windcatcher 0 #76 February 22, 2006 Can I ask a genuine question? Why would it bother you, who says they are going to heaven or who isn't? BTW, I never said only devout Christians go to heaven. I merely stated a scripture where Jesus says the only way through heaven is through HIM. Do I believe that? Absolutely! I believe the Bible is the Word of God. God's truth. Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #77 February 22, 2006 QuoteQuoteI'm saying that the belief of devout born-again Christians that only devout born-again Christians get to Heaven, while the rest of humanity does not, is an arrogant belief. That's what you're saying. I didn't say that. The bible didn't say that. Those are your words. Where did you hear that Christians believe that they're going to heaven and others are not? State your valid and reliable source, please. You must be kidding. If you read windcatcher's posts, in this and other threads, that is clearly the import of what she is saying. She even quotes a passage of scripture to support the idea. To deny that that's what she's really saying is either to misunderstand it or to be intellectually dishonest. She is by far not the only born-again Christian who has ever expressed the belief that only devout believers in Jesus Christ get to Heaven. Well, logically, that means everyone else does not. You can nitpick over semantics all you want, but that's what it means. And I think that's arrogant. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
windcatcher 0 #78 February 22, 2006 Again, why does it bother you what I believe about Jesus, heaven,etc? Do you think that everyone will be in heaven? That even though Jesus made a way for people, they can spit in his face, reject him,and still be allowed entrance in heaven? Why would people want to be with God in heaven forever, if they don't believe in Him or Jesus? Doesn't make sense and further, what's so arrogant about my beliefs? What's so arrogant about believing the bible is true? I think everyone does have a desire for heaven, because God created humans with an inborn desire for eternity; God did not create us humans just to live on earth, and that's it. If you don't agree with that, why get so upset? What's so arrogant about me believing Jesus is the only way? How does this affect your relationship with God and where YOU go? It doesn't. Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #79 February 22, 2006 QuoteCan I ask a genuine question? Why would it bother you, who says they are going to heaven or who isn't? It doesn't bother me so much as I recognize it for the arrogance it is, and I'm willing to call bullshit on it. QuoteBTW, I never said only devout Christians go to heaven. I merely stated a scripture where Jesus says the only way through heaven is through HIM. Do I believe that? Absolutely! I believe the Bible is the Word of God. God's truth. That is a completely circular argument. "I never said the sky is blue. I just said that the only way to sky is through Blueness." Right. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #80 February 22, 2006 QuoteWhy would people want to be with God in heaven forever, if they don't believe in Him or Jesus? Hello? Did it ever occur to you that about 2/3 of the people who believe in God do not believe in the divinity of Jesus? You need to get out more. "If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?" -Pink Floyd, 1971 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
windcatcher 0 #81 February 22, 2006 Again: What's so arrogant about me believing Jesus is the only way? How does this affect your relationship with God and where YOU go? Could you please explain that? I know you're upset with me for disagreeing with you, but could we please refrain from making comments like this: "You need to get out more." Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #82 February 22, 2006 Quote The old testament didn't say it was okay to kill gays or say it was okay to kill people who messed around with you. The old testament has stories about those events taking place. That's exactly what they are, stories. There's nothing in the bible that states that, "it's okay to do this, it's approved!", after every story. Lev 20:13If a man lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall certainly be put to death; their blood is upon them.; Interesting reading for the people who run on and on about gays...and the Bible. Excerpt from another site And as just explained, when God instituted the law of Moses, capital punishment was administered for working on the Sabbath. Some other offenses would also result in death by stoning, such as the worship of idols, adultery, homosexual acts, and consulting spirit mediums (Leviticus 20). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dolph 0 #83 February 22, 2006 QuoteChristians judge others, gossip,etc. NO one is perfect. This is why God is so amazing--He continues to love us despite our imperfections. Not to outshine the G-man or anything, but all my family members do that too. And I'm still not reconciled or satisfied with the idea of not giving your all for the greater good while still maintaing some kind of moral standing. It's cheap and dirty to hold back, no matter our imperfections. I'm not even holding us up against godly standards. But hey, that's me. Cheap and dirty and high and mighty at the same time. And, to be intellectually honest, what a poor excuse that last line is. But, excuse or not, it's true. Now I shall go eat pizza and forget I had this discussion . