
Ladies, how do you feel about this?

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Ok, I want the female point of view about this. South Dakota has passed a bill that bans abortion. The governor has stated he intends to sign the bill into law. This is explicitly meant as a challenge to Roe v. Wade for the purpose of banning all abortions.

How do you fell about this? I'm interested to hear from both sides of the issue. Whether you, personally, would or would not have one, how do you feel about the removal of your right to choose?
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Personally, I think the right to choose an abortion is important. I think the right to choose birth control, and easy access to it for women (who have the greater cost to bear most of the time of unwanted pregnancy) is even more important.

I do think there should be fetal-development-related rules about abortion; obviously 8 1/2 months is way too far along, and at 3 days you don't even know that you were pregnant if the egg doesn't implant. No one inspects the flow when they're having their period to bury it just in case there was a fertilized egg in there.

The traditional test was "quickening" (when you can begin to feel little kicks). That's at 16-20 weeks.

Wendy W.
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While I can theoretically say I'd never do it, I think there are situations in which it might be in the mother's best interests (i.e., rape, serious risk to mother's health). I would never want to take that option away from someone, and I honestly don't know what I would do if I were put into the position of having to make that decision myself.

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Personally, I feel that it's between the mother, the father, and the doctor. The government has no business entering into anyone's personal life like this. Of course, I feel that way about the drug laws also.

Abortion is a difficult decision for anyone to contemplate, and we really don't need any political office further muddying the waters while trying to get elected by a small group of left or right extremists.

It sickens me when a politician enters into my bedroom/house and tries to tell me what is morally right or wrong for me and mine. While I don't particularly agree with the way abortions can be used as a late birth control, I do not see banning them accomplishing anything except possibly creating more health problems from backroom clinics. Isn't that what was happening before Rowe v. Wade?

Fortunately, I don't have to worry about this since I have had my tubes tied, but if I did, and my bf and I decided we could not have a child, I would certainly not appreciate the limelight being thrown on such a personal issue. If it's truly a medical concern for the child, then my doctor can handle any of those questions. Politicians just aren't qualified.

My two cents. (This topic gets me really fired up, so please forgive and don't flame too much. I don't post often and am sensitive. :ph34r:)

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What’s the difference between doing it if you’re raped and get pregnant (which is very slim possibility) and having an abortion because you don’t want to have a baby (assuming for the sake of argument that it’s a one time “oops” thing)? Is it a moral issue for you?

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I personally am very much against abortion. I would do anything within my powers to support anyone who tries to turn over Roe vs Wade besides the violence that many anti-abortion advocates use. I do not believe there is ever a reason to have an abortion.

Rape - Yes tramatic but that baby is able to be adopted out to parents who themselves can not have children but want them. I know a woman who aborted her baby because emotionally it was easier to kill her child then know the child was living but with other people. I can not understand this. I look at women who give their children up for adoption as some of the strongest women out there. It takes alot to realize one can not raise a child but have the love in thier heart to make others dreams come true.

Incest- Yes there are some medical conditions that can result from this but even if the child is handicapped from its genes it is still able to be adopted. The woman accross the street adopted a baby that has many genetic problems and provides that little girl with one of the most loving homes out there.

Mothers life in danger - Personally this is the one somewhat gray area for me and its something I have a hard time deciding how I feel. Personally if I while pregnant had been flat out told "you will die if you continue to carry this child" then I would choose to die. That is because of religous reasons and the fact that I truely believe that if that would have been Gods will it would happen regardless. That being said I can understand why women would choose to abort a baby when faced with this decsion and would do everything in my power to be there for the emotional support.

To me it is murder, regardless if it is just literally a collection of cells or a 9 month fetus about to get a partial birth abortion. There are many many cases where babies have been born at abortion clinics but never claimed.

However, as long as it is not used as a means of birth control (yes that happens, sad to say some women have multible abortions because their to lazy to use protection) I would never look down on a women for choosing to abort her baby. I would not agree with her choice and I would do anything I could to help her change her mind but in the end it is not up to me to judge, and I would be there to help pick up the pieces when/if she realizes she made a mistake.

There is a possibility that many will read this and want to PM me with either their agreement or their disagreement, or may just choose to flame me. I know both sides of abortion and could debate both sides. These are my personal feelings that will not change, I have researched this subject on all fronts from biblical to medical and I will forever be of the firm belief that a baby should have the right to choose life. Babies abort themselves, many miscarriages happen before a woman even knows she is pregnant.
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Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I am completely thrilled SD has passed this bill:)
I am not going to go into detail about my views, but let's just say the lives of many will be saved.:)
edited to add: Awesome post, LM~! B|

There are many many cases where babies have been born at abortion clinics but never claimed.

And this is what's REALLY sick about partial birth abortionB|; babies can survive this procedureB|

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I personally am very much against abortion. I would do anything within my powers to support anyone who tries to turn over Roe vs Wade besides the violence that many anti-abortion advocates use. I do not believe there is ever a reason to have an abortion.

