
Be afraid of reincarnation!

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From a CNN article describing how a new AIDS drug is being tested on monkeys...


"Specifically, six macaques were given the drugs and then challenged with a deadly combination of monkey and human AIDS viruses, administered in rectal doses to imitate how the germ spreads in gay men.... Despite 14 weekly blasts of the virus, none of the monkeys became infected."

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Cruel and horrible that we would use innocent animals like that when we could just as easily use convicts (just the really bad ones like sex offenders and serial killers etc).

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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Cruel and horrible that we would use innocent animals like that when we could just as easily use convicts (just the really bad ones like sex offenders and serial killers etc).


I had an opportunity to work at the animal research center for the Shriners Burns Institute in Galveston one summer. They experimented with synthetic skin on burnt animals. Basically they took pigs, gave them burns, applied synthetic skin, and tested if it would take. While it seemed cruel (animals were put under anesthesia during the burning process), I also had an opportunity to meet children, some of who’s bodies were covered 95% in 3rd degree burns, as well as their parents. I saw 10 year old boys burnt so bad that they had no genitals left. It was these kids that were being helped through the testing done on the pigs and sheep. I think it’s a fair trade of.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Hey that clicky you have there "Are you a good person" is freakin depressing. Based on that I am fucked! Scary shit.

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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From the article:

Critics say treatment promotes unsafe sex and "I've had people make comments to me, 'Aren't you just making the world safer for unsafe sex?"

If something makes unsafe sex safe... doesn't it just become sex? I suspect however that the very same "critics" would still have a problem with it even if one day it did all become completely safe.

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I think it’s a fair trade of.

Absolutely! I think it's great!

I agree. I learned surgical procedures on goats that saved many men in Special Forces' "goat lab."

Years ago, it was "dog lab." I'm glad they switched to goats. I did this (surgical lab) in 1978, and I only "assume" they still do it this way.


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I agree. I learned surgical procedures on goats that saved many men in Special Forces' "goat lab."

Years ago, it was "dog lab." I'm glad they switched to goats. I did this (surgical lab) in 1978, and I only "assume" they still do it this way.

I help build some of the buildings out at goat lab while I was in Phase II of the Q-Course (18C) in 89-90. I'm sure they're still doing it. Quality instruction. We got to watch some.

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Hey that clicky you have there "Are you a good person" is freakin depressing. Based on that I am fucked! Scary shit.


Everyone is fucked by that standard--even the hardcore believers!


Well I am glad to know that despite my disappointment in my impending eternal destination, I will at least be in good company.


My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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Well I am glad to know that despite my disappointment in my impending eternal destination, I will at least be in good company.



No doubt in my mind that I'm going to hell. I knew that even before I read that thing. I'm just hoping to build up a few karma points so I can maybe get a little temperature control!

The way that site explains the ten commandments, even the hard core believers are going to hell, so why should anyone even try? Might as well have some fun while we can!:)
You've got to admit it will be fun talking trash to all the Christians who will be roasting along with us!


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The way that site explains the ten commandments, even the hard core believers are going to hell, so why should anyone even try?

That's the point. There is no one, no matter how hard core in belief you might be, who can live up to God's standard of goodness illustrated by the 10 Commandments. The purpose of the 10 Commandments is to be a mirror into your soul. Its purpose is to expose sin and convict. It's the needle that should pierce your heart, if you're honest with your own conscious, and prepare it for the thread of the Gospel which follows. Otherwise, the good news of the Gospel doesn’t really make sense. One has to understand that they are separated from a holy and just God and will be for eternity because of transgression of God’s moral law, not because they haven’t heard the Gospel or might not have ever even heard of Jesus. We’ve all broken the law and fully deserve its punishment which is spiritual death. However, God has made provision for us and the fine for our transgression has already been paid.

This is not my example but I thought it was a good one. You are on trial for breaking the law, all the evidence is in, you are guilty, and you owe a $1,000,000 fine or else you go to jail for the rest of your life. You are not capable of paying your fine so your fate seems certain. You plead with the Judge and tell him that you’re sorry, you’re really a good person, you’ll never break the law again, and that he/she should let you go free. He tells you “that’s irrelevant” and that you should be sorry but that justice still has to be satisfied. The Judge likes you very much. However, because he is a good and not a corrupt Judge, he must give you the justice you deserve regardless. There is still a penalty for breaking the law which must be paid. Then, someone steps into the courtroom that you don’t even know who pays your fine in full. Justice has now been satisfied and the Judge can set you free.