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Shotgun 1 #84 February 22, 2006 QuoteIf you would like to think that people don't need Jesus to get into heaven, that's your belief I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in heaven at all. I also don't think that religion is necessarily a bad thing, but I think that it's important for people to realize that their particular version of religion is no more valid than the next person's. Of course, I don't think this is possible for certain religious beliefs, because the very act of acknowledging the validity of another religion would invalidate their own beliefs and make them a sinner - and I think that is when religion does become a bad thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites windcatcher 0 #85 February 22, 2006 If you don't believe the Bible is true, and if you don't believe in Jesus' divinity, that's that. You've made up your mind on how you well as I have. Why get upset over how I believe? If you don't think the Bible is real, just be at peace with that. Be at peace with what you believe. And don't go start a war over someone who doesn't believe the same as you. Just be at peace and accept your beliefs. Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites windcatcher 0 #86 February 22, 2006 QuoteAnd I'm still not reconciled or satisfied with the idea of not giving your all for the greater good while still maintaing some kind of moral standing. See, this is just it. We can't judge people's lives and say they are NOT living their lives as best as possible to help others. And no, I don't believe everyone "gives their all for the greater good" by giving away all their possessions or becoming a missionary. God has given different paths and callings for people; we can't say that just because someone has a nice car and diamond rings that they aren't giving their all; NOT all giving is done in public; most is done in private. ( And not all giving is external; some kinds of giving you can't really measure) Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites billvon 3,031 #87 February 22, 2006 >What's so arrogant about me believing Jesus is the only way? If I told you that my way of doing RW was superior to all others, and everyone else (including Airspeed) was completely wrong, that would be arrogant. On the other hand, if I said "well, here's how I do it, but if your way works for you, then great" that would not be arrogant. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites windcatcher 0 #88 February 22, 2006 Well, sorry bill, I can't agree with you on that. If I were to agree with you, I would be saying that I didn't believe the Bible. If Jesus says He is the only way, and I believe it, there's no way I would agree otherwise, because then the Bible wouldn't be true for me. Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Andy9o8 2 #89 February 22, 2006 This is like arguing with my kids when they were little. They misunderstand what you're saying (or pretend that they do); they answer in non-sequitur; and if you keep explaining your point over and over again, each time trying to eliminate even a hint of ambiguity...they still misunderstand what you're saying (or pretend that they do, so they can answer in non-sequitur.) And if you let them, they just suck you into their process. I'm moving on. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites windcatcher 0 #90 February 22, 2006 Wow, people sure get upset about others' beliefs around here! Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites billvon 3,031 #91 February 22, 2006 > Well, sorry bill, I can't agree with you on that. Keep in mind that you can be both arrogant and right. Being arrogant does not mean you're wrong, just that you feel your way is superior and are inflexible and strident about it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Dolph 0 #92 February 22, 2006 Quote God has given different paths and callings for people; we can't say that just because someone has a nice car and diamond rings that they aren't giving their all; NOT all giving is done in public; most is done in private. ( And not all giving is external; some kinds of giving you can't really measure) No disrespect at all intended; to me it sounds like a cop-out. God doesn't give you a path to walk. He gave you free will, and the intelligence to use it for good, bad or in between. It cannot be right that it is "my path" to be, comparatively speaking, filthily rich, living in luxury while it's millions of kids path to die of malnutrition, forced to become child soldiers or prostitutes and so forth. It isn't right, because it is neither right or wrong. It just is. I'll just stop the thought there. At 30, one has outgrown the youthful exuberance and bullet-proofness. One is still young enough to feel that one *really can make a difference* yet hardened enough to know the odds of doing so. It gives rise to some tough questions. The most beneficial thing about having faith, in my opinion, is that faith equals certainty. On the other hand one should not dismiss the value of a pizza and two beers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites SuperKat 0 #93 February 23, 2006 QuoteI'm saying that devout born-again Christians who insist that only devout born-again Christians get to Heaven, while the rest of humanity does not, are being arrogant. Dude, christians don't say this. Jesus said, those that don't believe that he is their Lord and Savior will answer to God and be judged. Those that welcome him with all their heart as their Lord and Savior will live in heaven for all eternity. This is what Jesus