
Pregnant by in vitro fertilization 62yo Woman Gives birth

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Some are calling this a miracle of god. When there are so many needy childern in the world, why not adopt. What are doctors thinking by performing in vitro fertilization on a woman of this age? This is not a miracle, just medical science. What are people (women and men) thinking to want more childern at such an age. Growing up I had a friend whose father was over 70 by the time he was 13 (the mother was around 40). It was abit strange as his dad was older than everyone elses grandparents. I guess, if people want to keep having kids into their retirement years, that's their own thing. I just find it to be abit odd when there are so many kids who are in need of parents.

(AP) A 62-year-old woman gave birth to a healthy 6-pound, 9-ounce baby boy, becoming one of the oldest women in the world to successfully bear a child.

The newborn is the 12th child of Janise Wulf, who has been blind since birth. She is a grandmother of 20 and great-grandmother of three.

Family members said the delivery at Mercy Medical Center went smoothly Friday, despite earlier concerns about the mother's health. Wulf, a diabetic, experienced swelling and higher blood pressure earlier this week, prompting doctors to perform a Caesarean section a week early.

"I believe our only hesitation collectively was her health and her coming through this. Giving birth is hard at any age, in any body, let alone with her being 62," Wulf's 28-year-old daughter, Desiree Myers, told the Redding Record Searchlight newspaper. Myers gave birth to a baby of her own four months ago.

Wulf and her third husband, Scott, 48, named the red-haired boy, Adam Charles Wulf. He follows just 3 1/2 years behind his older brother, Ian.

"I hate to raise one alone, without a sibling," said Wulf, who was impregnated both times through in vitro fertilization.

Wulf has given birth to a total of 12 children, although one son died in his 30s and another died at birth with undeveloped lungs. Of her 10 living children, the oldest is 40.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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I wrote a 2 page response just now and before sending, my computer froze. So inlue of writing it all over I will simply say. It's wrong to promise your child a front row seat at your funeral as a teen thats so wrong I can't even express how mad that makes me. we could all die young but to die of natural causes while you kids are still kids is so bad I just get wild thinking about it. Kids are awesome. Americans are so self centered that we think only of ourselves when we have kids at this age give me a break think of the kids you dumb-ass they need a parent at 100% all the time. You can't give that to them at that age it's b$%l s$it. Think of someone other then yourself people. Sorry for the grammar and syntax errors I don't what to lose this post like the last one so I am going as fast as I can .
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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devil's advocate here

All these posts about reproductive freedom - for singles, gay couples, smoking moms, using surrogates, etc. But apparently it's ok to bash old people for wanting offspring with their own genetics......

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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devil's advocate here

All these posts about reproductive freedom - for singles, gay couples, smoking moms, using surrogates, etc. But apparently it's ok to bash old people for wanting offspring with their own genetics......

My grandmother is 99 and except for the brains leaking out of her ears, she is in perfect health.

I know people in their 40s and 50s who are not as healthy as she.

I would love to have another baby (well, sometimes I think that anyway), but one of the inhibiting factors is that when the child is 20, I'll be 68.

Parents are supposed to want what is best for their children. The way we relate to our children is supposed to be more selfless than selfish. I understand the desire to have another child quite well, but it seems to me that maybe it's a little more selfish than not to have a child you are likely to abandon before adulthood.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I am bashing old people, only because of there lack of forethought. You can't be thinking of producing these kids because it's just something you want or you would enjoy. You must think of the kids. You are f-ing up there life because you can only give so much. Like I said, you must give 100% and if you can only give 100% for short spurts or for a few years before you physically can't. You are not doing the right thing. Having your own kids is like nothing I can explain, but to have your own parents to take care of is not the same for a teen or even pre-teen use your brain and think of the effect on the kids life. there is a reason why it becomes more and more dangerous to have a baby as woman grow older.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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Parents are supposed to want what is best for their children. The way we relate to our children is supposed to be more selfless than selfish. I understand the desire to have another child quite well, but it seems to me that maybe it's a little more selfish than not to have a child you are likely to abandon before adulthood.

'It's my body, I can smoke, I can abort, I can do whatever I want to.'

So why's the 60 year old so much worse in comparison?

Isn't the old person's action here just a reflection of today's people of all ages?

;)of course, just for discussion purposes, you know, just being the Devil's Advocate for the topic.;)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Their are no promises in life, If I knew I was going to die at age 30 when my children would still be young, I would still have had them. My ex husband lost his mother while he was in his teens, it was hard on him but it shaped some of who he is as an adult. My brothers children lost him, and the oldest is 10.... death is the only thing that people can count on. When it happens it happens, but if people stop living their life and dreams , then what is the point of living?

