
Cat dies after shot by arrows

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If your neighbor's cats are a nuisance, talk to the neighbors or call animal control, don't take it out on the poor cat!

My mom is a big time bird watcher. :S As a kid, we had a neighbor with a primarily outdoor cat. The cat would constantly terrorize the birds, killing a few. My parents were friends with the neigbors, and talked to them about it, but they didn't want to keep the cat inside. They're suggestion was to 'just chase him off if he comes around'.

Well, mom and dad gave me the ok to 'pursuade' the cat not to come around. They said to just not kill it or seriously injure it. The neighbors eventually moved, but that cat would actually go out of it's way to stay out of our yard, and bird, chipmunk, and squirrel killings went down dramatically. What we did:

-Target practice with bb guns (not at full power)
-Target practice with sling shots
-Water balloons out second floor window onto cat.
-Dumped flower on cat from in a tree.
-Let dog loose to chase cat up tree
-Chased cat
-Chased cat with 'super soakers'
-Put a white shoe polish stripe down it's back (primarily black cat)

We also learned how to trap animals in a survival situation by making (humane) traps, such as snares and the 'ol wood box supported by a stick trap. Both work, and cats don't like them.

Anyway, the cat survived with only minor injury and humiliation. Not to be callous to the situation, but that's actually a pretty good shot to hit a cat (moving one?) with a bow and arrow...
Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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>well Bill you tell me when you kill the dog that comes in your yard

If it was just me? When he attacked me. (If you know dogs, the difference between a dog sniffing around and a dog attacking you is pretty obvious.) If I had a stick I'd use it. If I had a hose I'd use that. If it was a poodle it would make things a lot easier.

If my three year old was in the yard the standard would get a lot lower. Despite claims here to the contrary, I think you'd err on the side of caution when it came to your family too.

>The problem is that most people cannot determine when a dog is
> viscous or not . . .

Once the dog gets viscous, then he's really no longer a threat, since he's probably been dead for a few weeks.

But seriously - a vicious dog is pretty easy to tell from a curious one. If there's any question, then the safety of the human comes first.

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Once the dog gets viscous, then he's really no longer a threat, since he's probably been dead for a few weeks.


I would need to be provoked pretty far before I would kill a dog, but I'd have to agree that if I were protecting my own children (or any children, for that matter), I would do whatever was necessary to keep a stray dog away from them.

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And just one more comment to the OP- why don't you cover up your kid's sandbox when he isn't using it? Its irresponsible not to since ANY animal could use it as its personal toilet and your kid would be playing in feces!

Down here in AZ we have 6 ft tall fences surrounding the property. I constantly cover the sandbox with a tarp to keep the cats out, so most of the time it isnt a problem. But, the only animal that attempts to use to sandbox as a litterbox are the three cats that live close. THey are the only animals capable of getting over the fence into the backyard.

Question: why should I have to keep my yard under lock and key, when the neighbor should keep his stupid cat in the house?

On another note, there are a couple people in the neighborhood that allow the stupid cats to procreate in their yards, so there are several places within the neighborhood that have 15-20 kittens and cats running freely. That is irresponsible ownership. The owners will not get their cats fixed, and then not contain their little varmints. What should we do about them?
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>but I am confident I can stop a dog without killing or seriously injuring him.

Most, yes. Some are bred to not show outward signs of aggression beforehand, and then when they do attack, to never let up. I saw two dogs go at it at a park once; one was the above sort. Took five people to pull them apart. One got bitten pretty badly. The dog who attacked ended up with a badly broken leg; it was dangling there by the tendons, and it didn't slow him down a bit.

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>but I am confident I can stop a dog without killing or seriously injuring him.

Most, yes. Some are bred to not show outward signs of aggression beforehand, and then when they do attack, to never let up. I saw two dogs go at it at a park once; one was the above sort. Took five people to pull them apart. One got bitten pretty badly. The dog who attacked ended up with a badly broken leg; it was dangling there by the tendons, and it didn't slow him down a bit.

those dogs you saw weren't socialized and were probably poorly trained or abused[:/]

I would bet money on that

and the owners should be carefully looked at as to why it ever happened>:(

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Why won't animal control do anything about it? Isn't that their job? Around here, I think that any outside cat that doesn't have proof of a current rabies shot would certainly be picked up by animal control.

They said that there are just too many feral cats. They could never keep up with the workload if they started rounding them up.

As for the traps, I was told by my vet that after you trap 1 or 2, the other cats won't go near the trap.

But if my dog is bitten again, it's on.


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I must totally agree with Bill here or perhaps go abit further. If a child is in the picture how far do you go to determine the true intent of the dog? If it were my small nieces involved and it was a dog that could do them harm I would shoot the dog without hesitation. (Amazon..would my SKS be OK?)

The entire point of this thread is to keep your freakin' animals in your yard. If you let them roam free then don't bitch when someone shoots them. (bullets or arrows)

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Actually, I'd argue that wasn't the point of the thread. The two cases he brought up did not mention that the animals were either a threat OR a nuisance, and their killings were completely unjustified criminal acts. (I would say the acts of disturbed individuals or sociopaths.)

I've got my own feelings about responsible pet ownership, and I do feel that I am an extremely responsible cat owner. But a defenseless PET posing NO THREAT does not deserve to be injured or killed for the sole purpose of punishing its owner. He's trying to argue that it does, and that's BS!

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I simply pointed out that it makes absolute sense to keep your kid's sand box covered when he isn't using it; I didn't say anything at all about keeping your entire yard under lock and key.

If you want to start a thread about responsible pet ownership, that's one thing, but trying to justify cruelly killing pets as a punishment to their irresponsible owners is something else entirely. People who kill companion animals for pleasure or revenge are not good people, plain and simple. (See- I'm trying not to use that "sociopath" word since it bothers you so much!)

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(See- I'm trying not to use that "sociopath" word since it bothers you so much!)

I will!

People that harm animals without being attacked are SOCIOPATHS and they use the argument of fearing an attack to explain their behavior

This is not directed at anyone in particular but if you feel offended you SHOULD

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People who kill companion animals for pleasure or revenge are not good people, plain and simple.

Ya know, I keep trying to type out a response saying that I agree with you... but then I look at my leather shoes and think about all the meat that I eat, and I can't really think too harshly of people who kill animals without thinking that I am one of them. Sure, it's different if they are just killing them for the sake of amusement, but those of us who support the killing of animals through consumption don't have much right to claim moral superiority...

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>The two cases he brought up did not mention that the animals
>were either a threat OR a nuisance, and their killings were completely
>unjustified criminal acts.

Well, we don't know that.

If the cats were a threat to other animals (i.e. a pet bird) then killing them to remove the threat isn't much of an issue, although of course it should be a last resort (i.e. a better fence would be a better idea.)

If the cats were just a nuisance (i.e. they scratched on his fenceposts, or yowled all night, or peed on his patio) then killing them would fall into the same moral category (to me) as killing rats. If they are obviously owned by someone (i.e. they have a collar, an RFID or whatnot) then the first step should always be to call animal control or ask around the neighborhood.

If the person in question killed the cats just to see them suffer, or to 'punish' the owner, then he has some serious problems. Unfortunately it can sometimes be hard to determine that.

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I simply pointed out that it makes absolute sense to keep your kid's sand box covered when he isn't using it; I didn't say anything at all about keeping your entire yard under lock and key.

Its not enough to keep the sandbox covered. One of the cats is bold enough to try and use the sandbox if my son gets too far away from it. I have done humane things like spray it with water, and I let the kid chase it out of the yard. My only point is that I can see how some one would take it to this point. Just like a rancher does with coyotes, or how city slickers eradicate the mice and the rats that sometimes cohabitate.

I did not however justify killing for entertainment. In my opinion, companion animals fall into the same catagory as rodents and other vermin. I dont own animals, and think that the practice is somewhat ridiculous. I have a hard time justifying cleaning up messes from my kids. I can't imagine having to clean up poop from a stupid animal (and paying the vet bill, feeding, etc), and yet I am forced to clean up poop from a cat that doesn't even belong to me.

On another note, that cat doesnt just use the sandbox. My sideyard is a nice soft grassy area, but I only walk out there to mow because it is a veritable mine field. So, yea, the cats are a nuisance.