said, not what Christians say. Let's get that clear. What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites SuperKat 0 #94 February 23, 2006 QuoteYou must be kidding. If you read windcatcher's posts, in this and other threads, that is clearly the import of what she is saying. She even quotes a passage of scripture to support the idea. To deny that that's what she's really saying is either to misunderstand it or to be intellectually dishonest. She is by far not the only born-again Christian who has ever expressed the belief that only devout believers in Jesus Christ get to Heaven. Well, logically, that means everyone else does not. You can nitpick over semantics all you want, but that's what it means. And I think that's arrogant. Yes, I was kidding. Is it wrong that others get to poke fun and clown around? I can't let the bonfire jokers get all the fun around here. On a serious note. As I had mentioned before, Jesus said that for those that believe in him with all their hearts and welcome him with open arms and turn away from sin shall be saved and live forever in heaven. While those that deny him, will answer to God when their time of judgement comes. Jesus said this. Christians didn't make that up. And why is the focus on all the negative things about Christianity? It isn't going to kill you to love everyone, easily forgive others as Jesus forgives our sins, go to church every weekend, tithe, read the bible, etc. I'm not judging you dude but for me, I get to come home in peace and sleep a good night. I get to see life differently and not be so confrontational. I get to help people that really need help and I don't look for praise or reward. All Christian giving is done privately. It's wrong to do things for recognition. So tell me, where is the negativity in that? How is that hurting someone? How is that insulting someone? Forget about who's going to heaven or who's going to hell. You're looking at the end picture. You're alive here and now my friend. If you were to accept Jesus today as your Lord and Savior, I guarantee, you will witness a life changing event. You'll find yourself hating less, fighting less, gossiping less, etc. Then, you'll see your daily blessings more clearly and thank Jesus for them. Don't be one track minded and only think about heaven or hell. You're missing the whole big picture before that.... What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites SuperKat 0 #95 February 23, 2006 QuoteWow, people sure get upset about others' beliefs around here! You can't expect anyone to understand what we know overnight. Which is why I don't force anyone to believe in what I believe in. I was just like most people, doubting the bible, not believing that Jesus is my Lord and Savior, etc. I used to poke fun at those type of people. I used to hate their preaching. Then, one day, I did a total 180. I don't know how it came about or why I chose this life but I know now God wanted it this way. And I'm sticking to that story. What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites pajarito 0 #96 February 23, 2006 QuoteNo disrespect at all intended; to me it sounds like a cop-out. God doesn't give you a path to walk. He gave you free will, and the intelligence to use it for good, bad or in between. Au contraire, God did give us all a path to walk. God’s moral law is spelled out in the 10 Commandments. You are correct that we have free-will and the intelligence to decide. Without that, there could not be true love and a relationship with our creator. You can either choose the path of righteousness which leads to God and eternal life or you can choose your own path of unrighteousness leading to hell and eternal damnation. If you think you are “good” on your own and don’t need any help, ask yourself if you’ve kept the 10 Commandments. I haven’t and I’m sure you haven’t either. The Bible says that no one has or can. God, however in his demonstration of love and ultimate sacrifice, provided a way. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites GTAVercetti 0 #97 February 23, 2006 Quote If you think you are “good” on your own and don’t need any help, ask yourself if you’ve kept the 10 Commandments. Dude, just make this your sig line. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites SuperKat 0 #98 February 23, 2006 QuoteI think everyone does have a desire for heaven, because God created humans with an inborn desire for eternity; God did not create us humans just to live on earth, and that's it. That's so very sweet of you to try so hard to get people to believe. You have a good heart. Quite honestly, let the non believers go about their way. Let them criticize. You've done your part as a Christian should have done. Let God do the rest. You can't twist anyone's arm to believe what we believe. I share your same sentiment. I want the whole world to be saved but you know what? This is reality. Only God can save the whole world. We just have to do our part and what we were made to do. Quoteand further, what's so arrogant about my beliefs? What's so arrogant about believing the bible is true? If someone is not saved, they will not believe in the bible. They will think this was written by men 5,000 years ago. They will think it's obselete. They just read few scriptures that say God commands gays to be killed, adulterers to be killed, and theives and sinners to be killed. There's more to it than that. The new testament has the teachings of Christ and he tells all of us to love one another and forgive one another and pray for one another. People don't read that part of the