydive at all, let alone to do certain kinds of skydive disciplines, or to have special skydive events. You just answered your own question, then. It only took 152 posts, but we got an answer. Huzzah! Ridiculous leap of logic, there. My point was that if we are going to do skydiving at all -- a rather pointless activity (we go up, we come down; we go up, we come down...) -- then we're going to have events for it. So if the activity itself is accepted, then events at which to do it are no longer "pointless." What is pointless is to then put arbitrary divisions among those who do it. --Jeffrey "With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samurai136 0 #155 February 22, 2006 You are probably wrong on this one too. Membership in any Sub-culture provides an important element in any self-actualized individual's identity. So it's not entirely pointless to have a GayDay Boogie."Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian Ken Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shotgun 1 #156 February 22, 2006 QuoteGee, it really seems as though a bunch of people here want to deny me my right to feel that there's no compelling need for a gay boogie. No one is denying you that right. But you posted your feelings in Speaker's Corner, so did you honestly expect a few pages of people simply agreeing with you? It seems that most people on here just don't feel the same way that you do about this boogie. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
champu 1 #157 February 22, 2006 Communication in this thread between "The People vs Peaceful Jeffrey" seems to have broken down because "The People" do, in fact, understand PJ's position and yet still disagree with it, but are not making that clear in their responses. So PJ is going to keep posting forever, thinking that he simply hasn't presented his arguement clearly enough. So I'm going to make an attempt to paraphase what I think he's getting at, from the viewpoint of someone who disagrees with him, in hopes that maybe the madness will stop... here goes... If I were to list out things about me I might say, "I'm a skydiver, I'm an engineer, I grew up in Illinois, I went to UIUC, I live in california now, I'm..." and I could go on like that for a while. And in my case, I'd prolly get pretty far down the list before I thought to say, "I'm straight." or "I'm of French, German, and Hungarian decent" But just like the contents of the list are going to be different from person to person, the order is going to be different from person to person. Different people see qualities about themselves with different levels of importance. There's no magic formula everyone uses to describe themselves, "I'm a [insert hobby], I'm a [insert job], etc..." If you understand and respect that, there's no reason to think having a boogie, rally, or party that celebrates any item from the list is more or less a valid endeavor than having a boogie, rally, or party that celebrates any other item. The fact that this event happens to be taking the form of a skydiving boogie is irrelevant. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peacefuljeffrey 0 #158 February 22, 2006 QuoteQuoteGee, it really seems as though a bunch of people here want to deny me my right to feel that there's no compelling need for a gay boogie. No one is denying you that right. But you posted your feelings in Speaker's Corner, so did you honestly expect a few pages of people simply agreeing with you? It seems that most people on here just don't feel the same way that you do about this boogie. I got less of a sense of "I don't agree with you" and more of a sense of "Who do you think you are to challenge it?" in the responses. --Jeffrey "With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NWFlyer 2 #159 February 22, 2006 Quotein hopes that maybe the madness will stop... OMG I had no idea you were so funny!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
champu 1 #160 February 22, 2006 QuoteQuotein hopes that maybe the madness will stop... OMG I had no idea you were so funny!!!! I have a dream... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peacefuljeffrey 0 #161 February 22, 2006 You seem to have a low tolerance for finding things funny, then. Might wanna go get that checked. --Jeffrey "With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NWFlyer 2 #162 February 22, 2006 QuoteYou seem to have a low tolerance for finding things funny, then. Might wanna go get that checked. - I'll get right on that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites peacefuljeffrey 0 #163 February 22, 2006 QuoteQuoteYou seem to have a low tolerance for finding things funny, then. Might wanna go get that checked. - I'll get right on that. Now that was mildly funny! --Jeffrey "With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites kelpdiver 2 #164 February 22, 2006 Quote Might as well have a blond-haired-people boogie -- and then say that oh, yeah, anyone with any color hair can come, too. I'll be setting that up for 4/1/06. Since we chosen people have the advantage of lower contrast body hair, speedos will be acceptable attire. Quote It's amazing how many people will come out of the woodwork in a thread like this, not to address the question, but to challenge the asker for even posing the question, and imply that he has no right to do so, umm, no one has implied that. Many have questioned your true motivation, and your claims that [] doesn't bother you. You got a position, but you aren't defending it very well at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites labrys 0 #165 February 22, 2006 QuoteBut I am still wondering how those tentative skydivers would ever even know about a gay boogie. They're not already on the "inside" of skydiving, and they're very unlikely to be reading SC on, so how would the word reach them? ...Gaydar? We have print media, TV channels, and satellite radio. How else do you think we got the word spread that we needed to steal the word "gay"? BTW, it's my turn to hide it from the straights this year. I'm keeping it a warm, dark place. Owned by Remi #? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites RhondaLea 4 #166 February 22, 2006 QuoteSo we should have a boogie specially for the people like me who think that the juvenile fascination with drinking is stupid and detracts from skydiving? Cool. - Maybe you should get in touch with this guy: Also, for stories about gays at the dropzone, you might want to google rec.skydiving for "gay skydivers." I didn't have time to look for them, but they're there, particularly if you refine your search with "Kevin O'Connell." rlIf you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites GTAVercetti 0 #167 February 22, 2006 Oh GOD. Will the hilarity ever stop? No, really --> Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites britboynz 0 #168 February 22, 2006 QuoteThe main reason for gay boogies is for lots of gay men and women to all get in the same place and have rampant orgies and pillow fights. My brother is gay and thats what he told me. What he said. I'm just goin for the orgies. There's gonna be loadsa hot men there, no (well, very few) boobies and loadsa freeflyin. WooooHooo! Be interesting to see what happens when someone walks into the hangar and shouts "I NEED A PACKER!!" russ [edited for spleeing and grammmar] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites kallend 2,067 #169 February 22, 2006 QuoteYou seem to have a low tolerance for finding things funny, then. Might wanna go get that checked. - Irony score 9.3... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites narcimund 0 #170 February 22, 2006 QuoteGee, it really seems as though a bunch of people here want to deny me my right to feel that there's no compelling need for a gay boogie. Surprise surprise, there's intolerance among the people who scream loudest for tolerance. My gosh but you'll go to insane lengths to find insult where there isn't any! Nobody denies you the right to think the boogie has no compelling need and disadvantages your poor put-upon majority. You're more than welcome to impulsively believe paranoid nonsense all you like. In fact, we're glad you do. It fills a void. First Class Citizen Twice Over Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites billvon 3,031 #171 February 22, 2006 >Gee, it really seems as though a bunch of people here want to >deny me my right to feel that there's no compelling need for a gay >boogie. Surprise surprise, there's intolerance among the people who >scream loudest for tolerance. Why - you're right! Disliking intolerance is ITSELF intolerance! I knew all those civil rights people were a bunch of hypocrites . . . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites GravityGirl 0 #172 February 22, 2006 Jeffery, When you go to the dz or a boogie, do you like checkin' out the hotties? A little skydiving, a little beer at the end of the day, a little flirtation? Now imagine you are gay and jumping with all straight people. Who are you going to flirt with? Who are you going to check out. This boogie gives gay skydivers the opportunity to skydive, party and check out as many asses as their little hearts desire. They can meet other men and women who share not only one major thing in common, but two. What is not to understand? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites rehmwa 2 #173 February 22, 2006 You have a real talent for getting people to respond "at" you instead of responding on the topic itself. Is it your intent to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the self proclaimed "intolerant" by poking at the their sensitive/PC/taboo issues? (It's interesting, but I think the point has been made ad nauseum - "it's OK to be rude/antagonistic to PJ because he's not trendy and he's antagonistic right back." No one will be banned for personal attacks on you because your topics aren't PC. Live with it) Or do you really want to understand the stated topic itself. on topic - I like NW Flyers response about boogies for christians, or boogies for teatotallers. Those are reasonable analogies. I don't see the point in emphasizing differences instead of commonality, but if it makes the DZO a few bucks (likely by drawing a TON of tandems during the boogie from an 'untapped' customer base) then I see no harm. ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites GTAVercetti 0 #174 February 22, 2006 QuoteYou have a real talent for getting people to respond "at" you instead of responding on the topic itself. Is it your intent to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the self proclaimed "intolerant" by poking at the their sensitive/PC/taboo issues? I believe far too much credit has been applied here. You really only need 2 credits to play the game.Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites narcimund 0 #175 February 22, 2006 QuoteYou have a real talent for getting people to respond "at" you instead of responding on the topic itself. Oh give us all a big collective break. For 100 posts people responded DIRECTLY to his question by saying fun events are fun. That's when Jeffrey himself turned it personal and people started responding to him personally. Make something else of it if it amuses you but that's all that happened. Edited to add: Mark, you should consider adding rehmwa's testimonial to the website: Quoteif it makes the DZO a few bucks ... then I see no harm. I think that could really help your marketing. First Class Citizen Twice Over Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next Page 7 of 23 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. 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peacefuljeffrey 0 #163 February 22, 2006 QuoteQuoteYou seem to have a low tolerance for finding things funny, then. Might wanna go get that checked. - I'll get right on that. Now that was mildly funny! --Jeffrey "With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #164 February 22, 2006 Quote Might as well have a blond-haired-people boogie -- and then say that oh, yeah, anyone with any color hair can come, too. I'll be setting that up for 4/1/06. Since we chosen people have the advantage of lower contrast body hair, speedos will be acceptable attire. Quote It's amazing how many people will come out of the woodwork in a thread like this, not to address the question, but to challenge the asker for even posing the question, and imply that he has no right to do so, umm, no one has implied that. Many have questioned your true motivation, and your claims that [] doesn't bother you. You got a position, but you aren't defending it very well at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
labrys 0 #165 February 22, 2006 QuoteBut I am still wondering how those tentative skydivers would ever even know about a gay boogie. They're not already on the "inside" of skydiving, and they're very unlikely to be reading SC on, so how would the word reach them? ...Gaydar? We have print media, TV channels, and satellite radio. How else do you think we got the word spread that we needed to steal the word "gay"? BTW, it's my turn to hide it from the straights this year. I'm keeping it a warm, dark place. Owned by Remi #? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RhondaLea 4 #166 February 22, 2006 QuoteSo we should have a boogie specially for the people like me who think that the juvenile fascination with drinking is stupid and detracts from skydiving? Cool. - Maybe you should get in touch with this guy: Also, for stories about gays at the dropzone, you might want to google rec.skydiving for "gay skydivers." I didn't have time to look for them, but they're there, particularly if you refine your search with "Kevin O'Connell." rlIf you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GTAVercetti 0 #167 February 22, 2006 Oh GOD. Will the hilarity ever stop? No, really --> Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
britboynz 0 #168 February 22, 2006 QuoteThe main reason for gay boogies is for lots of gay men and women to all get in the same place and have rampant orgies and pillow fights. My brother is gay and thats what he told me. What he said. I'm just goin for the orgies. There's gonna be loadsa hot men there, no (well, very few) boobies and loadsa freeflyin. WooooHooo! Be interesting to see what happens when someone walks into the hangar and shouts "I NEED A PACKER!!" russ [edited for spleeing and grammmar] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #169 February 22, 2006 QuoteYou seem to have a low tolerance for finding things funny, then. Might wanna go get that checked. - Irony score 9.3... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
narcimund 0 #170 February 22, 2006 QuoteGee, it really seems as though a bunch of people here want to deny me my right to feel that there's no compelling need for a gay boogie. Surprise surprise, there's intolerance among the people who scream loudest for tolerance. My gosh but you'll go to insane lengths to find insult where there isn't any! Nobody denies you the right to think the boogie has no compelling need and disadvantages your poor put-upon majority. You're more than welcome to impulsively believe paranoid nonsense all you like. In fact, we're glad you do. It fills a void. First Class Citizen Twice Over Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #171 February 22, 2006 >Gee, it really seems as though a bunch of people here want to >deny me my right to feel that there's no compelling need for a gay >boogie. Surprise surprise, there's intolerance among the people who >scream loudest for tolerance. Why - you're right! Disliking intolerance is ITSELF intolerance! I knew all those civil rights people were a bunch of hypocrites . . . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GravityGirl 0 #172 February 22, 2006 Jeffery, When you go to the dz or a boogie, do you like checkin' out the hotties? A little skydiving, a little beer at the end of the day, a little flirtation? Now imagine you are gay and jumping with all straight people. Who are you going to flirt with? Who are you going to check out. This boogie gives gay skydivers the opportunity to skydive, party and check out as many asses as their little hearts desire. They can meet other men and women who share not only one major thing in common, but two. What is not to understand? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rehmwa 2 #173 February 22, 2006 You have a real talent for getting people to respond "at" you instead of responding on the topic itself. Is it your intent to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the self proclaimed "intolerant" by poking at the their sensitive/PC/taboo issues? (It's interesting, but I think the point has been made ad nauseum - "it's OK to be rude/antagonistic to PJ because he's not trendy and he's antagonistic right back." No one will be banned for personal attacks on you because your topics aren't PC. Live with it) Or do you really want to understand the stated topic itself. on topic - I like NW Flyers response about boogies for christians, or boogies for teatotallers. Those are reasonable analogies. I don't see the point in emphasizing differences instead of commonality, but if it makes the DZO a few bucks (likely by drawing a TON of tandems during the boogie from an 'untapped' customer base) then I see no harm. ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GTAVercetti 0 #174 February 22, 2006 QuoteYou have a real talent for getting people to respond "at" you instead of responding on the topic itself. Is it your intent to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the self proclaimed "intolerant" by poking at the their sensitive/PC/taboo issues? I believe far too much credit has been applied here. You really only need 2 credits to play the game.Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
narcimund 0 #175 February 22, 2006 QuoteYou have a real talent for getting people to respond "at" you instead of responding on the topic itself. Oh give us all a big collective break. For 100 posts people responded DIRECTLY to his question by saying fun events are fun. That's when Jeffrey himself turned it personal and people started responding to him personally. Make something else of it if it amuses you but that's all that happened. Edited to add: Mark, you should consider adding rehmwa's testimonial to the website: Quoteif it makes the DZO a few bucks ... then I see no harm. I think that could really help your marketing. First Class Citizen Twice Over Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites