
Minority Boogies.

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OK... Now that there's a "Gay" skydiving boogie / day to go along with "Chicks-Rock", "Pops", "Pofs", etc... What specialised Boogie would you attend & why?

Just to set the tone, I wanna be at The REDNECK Boogie. Pickup trucks... Weight-vests full of beer & jerky... Round canopies (the only "squares" allowed are ones made out of bedsheets)... Out-Landings are fair game as "Skeet"... Imported Cars (especially French ones) raining out of the back of skyvans...


PS: I'm guessing that someone's gonna post the sort of boogie that'll keep this in SC.:)

Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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only us old farts and nothing but young female hotties allowed

plenty of beer up at 7am for a full country breakfast jump at 10am then lunch and end jumping at say 3pm to allow us time for a nap before supper.

plenty of power outlets to keep our wheel chairs charged up.
and the hotties serving us beer and burbon in skimpy outfits to keep our pace makers charged ..them bondfire done and out by ..say 9pm so we can all be in bed by 10pm at the latest.


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|337 d00dz b00gi3

Only for computer geeks.

Disciplines include:

xtreem programin: hack your way through the Pentagon mainframes. You may pull when done, but not before.

Make-fun-of-un-elite people. Come up with ways of calling people dumb that are hard to understand for n00bs. Such as

"A few DLLs short of a successful compile"
"A few bits short of a byte"

Whitest Legs competition. Flaunt your lack of complexion.

Spelin B for progamurs ppl who rite code.

Winner get an Unnecessary Shiny Gadget.

All participants must use altimeters that use the binary system.

All must have propellers on their helmets.
All must be secretly bugged by the NSA.
Communication must be done in |337 sp33k.

It's gonna be cool.

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4-way comps

Couch Freaks - but they have two or three of every subculture and some that only appear at that boogie

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I could stay away from things that I don't like seeing at a dz

You can do that anyway. Unless what you really mean is "no one will do anything that might offend me."

Those are two different things.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I could stay away from things that I don't like seeing at a dz

You can do that anyway. Unless what you really mean is "no one will do anything that might offend me."

Those are two different things.

Maybe she means people walking in on her in the showers and chewing her out for being "up tight" about it. maybe she means being on the dance floor and having every third 20 year old asswipe getting in her face yelling "show us yer tits". Maybe she means not walking through seven puddles of vomit on the way to the camper. Maybe she means a clean toilet.

God, just talking about this I want to go to a boogie right now.:D:D:D

But I can sympathize anyway.

but I don't think it's kind to turn it about on her for stating her comfort zone. (And I think you phrased it kindly, but ...)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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> I would like to have a Christian boogie . . .

Now that's a good idea! Talk to the guy who runs the CSA; I think his last name is Sxott. We did all sorts of shapes during last year's Performance Plus jumps. You guys xould do a big cross or something.

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I happen to like boogies, and rehmwa, it has nothing to do with comfort level. I grew up camping and hunting, I can handle the dirtiness:).

I would just like to have a Christian boogie where I could meet other Christians and have a more family-friendly atmosphere for once.

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I would just like to have a Christian boogie where I could meet other Christians and have a more family-friendly atmosphere for once.

wasn't my list of hypotheticals mostly about family-friendly issues?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Hmm, how about the Bondage Boogie?

Do I really need to say why?

You REALLY need to trust your partner to pull the pilot chute for you....

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Hmm, how about the Bondage Boogie?

Do I really need to say why?

I think it's because you want me to do some of my fancy knots on you... :P

I propose the [B]ATHEISTS' BOOGIE. Just to see supposedly tolerant people show that they aren't, really.

Because atheists are clearly not supposed to have rights, and everyone knows atheists are evil, amoral people.

No one will be allowed to pray to god for a successful skydive. In fact, everyone will be required to be responsible for the success of his/her own skydive.

And everyone will be expected to be nice to other people because that's a better way to make the world work in a peaceful, pleasant manner and to make life good, and not because they fear eventual punishment for misbehavior and mistreatment of their fellows.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I happen to like boogies, and rehmwa, it has nothing to do with comfort level. I grew up camping and hunting, I can handle the dirtiness:).

I would just like to have a Christian boogie where I could meet other Christians and have a more family-friendly atmosphere for once.

Get rolling and organize one! You seem to have a lot of energy. I'm sure that Mark could give you some great tips on getting started with organizing a boogie.

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>I propose the ATHEISTS' BOOGIE. Just to see supposedly tolerant
> people show that they aren't, really.

Go for it! I'd go; would attract interesting peopler.

>No one will be allowed to pray . . .

Woah. OK, maybe not. I'd prefer a boogie like the gay boogie where all are welcome and there are no exclusive rules like that.

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>No one will be allowed to pray . . .

Woah. OK, maybe not. I'd prefer a boogie like the gay boogie where all are welcome and there are no exclusive rules like that.

But I'm curious to see how that rule will be enforced. Silent prayer police, perhaps? :D

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You're right about the comfort zone thing. Having a Christian boogie would define a certain comfort zone. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's what a lot of the other boogies are about. I can talk about the brand of tampon I use at JFTC without having to look hard for someone. At POPS I can ogle the guys, knowing that none of them is young enough to be my son :D

The biggest problem with JFTC was the line in the ladies' room :ph34r:. That's usually never a problem at a dropzone.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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