bible. They won't get to see how wise and wonderful his teachings are. The only thing you can do is be a witness to these people. Let them see how Christ has changed your life. Let them see how it doesn't kill anyone to be a Christian. Let them see how happy and pleasant you are because you're a Christian. Then, let God do the rest. God already sent his message to the world when he sent Jesus. He's been proving his existence for thousands of years before Christ appeared. He did his part. Now, we have to do ours carry out his work. However, if people refuse, don't be upset. Let God take over after that. It's in his hands. What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites SuperKat 0 #99 February 23, 2006 Very well said. QuoteYou can either choose the path of righteousness which leads to God and eternal life or you can choose your own path of unrighteousness leading to hell and eternal damnation. If you think you are “good” on your own and don’t need any help, ask yourself if you’ve kept the 10 Commandments. This is good too. I can relate to this but saying something like this comes off a little too strong. It's the truth but sometimes people don't want to hear who goes to heaven or not if they do this or that or if they didn't do this or that. It turns people off. And it gives people an ultimatum. You have to know Christ and want him to come into your heart. With this, heaven is automatic and eternal damnation is out of sight and out of mind. We shouldn't tell non-believers about judgement. We should only express God's love through Jesus Christ. QuoteThe Bible says that no one has or can. God, however in his demonstration of love and ultimate sacrifice, provided a way. Awesome! What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites kallend 2,070 #100 February 23, 2006 QuoteQuoteNo disrespect at all intended; to me it sounds like a cop-out. God doesn't give you a path to walk. He gave you free will, and the intelligence to use it for good, bad or in between. Au contraire, God did give us all a path to walk. God’s moral law is spelled out in the 10 Commandments. You are correct that we have free-will and the intelligence to decide. Without that, there could not be true love and a relationship with our creator. You can either choose the path of righteousness which leads to God and eternal life or you can choose your own path of unrighteousness leading to hell and eternal damnation. If you think you are “good” on your own and don’t need any help, ask yourself if you’ve kept the 10 Commandments. I haven’t and I’m sure you haven’t either. The Bible says that no one has or can. God, however in his demonstration of love and ultimate sacrifice, provided a way. if God is omnipotent, why is any sacrifice necessary?... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next Page 4 of 13 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 0
Shotgun 1 #84 February 22, 2006 QuoteIf you would like to think that people don't need Jesus to get into heaven, that's your belief I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in heaven at all. I also don't think that religion is necessarily a bad thing, but I think that it's important for people to realize that their particular version of religion is no more valid than the next person's. Of course, I don't think this is possible for certain religious beliefs, because the very act of acknowledging the validity of another religion would invalidate their own beliefs and make them a sinner - and I think that is when religion does become a bad thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
windcatcher 0 #85 February 22, 2006 If you don't believe the Bible is true, and if you don't believe in Jesus' divinity, that's that. You've made up your mind on how you well as I have. Why get upset over how I believe? If you don't think the Bible is real, just be at peace with that. Be at peace with what you believe. And don't go start a war over someone who doesn't believe the same as you. Just be at peace and accept your beliefs. Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
windcatcher 0 #86 February 22, 2006 QuoteAnd I'm still not reconciled or satisfied with the idea of not giving your all for the greater good while still maintaing some kind of moral standing. See, this is just it. We can't judge people's lives and say they are NOT living their lives as best as possible to help others. And no, I don't believe everyone "gives their all for the greater good" by giving away all their possessions or becoming a missionary. God has given different paths and callings for people; we can't say that just because someone has a nice car and diamond rings that they aren't giving their all; NOT all giving is done in public; most is done in private. ( And not all giving is external; some kinds of giving you can't really measure) Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #87 February 22, 2006 >What's so arrogant about me believing Jesus is the only way? If I told you that my way of doing RW was superior to all others, and everyone else (including Airspeed) was completely wrong, that would be arrogant. On the other hand, if I said "well, here's how I do it, but if your way works for you, then great" that would not be arrogant. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
