
Once again, the animalistic, vicious violence of (some) muslims makes me sick

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Okay, how is it that the world expects to ever be able to live peacefully alongside islam when islam is really what's responsible for this shit??


BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Forty-seven Iraqis were killed and 50 Sunni mosques were attacked in Baghdad after a brazen early morning strike on a Shiite mosque in Samarra, Baghdad emergency police said Thursday.

Shot dead between 11 a.m. and midnight were imams, worshippers and bystanders, police said.

Three journalists for Al Arabiya television who had been kidnapped during the violence in Samarra were found dead Thursday near the city, an official with the Salaheddin Joint Coordination Center told CNN.

In all, four of the network's employees were abducted Wednesday evening, including reporter Atwar Bahjat.

One of the employees escaped, informing police about their kidnappings.

Al Arabiya's Baghdad bureau chief confirmed the deaths.

The day's carnage, unusual even by Baghdad standards, shook Iraq after a sacred Shiite shrine was bombed in Samarra...

(from CNN.com)

What the fuck, people? Really. What the FUCK?! :S

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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The United States has promised to help rebuild the shrine.

Oh, well doesn't that just take the fuckin' cake. >:(


Why the fuck do WE OWE them ANYTHING?! And will we rebuild it again when they blow it up again just to make us look like fuckin' suckers?!

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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"Why the fuck do WE OWE them ANYTHING?!"_____________________________________maybe because we invaded a sovereign nation and winded up starting a civil war comes to mind________________
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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what the fuck were we doing in Iraq in the first palce?

Looking for weapons of Mass Destruction ?
Looking For Oil ?
Looking For Al Qeada ?
Bringing peace and stability into the region ?

What is the latest reason that Bush has given for being there.
If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers

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Looking for weapons of Mass Destruction ?
Looking For Oil ?
Looking For Al Qeada ?
Bringing peace and stability into the region ?

What is the latest reason that Bush has given for being there.

Scottish John has a point here.

to peacefuljeffrey: If that is how you feel, don't forget it's your buddy Bush that decided to go in there & "fix" Iraq. The whole Neo-Con doctrine is about running around the world starting pre-emptive wars in these Muslim countries, then when they do & the plan goes to shit, the NeoCon-supporters sit around & complain about how hopelessly f&*ked up these people are.

If that's how you feel, why don't we leave them the f&*k alone?

(cue the stock Neo-Con answer: "9/11!!!":S:S:S:S)
Speed Racer

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>Why the fuck do WE OWE them ANYTHING?

We shoulda thought of that before we invaded, eh? Sorta like getting a woman passing-out-drunk, doing her, finding out she'd pregnant and saying "why the fuck do I owe her child support?" Shoulda thought of that before doing the deed, not nine months after.

Like the saying goes in the US - you break it, you bought it.

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These Americans are SUCH vicious, violent animals.

Teenage Girl Convicted in Ill. Killing
By JAN DENNIS, Associated Press Writer
1 hour ago

DIXON, Ill. - A teenage girl was convicted Wednesday in the killing of a 16-year-old classmate who was choked, beaten and sawed into pieces after an argument over boys.

Sarah Kolb, 17, faces up to 60 years in prison.

The victim, Adrianne Reynolds, had just moved to East Moline from Texas about two months before she was killed. Prosecutors said she was just trying to fit in at a new school but picked the wrong friend.

On Jan. 21, 2005, Kolb, Reynolds and schoolmate Cory Gregory were in Kolb's car at a fast-food restaurant when the fight began. Reynolds was killed and her body was burned, dismembered and hidden in two counties.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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One person committing an individual murder -- you compare that to wild-eyed ethnic/religious violence on a society-wide scale? With dozens dead? Are there people out there preaching to others that they ought to go and murder romantic rivals?

Something tells me that, gee, uh, muslim factions have been warring with each other for a fuck of a long time before we went into Iraq. Where the hell have you all been?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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>Are there people out there preaching to others that they ought to go and murder romantic rivals?

There are christian leaders preaching political assassination. There are a whole lot of irish catholics who regularly go out and start riots and fight protestants. Is the problem christianity, or is the problem that some christians are idiots and criminals?

> muslim factions have been warring with each other for a fuck of a
>long time before we went into Iraq.

And christians have been warring with _them_ even longer.

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>Something tells me that, gee, uh, muslim factions have been warring with
>each other for a fuck of a long time before we went into Iraq. Where the
>hell have you all been?

Funny, when us "leftist liberals" said this in early 2003, we were called alarmist nuts. They were going to welcome us as liberators and forge a united Iraq! Surely you're not changing sides on us here?

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>and join me for some pie.

But my brainhole is so full of incoherent leftist rage!

if the left side is full of incoherent leftist rage
and the right side is full of incoherent fundamentalist rage

they should cancel each other, the results can be drained off

leaving plenty of pie room

mmmmmm pie.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Im sorry i have to come out and say it, YOU ARE A F**KING moron. for one it isnt a society wide issue, the majority of the people aren't comiting crimes, rioting, killing, or even yelling JIHAD, unlike many ignorant a**holes such as yourself seem to think. Do you know any one islamic, do you even know an islamic sympathist. Untill you do and realize that it isnt all of them, it isnt half of them, it isnt even a significant portion of them, stop talking, stop being a bigot, and stop making yourself look like a hard headed, wont listen to anyone who doesnt agree with me or what i believe in, redneck, sob. Dont comment on things that you have no knowlege about. And as far as the US screwing up the situation, lets mark all the things that we have done to piss off our middle eastern buddies.

first we created the UN which arbitrarily agreed that palestine OUGHT to belong to the Jews, why we dont know, so we displaced millions in order to give the holocaust victims what they wanted (agreed a good cause, but about the worst way possible to attain the end)
second we arm the newly formed state of israel so that they can fend off all attemps at invasion, which they do for the most part
third we completely ignore every international violation that israel commits via the mossad, or invasion of another country, torture, etc.
more recently we side with the israelis in every confrontation between the palestinians and jews, even though more mass murder is commited on the part of the jews (last civilian death count i could find came from and international health organization at 2200 + innocent palestinians dead, 842 innocent israelies dead, this was a long while ago but i don know that the gap has further widend)
and lastly every major conflict from the palestinians is blamed on the islamic faith even though 25% of the palestinians, and an equal number of those commiting the crimes in the region are christian.
we accuse a religion and a way of life instead of militant organizations that dont represent the majority.
more muslims live in indonesia than the entire middle eastern region, yet we dont see car bombs, and insurgents there, or atleast we dont hear about them, so it cant be a religious thing. The only reason that it is even able to been seen that way is because the region is primarily muslim, and we portray muslims as barbaric militant hordes.

Maybe world war 1 and 2 where those damn militant christians, most of the people fighting the war were christian after all right.
or maybe the crusades where the damn militant christians, that seems resonable to say
maybe tienemen (sp?) square was all those damn bhudists, those crazy peace seeking, murderous fools
Maybe the India Pakistan conflict is simply hindus and muslims fighting, instead of a territorial fight between two nations, no it couldnt be that could it.

So a note to all of those that jump to hasty generalization, stop being morons, every time there has been genocide commited it started the same way, is that what YOU want, to just kill all the muslims, sounds like a good idea.

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Woohoo! OK, now you've posted something that a lot of people have thought.

And you're right about a whole lot of it. UN, arbitrary assignment of Palestine to the Holocaust Jews, and that the vast majority of Muslims are nice people.

WW2 fucked up a lot, didn't it.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Why the fuck do WE OWE them ANYTHING?! And will we rebuild it again when they blow it up again just to make us look like fuckin' suckers?!

Because we invaded the fucking country. Hell it took a mofo SOB like Saddam Hussein to keep these factions from ripping the country apart and now you're surprised this is going on. :S Bush created this whole cluster fuck and the poor bastards who have to pay are our men and women in the armed forces and the Iraqi people. It's totally fucked.

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Why the fuck do WE OWE them ANYTHING?! And will we rebuild it again when they blow it up again just to make us look like fuckin' suckers?!

Because we invaded the fucking country. Hell it took a mofo SOB like Saddam Hussein to keep these factions from ripping the country apart and now you're surprised this is going on. :S Bush created this whole cluster fuck and the poor bastards who have to pay are our men and women in the armed forces and the Iraqi people. It's totally fucked.


If you stick your dick in a hornets' nest, don't expect a blow job.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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One person committing an individual murder -- you compare that to wild-eyed ethnic/religious violence on a society-wide scale? With dozens dead? Are there people out there preaching to others that they ought to go and murder romantic rivals?

Something tells me that, gee, uh, muslim factions have been warring with each other for a fuck of a long time before we went into Iraq. Where the hell have you all been?


Oh, you want STATISTICS.

The world's largest Islamic country, Indonesia, has a homicide rate 5 times lower than the "Christian" US.

Saudi Arabia's rate is lower still.

Even Yemen has a lower murder rate than the US.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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