
Mexican Immigrant March in Dallas

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We definitely need to quit granting American citizenship to children of illegal immigrants that are born on US soil

Just an FYI; it would require amending the US Constitution to do that. Not an impossible task, but amending the US Constitution is, by design, a very lengthy, cumbersome & difficult process.

Could the Supreme Court just re-interpret the meaning of "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" in the 14th Amendment?

Either way, it is something that really needs to be fixed.

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Could the Supreme Court just re-interpret the meaning of "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" in the 14th Amendment?

Technically, I suppose so; but on a practical level, very likely not (but I give you high marks for trying to craft a legal theory "out of the box"; that's good thinking). The concept "subject to the jurisdiction of the United States" is extremely broad; for example, I'm pretty sure it includes every person on United States soil for any reason, with just a couple of very narrow exceptions, for example diplomatic immunity. (Even an illegal entrant into the US is subject to the jurisdiction of the US while on US soil; that's what, for example, allows us to prosecute him if he commits a crime while in the US.) So by that definition, an infant born on United States soil, unless his parent is a foreign diplomat or head of state, is "subject to the jurisdiction of the United States" at the moment of birth, and therefore is a US citizen at the moment of birth. Bottom line, I highly doubt that at least 5 Supreme Court justices would buy into altering the jus soli ("right of birthplace") rule absent a Constitutional amendment.

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"One of my customers, is an illegal"___________________________________________And YOU my friend are part of the problem (along w/ some of my family)[:/]

Actually Sir, YOU are part of the problem, enabling the persistent comission of a felony, illegal immigration.

Calling these people "undocumented immigrants" is a euphamism for "Criminal."

Amnesty or other nonsense is not warranted. Mass arrest and summary deportation is.

Illegals are not entitled to free:

-In-kind assistance (WIC, food stamps, etc)

They are only entitled to deportment.

With the damage that border crossing criminals do to AZ/NM/TX ranches, the landowners should be allowed to shoot, as this is protecting one's home.

The Mexican Government is also culpable. It's called aiding and abetting the commission of a felony.

Build a wall that makes Berlin look like a white picket fence.

No more criminal invaders.

And to you SIR I say> How am I part of the problem? I don't and won't hire an illegal. Most of my family immigrated from Ireland ( LEGALLY) a hundred yrs ago (LEGALLY) and have worked there asses off here to make this a better country. I heard thru the grapevine that one relatives hires an illegal. You want me to start calling the INS/FBI to start a probe on HEARSAY:P Laws. What a fuckin joke. How come it's just the poor guys that take it in the ass But our congress gets away w/ murder (literally) w/ impunity.. :P
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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I find that extremely interesting. According to the illegals already here and those on their way, really believe they are 'entitled' to everythying The U.S. has to offer just because they struggled to get here and they work hard. As far as I'm concerened, they entered illegally, they broke our immigration laws and they should be returned to where they came from. If, they want to do it legally, that's a different story. I resent them and their arrogance. Once they get here! In their marches they are holding, they talk like they are 'legal' and we're picking on them. They are 'illegal'.

Agreed. I don't mind LEGAL immigrants. But these people broke the law and then demand rights for breaking it?

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Agreed. I don't mind LEGAL immigrants. But these people broke the law and then demand rights for breaking it?


Listening to what some of the 'marchers' are saying, they give me the impression that they feel as though they are suddenly 'special' and 'deserving'. I don't know who the hell they think they are but, they, to me, are just like you said... law breakers! Our politicians have 'played' these people for so long and 'we the people' are paying the price. The Border Patrol's hands, are 'tied' with the 'catch - release' system we have now. When an illegal alien is apprehended, they are issued a 'promise to appear' ticket and let go. Yeah, right! 'Sure Mr. Migra... we'll appear in court'... as they head farther North. The illegals act like they've done nothing wrong. Sheesh... gimme a break.


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I've said it before and I'll say it again....round 'em all up, send 'em back and recoup the costs from the economic aid packages we provide to the offending countries.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I've said it before and I'll say it again....round 'em all up, send 'em back and recoup the costs from the economic aid packages we provide to the offending countries.


...and I agree totally with you! All these gatherings and marches is a prime opportunity! There they are, all gathered in on place! I just can't accept all the rhetoric from politicians and other folks, who say we 'need' them. The only one's who 'need' them are politicians and big business. Big business pays the illegals lower wages but, I don't see prices going down for products. The cost of produce just keeps going up.



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The other problem I have with illegals is they are not coming to the US for the same reasons legal immigrants from other countries come here. Most legal immigrants come here b/c they want to be Americans, and are willing to leave their home country b/c of the great advantages America offers them as opposed to where they come from. They want to get their part of the American Dream by owning a home, sending their children to good schools, having a sucessful career etc.

Illegals, for the most part do not want to become Americans. They want to sneak across the border, work and then send their money back to Mexico and most likely return to Mexico at some point in the future.

What makes you so sure that most of these illegal immigrants do not want to become American citizens, own a home, send their children to good schools, etc.? My observations would make me think the opposite - that most of them do want to start a new life in America... But I can't speak with authority on that since I haven't spent much time discussing such things with illegal immigrants.