windcatcher 0 #88 February 22, 2006 Well, sorry bill, I can't agree with you on that. If I were to agree with you, I would be saying that I didn't believe the Bible. If Jesus says He is the only way, and I believe it, there's no way I would agree otherwise, because then the Bible wouldn't be true for me. Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #89 February 22, 2006 This is like arguing with my kids when they were little. They misunderstand what you're saying (or pretend that they do); they answer in non-sequitur; and if you keep explaining your point over and over again, each time trying to eliminate even a hint of ambiguity...they still misunderstand what you're saying (or pretend that they do, so they can answer in non-sequitur.) And if you let them, they just suck you into their process. I'm moving on. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
windcatcher 0 #90 February 22, 2006 Wow, people sure get upset about others' beliefs around here! Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #91 February 22, 2006 > Well, sorry bill, I can't agree with you on that. Keep in mind that you can be both arrogant and right. Being arrogant does not mean you're wrong, just that you feel your way is superior and are inflexible and strident about it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dolph 0 #92 February 22, 2006 Quote God has given different paths and callings for people; we can't say that just because someone has a nice car and diamond rings that they aren't giving their all; NOT all giving is done in public; most is done in private. ( And not all giving is external; some kinds of giving you can't really measure) No disrespect at all intended; to me it sounds like a cop-out. God doesn't give you a path to walk. He gave you free will, and the intelligence to use it for good, bad or in between. It cannot be right that it is "my path" to be, comparatively speaking, filthily rich, living in luxury while it's millions of kids path to die of malnutrition, forced to become child soldiers or prostitutes and so forth. It isn't right, because it is neither right or wrong. It just is. I'll just stop the thought there. At 30, one has outgrown the youthful exuberance and bullet-proofness. One is still young enough to feel that one *really can make a difference* yet hardened enough to know the odds of doing so. It gives rise to some tough questions. The most beneficial thing about having faith, in my opinion, is that faith equals certainty. On the other hand one should not dismiss the value of a pizza and two beers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperKat 0 #93 February 23, 2006 QuoteI'm saying that devout born-again Christians who insist that only devout born-again Christians get to Heaven, while the rest of humanity does not, are being arrogant. Dude, christians don't say this. Jesus said, those that don't believe that he is their Lord and Savior will answer to God and be judged. Those that welcome him with all their heart as their Lord and Savior will live in heaven for all eternity. This is what Jesus said, not what Christians say. Let's get that clear. What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperKat 0 #94 February 23, 2006 QuoteYou must be kidding. If you read windcatcher's posts, in this and other threads, that is clearly the import of what she is saying. She even quotes a passage of scripture to support the idea. To deny that that's what she's really saying is either to misunderstand it or to be intellectually dishonest. She is by far not the only born-again Christian who has ever expressed the belief that only devout believers in Jesus Christ get to Heaven. Well, logically, that means everyone else does not. You can nitpick over semantics all you want, but that's what it means. And I think that's arrogant. Yes, I was kidding. Is it wrong that others get to poke fun and clown around? I can't let the bonfire jokers get all the fun around here. On a serious note. As I had mentioned before, Jesus said that for those that believe in him with all their hearts and welcome him with open arms and turn away from sin shall be saved and live forever in heaven. While those that deny him, will answer to God when their time of judgement comes. Jesus said this. Christians didn't make that up. And why is the focus on all the negative things about Christianity? It isn't going to kill you to love everyone, easily forgive others as Jesus forgives our sins, go to church every weekend, tithe, read the bible, etc. I'm not judging you dude but for me, I get to come home in peace and sleep a good night. I get to see life differently and not be so confrontational. I get to help people that really need help and I don't look for praise or reward. All Christian giving is done privately. It's wrong to do things for recognition. So tell me, where is the negativity in that? How is that hurting someone? How is that insulting someone? Forget about who's going to heaven or who's going to hell. You're looking at the end picture. You're alive here and now my friend. If you were to accept Jesus today as your Lord and Savior, I guarantee, you will witness a life changing event. You'll find yourself hating less, fighting less, gossiping less, etc. Then, you'll see your daily blessings more clearly and thank Jesus for them. Don't be one track minded and only think about heaven or hell. You're missing the whole big picture before that.... What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperKat 0 #95 February 23, 2006 QuoteWow, people sure get upset about others' beliefs around here! You can't expect anyone to understand what we know overnight. Which is why I don't force anyone to believe in what I believe in. I was just like most people, doubting the bible, not believing that Jesus is my Lord and Savior, etc. I used to poke fun at those