If I could have more children I would. She was able to and she did.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Parents are supposed to want what is best for their children. The way we relate to our children is supposed to be more selfless than selfish. I understand the desire to have another child quite well, but it seems to me that maybe it's a little more selfish than not to have a child you are likely to abandon before adulthood.

'It's my body, I can smoke, I can abort, I can do whatever I want to.'

You know I don't agree with that. Two separate issues: what I believe is right, and what I believe is my right to impose on another person.

Which then answers your question:


So why's the 60 year old so much worse in comparison?

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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It only bothers us because they are not taking a risk just for themselves. It's the person who can't voice their opinion. It is more then a risk it's a sure thing. Thats B#$l S^&t. I take my life in my hands every time I jump but I don.t push my kids out the door without a rig and promise to catch them it seems to me to be similar.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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It only bothers us because they are not taking a risk just for themselves. It's the person who can't voice their opinion. It is more then a risk it's a sure thing. Thats B#$l S^&t. I take my life in my hands every time I jump but I don.t push my kids out the door without a rig and promise to catch them it seems to me to be similar.

How is it a risk? If it was a risk to have children because we might die then no one would have kids. Funny how so often in these threads people refer everything to "Just like in skydiving...." no this is not just like skydiving.

Even if she dies in 10 years, yes the child will cry, but it appears this woman has a very close family and they will be there to support each other. Losing a parent is not the end all be all to a childhood.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Ok, if you look at our society you will see the effects of being raised by one parent or no parents.
I am going to stop now because I will make enemies if I continue. Have a great day everyone.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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L.O, I know what you mean about making enemies:SPeople need to realize that just because someone violently disagrees with you, doesn't mean you have to treat them disrespectfully and act childish:S

Who cares if the woman wants to have another child? Apparently she knows how to raise children, so what's the big deal? :S

Just because there are a lot of children out there that need to be adopted, doesn't mean you should point fingers and say people shouldn't be having more babies.:S
Should nobody be allowed to have children then, until all orphans are adopted? I don't think so.

I think adoption is an awesome thing, I may even adopt some day...but to get angry at a woman who already has had several children and wanted another one? :S

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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devil's advocate here

All these posts about reproductive freedom - for singles, gay couples, smoking moms, using surrogates, etc. But apparently it's ok to bash old people for wanting offspring with their own genetics......

And I shall respond to you advocacy;):

While I do think that people should be able to reproduce if they desire, I never understood the obsession people have with their genes (DNA rather than Versace of course). I just don't have it, so that is probably why.

I would never take away the right to have a child (actually, I would, but that is an entirely different topic and not something I really want to be a reality, just wishful thinking), but I would be all in favor of a hard push towards encouraging adoption instead. There are ALOT of kids out there that need parents.

And that applies to straights, gays, old, young, martians, venusians, and everyone else...except for plutonians. Those guys are assholes.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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I never understood the obsession people have with their genes (DNA rather than Versace of course). I just don't have it, so that is probably why.

Of course you do. When a guy between, say, age 16 and 25 wants to bang every girl in sight, it's because millions of years of evolution have told his brain that it's the rutting season.
Unless you're saying you're asexual.

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I never understood the obsession people have with their genes (DNA rather than Versace of course). I just don't have it, so that is probably why.

Of course you do. When a guy between, say, age 16 and 25 wants to bang every girl in sight, it's because millions of years of evolution have told his brain that it's the rutting season.
Unless you're saying you're asexual.

There is a difference between banging every girl in sight and banging every girl in sight and procreating. The latter of which I have no desire to do. Course, I don't want to "bang" every girl in sight either. Just alot of them. ;)

If I ever wanted a child, I would adopt. I guess I am defying evolution. Score one for me. :)
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Two separate issues: what I believe is right, and what I believe is my right to impose on another person.

Those can be separated as two separate issues? Same issue, different symptom.

GTA - Marsupials should also be allowed to adopt. But not sock puppets.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Two separate issues: what I believe is right, and what I believe is my right to impose on another person.

Those can be separated as two separate issues?




Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Two separate issues: what I believe is right, and what I believe is my right to impose on another person.

Those can be separated as two separate issues? Same issue, different symptom.

GTA - Marsupials should also be allowed to adopt. But not sock puppets.

You have this strange obsession with sock puppets. It is scaring the children and Jeebus. :|
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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While I do think that people should be able to reproduce if they desire, I never understood the obsession people have with their genes (DNA rather than Versace of course). I just don't have it, so that is probably why.

For an interesting perspective on that, read Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. We're mere carriers or vehicles for our genes in a sense. Of course, he takes it quite far and omits some aspects, but an interesting perspective nonetheless. The effectiveness is evident by people's desire to have "their own kids".

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