
Republicans = Fiscal Responsibility

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The concept of a conservative government means that it is more fiscally responsible. But the Republican governments over the years sure seem to like to invade countries to start wars which sure doesn't help the bottom line in terms of government expenditures.

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Is the Republican Party the party of fiscal responsibility?

What makes you think so?

Fiscal responsibility is something that cannot be claimed by the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.

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The concept of a conservative government means that it is more fiscally responsible.

I don't work well with that simplification. Although it's a good starting point:

1 - You can be socially conservative and fiscally liberal (republicans)

2 - You can be socially liberal and fiscally liberal (democrats)

That's what is currently defined in the US as conservative vs liberal.

Fiscally responsible has to align with:

3 - socially neutral (government minds its own business) and fiscal conservatism - we don't have one of those. Most people claim to be this "BUT". The word "but" always comes into play.

I don't believe you can be socially (conservative or liberal) and still remain fiscally conservative. The social activism demands a fiscal liberal.

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I certainly can't say Republicans are fiscally responsible from personal experience. :P I'm a Republican, and I blow all my free money and then some on this new obsession of mine.

I do appreciate the Bush tax cuts, though.
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