
OK, I have decided to become a Christian...

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Yeah, I know... But I'm still trying to figure out why it's ok to use dope for religious purposes but not for recreational purposes... (but then, in my mind, they are pretty much the same thing).

Ever take a GOOD hit of LSD. You WILL talk to God;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Yeah, I know... But I'm still trying to figure out why it's ok to use dope for religious purposes but not for recreational purposes... (but then, in my mind, they are pretty much the same thing).

Ever take a GOOD hit of LSD. You WILL talk to God;)

or at least "live" cartoons!;)

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per the article: is considered sacred to members of the sect, which has a blend of Christian beliefs and South American traditions.

Christianity has several different denominations. You're generalizing one church that may have adopted some idealogies of Christianity and called it their own religion.

There's nothing written in the bible that condones the use of drugs.

per the article: Members believe they can understand God only by drinking the tea, which is consumed twice a month at four-hour ceremonies.

Christians know that to understand God, you must know scriptures from the bible and follow Jesus Christ.

If this was posted to poke fun at Christianity, that's okay. However, if it wasn't I just wanted to clarify that the church mentioned in this article is definitely not a Christian Church.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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I just wanted to clarify that the church mentioned in this article is definitely not a Christian Church.

I figured someone would call me on that, but it just sounded better in the title to say "I have decided to become a Christian" than to say "I have decided to become a member of O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal." ;) And they did say that they had some Christian beliefs... But religions are all pretty much the same to me anyway...

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My answer is no. I cannot speak for the other denominations because I am not educated about their backgrounds. I'm sure most of their answers would be no as well.

As I had mentioned earlier, the bible doesn't condone the use of drugs. If a Christian were to use drugs to experience being closer to God, understanding God or to have a spiritual experience with God, they're going about it the wrong way. The bible and knowing Jesus are they way to have a spiritual experience with God.

Since you have an extensive christian education and background, you'll realize that a lot of christians will claim to be christians but they don't believe that the bible is the final authority and that Jesus Christ is their lord and savior. Those that believe that also believe that drugs are not cool. I don't judge anyone who uses or abuses drugs and alcohol. It's a free country and it's your world. I just don't do them.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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If this was posted to poke fun at Christianity, that's okay. However, if it wasn't I just wanted to clarify that the church mentioned in this article is definitely not a Christian Church.

I don't think I can count anymore how many times I have seen a christian say about others claiming to be christians that they are not "real" christians...

(Dunno if you're a christian. This just caught my eye.)
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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Dude, you probably know more than I do. You're asking me questions that a pastor should know....

I never said that the bible disapproves of drinking alcohol. You can drink wine or have a beer and what not. However, if you abuse it and get drunk, that's not cool. For a christian if they get drunk: if you do it, you do it because that's your choice. They know what's the deal is. Have a drink or two but know your limits and don't get drunk. Christians are human too. They're not perfect. Regarding myself, I haven't been drunk for over 6 years. I've had drinks socially since then but I've never crossed that line.

My church doesn't drink wine and we don't have communion. I've been to at least 15 other churches that did have Communion. They use grape juice, not wine.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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I don't think I can count anymore how many times I have seen a christian say about others claiming to be christians that they are not "real" christians...

Amen brother. At least we can tell who's real and who just wants to don the title of being "christian".

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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Sorry. The point is there are "valid" christian forms of worship that involve consumption of a mind altering substance (wine). It is possible to have a real spiritual experience in an altered state of mind. (although no one really know for certain... it's between you an God.;))

I know most churches use grape juice. The forms of Christian worship have changed over time. Suggesting that this church is composed of fake christians is similar to the discussion of what makes a "real" skydiver. Totally pointless.

edit: keely, we're so happy that you've seen the light:)
"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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Suggesting that this church is composed of fake christians is similar to the discussion of what makes a "real" skydiver. Totally pointless.

I didn't say that they were fake. I was just trying to say that they shouldn't claim to be christian. I guess, I was a tad bit defensive because when a church or denomination claims to be christian, they're not being true to the Bible. If they don't believe that the bible is the final authority, then they shouldn't claim to be Christian. They should rename their belief to a different category, like "tea drugism" or something.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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If they don't believe that the bible is the final authority, then they shouldn't claim to be Christian.

What I hear you saying is that if they don't read the Bible as you read it they can't claim to be christian.


They should rename their belief to a different category, like "tea drugism" or something.

So, the guys blowing up abortion clinics should really call themselves "blow-things-up-ists" while the people picketing at soldiers' funerals are "shove-offending-signs-in-faces-of-grieving-relatives-ists"?

Just teasing, ;) but the point is valid. You do not get to decide who is a christian and who isn't. Wars have been fought over this.

Why do I suddenly feel like I am back in the "proud christian" thread...? :)
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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keely, we're so happy that you've seen the light:)

Thanks, Ken... But as I sit here trying to understand God by altering my consciousness with Sleepy Time chamomile and hibiscus tea, I can't help but wonder what I am missing out on with that DMT stuff... :ph34r: Ok, well actually I'm just wishing that the damn tea would make me sleepy, as the name implies...

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keely, we're so happy that you've seen the light:)

Thanks, Ken... But as I sit here trying to understand God by altering my consciousness with Sleepy Time chamomile and hibiscus tea, I can't help but wonder what I am missing out on with that DMT stuff... :ph34r: Ok, well actually I'm just wishing that the damn tea would make me sleepy, as the name implies...

SleepyTime never does the trick for me until I also laydown in a dark room, relax, and close my eyes...

Oops. Time to goto work.

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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