
South Dakota ban's abortion

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I keep hearing arguments, but nothing that outweighs the killing of the unborn baby.

Try again since you didn't answer last time.

What's your answer to pregancy by rape? Make sure your answer does not in any way further infringe on the right of the woman to live her life as she sees fit.

He wont. He's already stated that he wont speculate what to do in case his 12-year old daughter got pregnant as a result of rape; I doubt he'll do the same for a more general case.

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This is the dumbest semantics argument I've ever had on here. I take that back; I've had some dumb ones. But it's in the top 10.

Do you deny that hospitals have "Delivery Rooms". I fail to see your point. "Delivery" IS the word used in the English language. Don't they still use English in SoCal?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I keep hearing arguments, but nothing that outweighs the killing of the unborn baby.

Try again since you didn't answer last time.

What's your answer to pregancy by rape? Make sure your answer does not in any way further infringe on the right of the woman to live her life as she sees fit.

He wont. He's already stated that he wont speculate what to do in case his 12-year old daughter got pregnant as a result of rape; I doubt he'll do the same for a more general case.

It appears that you are correct. He doesn't have an answer.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I keep hearing arguments, but nothing that outweighs the killing of the unborn baby.

Try again since you didn't answer last time.

What's your answer to pregancy by rape? Make sure your answer does not in any way further infringe on the right of the woman to live her life as she sees fit.

He wont. He's already stated that he wont speculate what to do in case his 12-year old daughter got pregnant as a result of rape; I doubt he'll do the same for a more general case.

It appears that you are correct. He doesn't have an answer.

You appear to think there must be an easy answer, one that doesn't infringe on the right of the woman to live her life as she sees fit.

I've clearly answered you, that after a certain point that right of the mother is outweighed by the right to live. You've responded by saying that I'm sick.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I wonder how passionate all of the people whom are against abortion would be if it were there rights that were being taken away?

People can be selfish, that is definitely true. People can want to think that it is not a life no matter how close to full term it is, because they don't want their lives to be changed.

So, which is it for you - not a life until birth, or does the mother always have the right to kill it? Kallend has made his position clear, that it is not a life until birth.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I wonder how passionate all of the people whom are against abortion would be if it were there rights that were being taken away?

People can be selfish, that is definitely true. People can want to think that it is not a life no matter how close to full term it is, because they don't want their lives to be changed.

So, which is it for you - not a life until birth, or does the mother always have the right to kill it? Kallend has made his position clear, that it is not a life until birth.

Incorrect. My position is that until birth it is none of anyone's business except the woman. That is very different from what you wrote.

Our society does not confer "personhood" until birth, and I have given numerous examples in support of that position. I bet you have a Birth Certificate but you don't have a conception certificate, a neural activity certificate or a viability certificate.

Explain why a woman who is the victim of rape should have to have anyone's permission to have an abortion.

It simply isn't your business, my business, GWB's business, the SD legislature's business or the Pope's business.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Americans revere the word "freedom" as if it was a religious word (or something like that). Americans are always preaching it and yes I do think it is a power entity and something to be cherished since freedom is not something many in history have been able to enjoy. Yet many now in America are prepared to take the freedom of a woman to choose how she wants to live her life away from her only because this topic goes against their religious and/or moral beliefs. It's also similar to homosexuality, where the religious right wants to take the freedom away from people to live how they want to live their lives. So what is it? Does freedom only apply to those who follow that fictional book called "The Burble"? Why are some of you so strongly bent on removing the "freedom" of someone to choose how they wish to live their lives away from them only because it goes against your beliefs (be it religious or some other reason). Does freedom only apply when it suits your beliefs or does it apply to all those wishing to live their lives a certain way?

Stop fucking judging people and accept them for who they are. Yes abortion is not a desirable form of birth control. But if a woman decides that it is in her best interest not to see a pregnacy to the end. It is her body and her life and she should be given the freedom to choose how to live that life. Fucking hypocrites I say (the right to lifers) when they're willing to support a government which invades foreign countries proclaiming the reason why they do it is in the name if "freedom" yet they are so damn quick to take the same "freedom" away from their citizens. Not that I know much about South Dakota, but those fools are really the laughing stock of the civilized world right now. :S

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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.If it could only be the baby's business.....

Face it for most right to life advocates its not just the baby.

For most it goes to MORALITY.. these evil women do not have MORALS.

Abstinence is the only way to ensure they do not get pregnant.

No sex ed whatsoever prevents these IMMORAL women from getting ideas.

In this MORAL world even birth control.. and a RU486 pill ( orning after)are not allowed since it goes against GODS WILL.