If you feel the need to elevate your pets to people status, that is fine with me. Don't defend my neighbors who rarely clean up crap from thier own cat.
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Well, you know, I didn't want to get into the whole hunting, meating eating leather wearing argument which is why I drew the line at companion animals, specifically pets. I eat meat, I wear leather shoes and I know perfectly normal people who like to hunt and fish. But it seems pretty clear to me that there is something really sick about shooting arrows with the intent of killing your neighbor's cat. Unfortunately, there are a lot of really sick and cruel people out there.

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Well, you know, I didn't want to get into the whole hunting, meating eating leather wearing argument which is why I drew the line at companion animals, specifically pets. I eat meat, I wear leather shoes and I know perfectly normal people who like to hunt and fish. But it seems pretty clear to me that there is something really sick about shooting arrows with the intent of killing your neighbor's cat. Unfortunately, there are a lot of really sick and cruel people out there.

There sure is[:/]

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It could be worse. It could have happened to a dog.:D:D

No Really. I cannot possibly fathom is wrong inside the head of the individual that did that. I can see killing an animal in self defence. Alternately I can see calling animal control if I had repeatedly had problems with the cat. Firing arrows into a housecat is needless sadism, designed to satisfy the sick perverted sense of amusement that some people seem to have. I hope if they catch the guy, the judge throws the book at him.

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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As a proud cat herder, my herd totals 6. Yes, 6. All but one came to me via trapping or rescue, as an adult. All 6 have been neutered/spayed. All six do not go outside, with the rare exception of Simon, who, when outside, goes on a leash. I feed another feral, and often a second cat who lurks the neighborhood, as well.

One of my cats was brutalized before I trapped her; she was so seriously injured that she will forever walk with a limp, and have constant, low-grade pain. I do not know who did this to her, which is why I'm still free to write this; if I ever discovered it, I am more than certain there would be a confrontation of epic proportions...again, which is why I don't really want to know who did this to her.

A few things to note. Cats are nuisances when they are ill, spread illness, are not fixed, and are looking for food. There are a few things you can do (sans shooting them with a bow and arrow) which will help curb the nuisance pattern.

Also realize that cats are not the only critters who pee and poop in someone's yard; raccoons, possums, and various other animals often can be found in the city, and will use the world as their potty. I find these critters far more of a nuisance than a cat, frankly.

For someone to shoot a cat with a bow and arrow is dispicable, horrific and definitely someone who likely will devolve into some sort of brutal behavior towards humans. Abuse of an animal - and in this instance, it most certainly was abuse - generally progresses into abuse of a human, especially if the animal is a housepet or, as Tigra said, a companion animal. It is distinctly different from protection of self/others from an attacking dog. Cats will attack, but rarely...they are far more defensive in their battle tactics than you'd expect. But the original topic is not about a heroic person using whatever was handy to defend themselves/others against a maurading animal...rather, it was about a "nuisance" if even that; more likely, it's about a person who is disturbed acting out a behavior pattern which has been shown to progress into something else.

BTW, a regular domestic cat - not a cougar, puma, et cetera - does not have the jaw size/strength to do damage like a dog does. The threat is less from a cat than a dog, and far less than from a larger cat. Had someone shot a lurking puma or cougar with a bow and arrow I'd think differently, but there could not have been enough provocation to do so. And anyone who'd shoot an animal because they pooped on their lawn is someone I'd rather stay far away from; their temper is short, their need for control is great, and I'd rather not become the human target of such.


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anyone who'd shoot an animal because they pooped on their lawn is someone I'd rather stay far away from; their temper is short, their need for control is great, and I'd rather not become the human target of such.

I am inclined to agree. I keep a very large distance between me and someone like that.

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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Well, you know, I didn't want to get into the whole hunting, meating eating leather wearing argument which is why I drew the line at companion animals, specifically pets. I eat meat, I wear leather shoes and I know perfectly normal people who like to hunt and fish. But it seems pretty clear to me that there is something really sick about shooting arrows with the intent of killing your neighbor's cat. Unfortunately, there are a lot of really sick and cruel people out there.

Would it be less offensive, if the gentleman ate the cat after killing it?:)
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