
Do you regular SC posters get all worked up?

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I often find that some of the opinions that I hold very strongly are flawed. My ego is not attached to my argument and therefore I never see it as losing a debate so much as a learning experience.

You clearly don't belong here, then.;)

No, no! Don't chase him away. I'm in love with what he just wrote.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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How do you know? :P

Okay, maybe hate is a strong word; however, when I get a nasty pm from someone that is my first reaction.

People need to chill.

We're actually agreed on that.

The whole concept of taking the argument to PMs for the purpose of launching personal attacks is not one with which I hold. If you can't figure out a way to say it in such a way that it's not a PA (and by this, I mean all personal attacks, not just PAs as they are defined by Sangiro), you shouldn't say it at all.

OTOH, I suspect you went to the trouble of answering the nasty PM. I did once or twice early on, but if someone chooses to assault me in my own mailbox, I just block 'em. I don't want to know them, much less try to reason with them.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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wow, I COMPLETELY agree with your post! :o:D
Yes, I have answered a pm every now and then, now I just block people. My life has enough negativity without people attacking me personally.

So now I just block that negativity ( and pm's) and try to continue to love and treat others with respect as best as I know how. I just don't want to have to listen to/read childish name calling or angry responses telling me I don't have a right to think or believe the way I do.:)

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if someone chooses to assault me in my own mailbox, I just block 'em. I don't want to know them, much less try to reason with them.

I feel left out. Only one person has sent me random hate mail in PM. If anyone's going to get that here I'd think it would be me.

But this guy's attack was truly special, I must say. ;) Quality, not quantity, right?

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I feel left out. Only one person has sent me random hate mail in PM. If anyone's going to get that here I'd think it would be me.

It seems to me that there is some kind of random insult generator somewhere on the web. If you'd like, I'll find it and send you one a week. As I recall, they're pretty funny.

I've only actually gotten such emails from...hmmm...three people, I think, and two of those were pretty early on. One of them, I've already discussed, the next was from someone who objected to my saying that tandems are dangerous and the final and most recent exchange wasn't exactly hate mail, but it was about you, LJ, so you can add it to your total by proxy...or something.


If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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The key is to make one or two sentence posts that provoke your antagonists into wasting THEIR time on long replies

Boy your an expert at that my friend. But the debates are fun most of the time.

Not bad for a rookie;)

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if someone chooses to assault me in my own mailbox, I just block 'em. I don't want to know them, much less try to reason with them.

I feel left out. Only one person has sent me random hate mail in PM. If anyone's going to get that here I'd think it would be me.

But this guy's attack was truly special, I must say. ;) Quality, not quantity, right?

I'd send you one but you'd just laugh. :D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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***You clearly don't belong here, then.;)

How so?


I was just being a smartass (it's what I do:D). Many of the SC "regulars" don't take your approach... yours is refreshing but somewhat atypical. (Of course you belong here... we need more in here. One of the reasons I avoided SC for so long was that I doubted those type of posters exist, they most definitely do and we need more of them).

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***You clearly don't belong here, then.;)

How so?


I was just being a smartass (it's what I do:D). Many of the SC "regulars" don't take your approach... yours is refreshing but somewhat atypical. (Of course you belong here... we need more in here. One of the reasons I avoided SC for so long was that I doubted those type of posters exist, they most definitely do and we need more of them).

Im not sure but I think I've just been paid a compliment.

Thank you,

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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The key is to make one or two sentence posts that provoke your antagonists into wasting THEIR time on long replies.

Given the choice, I'd rather have real debate than fuck with my opponents.

They call that difference "integrity."

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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The key is to make one or two sentence posts that provoke your antagonists into wasting THEIR time on long replies.

Given the choice, I'd rather have real debate than fuck with my opponents.

They call that difference "integrity."

If you imply nice things about me (even in the context of taking a sideways swipe at John :D, which was pretty well done, btw), people are going to think we like each other in spite of it all, and that will make them dizzy.

You're a naughty boy, PJ. :D

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I feel left out. Only one person has sent me random hate mail in PM. If anyone's going to get that here I'd think it would be me.

But this guy's attack was truly special, I must say. ;) Quality, not quantity, right?

Yeah, quality. :|

Startling in its timing, I received a message tonight in reference to a post I made in the abortion thread:

"You should have never been a mother. I feel sorry for your kids."

Now, what kind of person does that? I guess I'd best not tell Beck, eh? :D

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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SC is a good source of information sometimes and good for a laugh others,

I used to get worked up at first but now i just read for information and sometimes have a stab to get a reaction.

i soon realised the speakers corner is not a representation of world opinion, as i initially thought. it is the same group of (mostly american) nerds with nothing better to do but sit on the computer all night :o:D:P


everyone has an opinion, and everyone is entitled to one. everyone is different. this needs to be respected.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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Guest 1010

The key is to make one or two sentence posts that provoke your antagonists into wasting THEIR time on long replies.

A few years ago I ("Mr. Undecided") was able to engage the opposing US Senatorial candidate in conversation on my doorstep, then inside my apt over sodas, for 90 minutes ... two weeks before he lost the general election and yes it was very close. Politically the right thing to do ... but not my proudest moment, pretty much ewwww to me now. I didn't have the heart to tell him I was working for his opponent. :|

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Well, Chris,

I have an addendum for you:

SC doesn't get me worked up, but a very poorly constructed poll in the Bonfire managed to get me wired yesterday.

It's a hot topic for me anyway, but because it was skewed in the construction, it sent me into orbit, even to the point of making me a little incoherent in explaining exactly what it was that pissed me off.

So I guess one just never knows when one's sense of calmness will be disrupted.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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