Now I do have a bit of experience with legal immigrants, and I can say that going through the immigration process here is not particularly easy. For someone who does not speak English as their first language, I would imagine that the legal documents involved would be pretty difficult to understand, and most of these people coming over from Mexico can probably not afford to hire a lawyer to help with this.

Of course I don't encourage people to come over here and break our laws, but we have a problem at the moment that we are at least partially responsible for. It would be ridiculous to suddenly try to round up millions of illegal immigrants and send them back to wherever they came from. Yes, we should tighten our borders and try harder to prevent more illegal immigrants from coming in, but we need to find a _reasonable_ solution for the current situation.

I don't know what the answer is though... maybe some way of making it easier for employers to sponsor these people, so that those who are truly here to work and start a new life can have a legitimate means of earning American citizenship?

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Of course I don't encourage people to come over here and break our laws, but we have a problem at the moment that we are at least partially responsible for. It would be ridiculous to suddenly try to round up millions of illegal immigrants and send them back to wherever they came from. Yes, we should tighten our borders and try harder to prevent more illegal immigrants from coming in, but we need to find a _reasonable_ solution for the current situation.

Look shotgun, if you want to be all reasonable, you can get the hell out of SC. ;)
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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>round 'em all up, send 'em back and recoup the costs from the
>economic aid packages we provide to the offending countries.

Thus making their economies worse. Thus driving more people across the border to make enough money to feed their families. A very poor solution in the long term.

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>round 'em all up, send 'em back and recoup the costs from the
>economic aid packages we provide to the offending countries.

Thus making their economies worse. Thus driving more people across the border to make enough money to feed their families. A very poor solution in the long term.

The fact that there is only a land border and not a water barrier between the US and Mexico is the only reason Mexico hasn't decended into a civil war. The disparity between rich and poor in Mexico has gotten so great that the immigration policies of Vicente Fox are the only reason a revolution has been averted. I think it's time for Mexican's to solve Mexico's problems. Not to lay blame on the US for them.


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Damned immigrunts.... anyone who turned up to a country without a passport (and all their decedants) should be shipped back to where they come from... Pah that would show them us....:P

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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The disparity between rich and poor in Mexico has gotten so great that the immigration policies of Vicente Fox are the only reason a revolution has been averted.

The way the US is headed, the disparity between rich and poor here is becoming a serious problem too.

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> I think it's time for Mexican's to solve Mexico's problems.

Illegal immigration is not Mexico's problem, unfortunately.

The reasons that people are fleeing Mexico most certainly are Mexico's problem. If your son or daughter fled your house and ran away from home, would you blame it on the place they sought shelter? Were it not for the poor job V. Fox is doing managing Mexicos economy and the fact that the Mexican Govt. is encouraging and abetting the illegals, and that US businesses hire illegals, there would be no immigration problem. The US's problem with illegals' is never going to be solved until Mexico is a good place to work and live.


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The disparity between rich and poor in Mexico has gotten so great that the immigration policies of Vicente Fox are the only reason a revolution has been averted.

The way the US is headed, the disparity between rich and poor here is becoming a serious problem too.

I agree. I think one of the reasons politicians don't want to do anything about it though is because we have all the baby boomers starting to go through the SS system and we need a larger worker base to pay for it. Higher taxes will only result in a greater disparity in incomes.


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>The reasons that people are fleeing Mexico most certainly are Mexico's

No, it's really not. If the government of Mexico does not care that people are leaving, it's not their problem. Why should it be? (You might decide that you feel it's a bad thing, but that doesn't mean they do.)

>Were it not for the poor job V. Fox is doing managing Mexicos economy
> and the fact that the Mexican Govt. is encouraging and abetting the
>illegals, and that US businesses hire illegals, there would be no
>immigration problem.

I'm not arguing that. What I am saying is that if Mexico doesn't care if they are leaving (indeed, if it helps them reduce actual unemployment) then it's not their problem. It's ours.

> The US's problem with illegals' is never going to be solved until Mexico is
>a good place to work and live.

I agree. So is the solution to help Mexico develop their economy, or try to damage it?

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The best thing the US can do to help Mexico grow their economy is to spend money there. Heck, wasn't NAFTA supposed to accomplish this?

What would you suggest we do to help Mexico's economy?

The solution for both countries is obviously not to continue to allow illegals to pour over the border unchecked. Economics and security need to be balanced. I'm for some type of guest worker program, I do not believe it is in the best interests of the US and Mexico to just load illegals up on a bus and dump them at the border.


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Texas would shut down without them.

Gosh, I wonder how Texans ever managed to build houses, pave roads, and harvest crops before the Mexican illegals got here?

Gee, I wonder how Mexico ever managed to survive with all those illegal Americans?

Oh wait...now I remember.
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Look shotgun, if you want to be all reasonable, you can get the hell out of SC.

Hey, I already tried being UNreasonable, by suggesting that we should just overthrow the Mexican government... but nobody wanted to argue or agree with me on that.

But, hmm... maybe that wasn't such an unreasonable suggestion...

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