So you'd have a kid you know will have Down's? Or some other defect?

A friend recently needed to do the Amniocentesis because the initial screen indicated a higher risk of it. Had it come back positive, they would have faced that decision. Personally I don't think knowingly giving birth to a child with Down's does anyone a favor.

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Personally I don't think knowingly giving birth to a child with Down's does anyone a favor

So what, only perfectly healthy and defect-free humans should be alived to live? :S
What, are kids with Down Syndrome not able to teach us anything? Are they not able to live a life and be worthy of loving? [:/]

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Thats the exact genetic disorder the girl accross the street is. Her severity is mild. She is a happy, smart, loving person who got a chance to be happy because her mother gave her up for adoption and the parents of this little girl are happy and loving to her and have recieved more from the girl and her love of life then they can ever pay back.
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Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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That's a long sentence:|:P.
Anyway, I know a couple who got married for the first time, both in their late 30's when they had their first child. Second girl has Down's, but there is no way I would say she should have been aborted:S; I mean gosh, she might actually have to have more attention and love than other kids:o:S

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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My favorite is when people say that they're for abortion only in the cases of incest/rape/harm to the mother. If you are okay with abortion in the case of rape, you are either forcing a person to file a report (which means do you let them have an abortion before the verdict comes out?) or you force them to have a baby.

I had an acquaintance in college. She was raped, and got pregnant from it. She had an abortion, and she didn't file a report (she didn't want to be put up on trial, too....she was drunk at a frat when it happened.) These are her choices which I did not judge her for. She did what was best for her.

All that said, I'm pro-choice. No, that doesn't mean I think people SHOULD have abortions. I think they SHOULD have the choice to do what they want with their bodies.
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My favorite is when people say that they're for abortion only in the cases of incest/rape/harm to the mother. If you are okay with abortion in the case of rape, you are either forcing a person to file a report

So many people do not realize that. Not all women want to be put up on trial when they are abused. All women who file a report on those abuses ARE put on trial.


These are her choices which I did not judge her for. She did what was best for her

Even though I do not believe in pro-choice I do agree with this statement.

I agree that just because someone is pro-choice it does not mean they believe that abortion is a good thing. Many pro-choice believers themselves state that for them its about a right to choose but personally they couldnt have an abortion.

Great post Val
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Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Thats the exact genetic disorder the girl accross the street is. Her severity is mild. She is a happy, smart, loving person who got a chance to be happy because her mother gave her up for adoption and the parents of this little girl are happy and loving to her and have recieved more from the girl and her love of life then they can ever pay back.

What will she do when her parents are too old to care for her?

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Guest 1010

What will she do when her parents are too old to care for her?

Obviously a good reason to kill someone :S

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What will she do when her parents are too old to care for her?

Obviously a good reason to kill someone :S

Try answering the question. Apparently as a child she is a joy to her parents. What comes later?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>So what, only perfectly healthy and defect-free humans should be alived to live?

Depends on the case. A Down syndrome child? I think he or she should live; they can have a decent quality of life. An anencephalic fetus? No point; you might as well get a fern for all the quality of life that organism (not child) will have. A child with a massive defect that will cause his/her death moments after birth? Some friends of mine once faced that awful choice; I am very, very thankful that they and their doctor were able to make that call, rather than a government bureacrat.

If you had to make such a call, would you want the advice of your doctor or a bureaucrat who had never met you?

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Guest 1010
A certain percentage of people born healthy _will_ become dependant on others later in life due to accidents, disease, etc. Why should those known apriori be killed? To be consistent, are you arguing that all people who become dependent on others to survive, be euthanized?

Government does provide housing, food, supervision, social services and so on for those that _can't_ provide for themselves, this is the safety net. Many different living arrangements exist in my town, often in group homes funded by state and federal dollars, and not just for Downs folks but for many developmentally and otherwise disabled people.

My preference though is for non-governmental entities (ie family, generally) to take care of their own, lacking that churches, lacking that, friends, lacking that and other support groups, govt (pretty much as it is now).

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An anencephalic fetus

I have never heard of this term so I googled it. I must admit that this is probably the worst thing I have ever seen as far as what a parent could ever have to face. I could never place myself in that position, and I am so very blessed with the children I do have. I can not even fathom this abnormality and the fact that it is usually not even known until about 18 weeks along. It is at that time most parents have already formed a very strong bond with the child within.

I found links where many statements from every avenue holds this abnormality seperate from many. The Catholic church has taken a stance that it is still a human being with the right to live. Many other religons take a different stance and many side with the medical profession as an anencephalic fetus as a mass of tissues and not a human being.

To me the removal of those masses would not be considered an abortion. Maybe I am wrong on that, but I am not very educated on this perticular defect and will be reading more about it.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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