You’re salvation doesn’t depend on whether you can live up to the 10 Commandments or not. The Bible makes it clear that no one can. You’re already guilty and the verdict is in. It depends on your willingness to humble yourself before God, trust in Jesus Christ, and repent of your sins. Once that happens, you will be changed because Jesus now lives in you. You will be compelled to try and live up to God’s standard. That doesn’t mean that you no longer sin. You’re still human and are in a process of change. It means that you don’t allow yourself to live in that pattern. Like I’ve said before, it’s the difference between floating down the river of sin or swimming against the current.

You’re not saved because you’re a good person. You’re saved because you’re a bad person who’s been forgiven. ;)

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Didn't see the clip, but that's the whole punchline right there. One common theme in Jesus' ministry is that people should recognize the dependence on God for salvation. Because you can't get there under your own steam.

(not that it has much to do with monkeys getting HIV sprayed up their butts, but whatever.:P)
Speed Racer

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(not that it has much to do with monkeys getting HIV sprayed up their butts, but whatever.:P)

:D yep...this has to be one of the most serious thread hijackings i've seen! it went from monkeys, aids, and references to anal sex to salvation in the course of 10 posts! :D
"Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch
NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329

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Ummmm, by that reasoning, everyone and I mean absolutely EVERYONE who ever existed between Moses getting the commandments and Jesus dying on the cross went to hell.


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

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I understand what your saying, but I have *never* been able to get past the point that religion seems to act as a "get out of hell free" card. Let's say Charlie Manson accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and saviour.

He goes to Heaven and I go straight to Hell. Same applies to any anyone, no matter how many horrific things they have done in their life.

Screw that.

Call me twisted, but I think if someone's a good person, that counts for something. I'm funny like that.


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You've got to admit it will be fun talking trash to all the Christians who will be roasting along with us!

It will certainly clear up who was right and who was wrong when it happens.



P.S. Temperature control ?
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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I understand what your saying, but I have *never* been able to get past the point that religion seems to act as a "get out of hell free" card. Let's say Charlie Manson accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and saviour.

He goes to Heaven and I go straight to Hell. Same applies to any anyone, no matter how many horrific things they have done in their life.

Not quite true, they honestly and completely have to repent. Not just get worried because they're about to die or whatever. Not just say the words, but feel it to their hearts core. At least thats how the jesuits explained it to me.

I think it sucks too. But major problem has always been the religions, not the faith.

... and on topic, sticking aids up monkeys butts sucks too.


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

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I am having serious difficulty coming to terms with this whole heaven/hell and forgiveness thing. Perhaps you can answer some questions for me that would alleviate some of my misgivings with religious teachings.

1: Eternal agony. What is the purpose of inflicting agony for an eternity. The idea of burning 24 hours a day seems extreme even in the worst case scenarious. I have a hard time understanding how even history's most evil figures could deserve to burn for an eternity!
If 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 milleniums have passed since a person has committed his crimes what purpose is being served by still keeping his soul conscious for the sole purpose of inflicting horrible agony on him 24 hours a day?

2: Here is a dilemna I have posted on this forum before without receiving an answer. Here is the scenario;

> A man cruelly abuses and molests his daughter during her childhood. According to the bible he can be forgiven and go to heaven for eternal bliss.

>His daughter runs away from home as a pre-teen and ends up in the hands of some cruel pimp who profits from her abuse and degradation as he also strings her along on drugs and beats her occasionally to ensure obedience. According to the church he can be forgiven and receive eternal bliss

> She gets away from him and ends up with some asshole who beats her regularly and cheats on her. He can still be forgiven and get into heaven.

After having had such a horrible life she decides that she can no longer continue to suffer like this and commits suicide. According to the church she will be cut no slack and will burn in unendurable agony for eternity. 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 milleniums after she kills herself she will still be shreiking in horrible agony 24 hours a day begging pittifully for mercy, or even a moments respite from her agony yet there will be no mercy. Her agony will never end and she will continue to endure 24 hour a day agony forever without there ever being an end to her suffering. How can god or the church justify this? With all the horrible crimes that can be forgiven why are suicides ( who were merely weak, and subject to horrible circumstances on earth) the only ones who are cut no slack? Please help me make sense of that?

I do not wish to come across as being disrespectfull to your beliefs or offend you because I am not like that. I do respect people who can commit themselves to a set of values/beleifs even when those beleifs conflict with their immediate needs. I just have a hard time understanding those particular issues I described above.

Awaiting your response,

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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