Why not tell the truth right to lifers.. this is what it is REALLLY about.

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Well, there's the rub, eh? You'd have a pretty good argument there for a 38 week old fetus, because it's basically a baby. Not such a good argument for a six week old clump of insensate cells.

Which, if left alone, will in all probability develop into a person just like you and me. You and no one else knows when life begins. It's human no matter what level of development it might be in. Hell....I've been told I still need to grow up.

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>Which, if left alone, will in all probability develop into a person just like you and me.

That's a different argument. The argument that "you're killing a living baby that can see, hear, feel" etc might be valid at the 38th week, but it's not valid at 6 weeks. I realize there are many other issues (like _potential_ life.)

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Yet many now in America are prepared to take the freedom of a woman to choose how she wants to live her life away from her only because this topic goes against their religious and/or moral beliefs.

Opposition to abortion on demand is not limited to the religious. I'm not particularly religious. I believe in some sort of afterlife, and a soul, but I don't think any of the organized religions really know what it is all about.


Stop fucking judging people and accept them for who they are. Yes abortion is not a desirable form of birth control. But if a woman decides that it is in her best interest not to see a pregnacy to the end. It is her body and her life and she should be given the freedom to choose how to live that life. Fucking hypocrites I say (the right to lifers) when they're willing to support a government which invades foreign countries proclaiming the reason why they do it is in the name if "freedom" yet they are so damn quick to take the same "freedom" away from their citizens.

It seems that you are fucking judging me. I don't take this position because of a religious belief, but I think that at a point during the pregnancy it should be considered a life worth protecting as any other, and after that point killing it should not be allowed.

Very different freedoms you are comparing, I think.

I don't think I should have to be a pacifist in order to take the position that at some point it is a life worth protecting as any other.


Why are some of you so strongly bent on removing the "freedom" of someone to choose how they wish to live their lives away from them only because it goes against your beliefs (be it religious or some other reason). Does freedom only apply when it suits your beliefs or does it apply to all those wishing to live their lives a certain way?

There are lots of things you aren't allowed to do because it affects others. Some things you can't do even though it is hard to see how it affects others. We don't have a right to live our lives as we wish without limits.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Face it for most right to life advocates its not just the baby.

For most it goes to MORALITY.. these evil women do not have MORALS.

Abstinence is the only way to ensure they do not get pregnant.

No sex ed whatsoever prevents these IMMORAL women from getting ideas.

In this MORAL world even birth control.. and a RU486 pill ( orning after)are not allowed since it goes against GODS WILL.

Why not tell the truth right to lifers.. this is what it is REALLLY about

I think you are largely correct about many fundamentalist right to life advocates. But abortion rights activists want to take the position that any limitation to that right must be resisted because of the slippery slope. I don't that position is reasonable, just as gun rights advocates don't want any further restriction on guns because of the slippery slope - not a reasonable argument. I think the advocates on both sides should moderate their positions to find a compromise that will be better than the current situation.

People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I wonder how passionate all of the people whom are against abortion would be if it were there rights that were being taken away?

People can be selfish, that is definitely true. People can want to think that it is not a life no matter how close to full term it is, because they don't want their lives to be changed.

So, which is it for you - not a life until birth, or does the mother always have the right to kill it? Kallend has made his position clear, that it is not a life until birth.

Incorrect. My position is that until birth it is none of anyone's business except the woman. That is very different from what you wrote.

Our society does not confer "personhood" until birth, and I have given numerous examples in support of that position. I bet you have a Birth Certificate but you don't have a conception certificate, a neural activity certificate or a viability certificate.

Explain why a woman who is the victim of rape should have to have anyone's permission to have an abortion.

It simply isn't your business, my business, GWB's business, the SD legislature's business or the Pope's business.

So it seems like you take both positions, that it is not yet a person (pretty close to saying that it is not a life until birth), and it is nobody elses business (pretty close to saying that the mother has the right to kill it - or at get rid of it since you can't kill it if it isn't a person/alive).

I think a victim of rape should be limited in when they can get rid of it because the circumstances of the conception are not relevant to the worth of the life being protected. I understand that you don't agree it is a life worth protecting, but can't you understand my position?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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For most it goes to MORALITY..

I agree with that, altho I cannot agree with the second part of the statement:


these evil women do not have MORALS.

I do not see evil in the women who choose to end their pregnancy. I simply see the death of a child.

I think I am closest to Bill on this issue. I can see early abortions as more palpable to my taste. But once the child becomes viable to live outside the mom something other than "evil" comes into play. I would say that something is the innocence of the child.

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