type of people. I used to hate their preaching. Then, one day, I did a total 180. I don't know how it came about or why I chose this life but I know now God wanted it this way. And I'm sticking to that story. What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pajarito 0 #96 February 23, 2006 QuoteNo disrespect at all intended; to me it sounds like a cop-out. God doesn't give you a path to walk. He gave you free will, and the intelligence to use it for good, bad or in between. Au contraire, God did give us all a path to walk. God’s moral law is spelled out in the 10 Commandments. You are correct that we have free-will and the intelligence to decide. Without that, there could not be true love and a relationship with our creator. You can either choose the path of righteousness which leads to God and eternal life or you can choose your own path of unrighteousness leading to hell and eternal damnation. If you think you are “good” on your own and don’t need any help, ask yourself if you’ve kept the 10 Commandments. I haven’t and I’m sure you haven’t either. The Bible says that no one has or can. God, however in his demonstration of love and ultimate sacrifice, provided a way. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GTAVercetti 0 #97 February 23, 2006 Quote If you think you are “good” on your own and don’t need any help, ask yourself if you’ve kept the 10 Commandments. Dude, just make this your sig line. Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperKat 0 #98 February 23, 2006 QuoteI think everyone does have a desire for heaven, because God created humans with an inborn desire for eternity; God did not create us humans just to live on earth, and that's it. That's so very sweet of you to try so hard to get people to believe. You have a good heart. Quite honestly, let the non believers go about their way. Let them criticize. You've done your part as a Christian should have done. Let God do the rest. You can't twist anyone's arm to believe what we believe. I share your same sentiment. I want the whole world to be saved but you know what? This is reality. Only God can save the whole world. We just have to do our part and what we were made to do. Quoteand further, what's so arrogant about my beliefs? What's so arrogant about believing the bible is true? If someone is not saved, they will not believe in the bible. They will think this was written by men 5,000 years ago. They will think it's obselete. They just read few scriptures that say God commands gays to be killed, adulterers to be killed, and theives and sinners to be killed. There's more to it than that. The new testament has the teachings of Christ and he tells all of us to love one another and forgive one another and pray for one another. People don't read that part of the bible. They won't get to see how wise and wonderful his teachings are. The only thing you can do is be a witness to these people. Let them see how Christ has changed your life. Let them see how it doesn't kill anyone to be a Christian. Let them see how happy and pleasant you are because you're a Christian. Then, let God do the rest. God already sent his message to the world when he sent Jesus. He's been proving his existence for thousands of years before Christ appeared. He did his part. Now, we have to do ours carry out his work. However, if people refuse, don't be upset. Let God take over after that. It's in his hands. What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperKat 0 #99 February 23, 2006 Very well said. QuoteYou can either choose the path of righteousness which leads to God and eternal life or you can choose your own path of unrighteousness leading to hell and eternal damnation. If you think you are “good” on your own and don’t need any help, ask yourself if you’ve kept the 10 Commandments. This is good too. I can relate to this but saying something like this comes off a little too strong. It's the truth but sometimes people don't want to hear who goes to heaven or not if they do this or that or if they didn't do this or that. It turns people off. And it gives people an ultimatum. You have to know Christ and want him to come into your heart. With this, heaven is automatic and eternal damnation is out of sight and out of mind. We shouldn't tell non-believers about judgement. We should only express God's love through Jesus Christ. QuoteThe Bible says that no one has or can. God, however in his demonstration of love and ultimate sacrifice, provided a way. Awesome! What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,070 #100 February 23, 2006 QuoteQuoteNo disrespect at all intended; to me it sounds like a cop-out. God doesn't give you a path to walk. He gave you free will, and the intelligence to use it for good, bad or in between. Au contraire, God did give us all a path to walk. God’s moral law is spelled out in the 10 Commandments. You are correct that we have free-will and the intelligence to decide. Without that, there could not be true love and a relationship with our creator. You can either choose the path of righteousness which leads to God and eternal life or you can choose your own path of unrighteousness leading to hell and eternal damnation. If you think you are “good” on your own and don’t need any help, ask yourself if you’ve kept the 10 Commandments. I haven’t and I’m sure you haven’t either. The Bible says that no one has or can. God, however in his demonstration of love and ultimate sacrifice, provided a way. if God is omnipotent, why is any sacrifice necessary?... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites