ppolstra 0 #1 April 24, 2017 If someone were to sell an automatic GoPro remote that would turn on a GoPro camera after the door was opened on a plane and turn it off on descent what would you pay for such a device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mark 107 #2 April 24, 2017 $0. You get almost the same functionality if the pilot uses a smartphone app. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evh 22 #3 April 24, 2017 Seems like we had the same problem :-) At our dropzone we mounted a GoPro on the strut of our C182, mostly for the purpose of debriefing static line exits. The standard remote sucks, pilots often have trouble controlling it because they are too busy flying the airplane (lazy bastards). So this winter I made a remote with big switches, and so far, it has worked nicely. The pilots seem to like it too. [inline DSC00260.JPG] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IanHarrop 42 #4 April 24, 2017 evhSeems like we had the same problem :-) At our dropzone we mounted a GoPro on the strut of our C182, mostly for the purpose of debriefing static line exits. The standard remote sucks, pilots often have trouble controlling it because they are too busy flying the airplane (lazy bastards). So this winter I made a remote with big switches, and so far, it has worked nicely. The pilots seem to like it too. Very nicely implemented, well done."Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #5 April 24, 2017 IanHarrop***Seems like we had the same problem :-) At our dropzone we mounted a GoPro on the strut of our C182, mostly for the purpose of debriefing static line exits. The standard remote sucks, pilots often have trouble controlling it because they are too busy flying the airplane (lazy bastards). So this winter I made a remote with big switches, and so far, it has worked nicely. The pilots seem to like it too. Very nicely implemented, well done. Indeed. Care to make them for sale? It would be worth a pretty good price to get one for our pilots who have the same problems.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ppolstra 0 #6 April 25, 2017 I like your solution. We're trying to make it automatic where I will detect the opening and closing of the jump door based on pressure changes. Pilots don't record all the jumps because it is low priority and radio calls, etc. seem to happen at just the wrong time... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ppolstra 0 #7 April 25, 2017 The whole idea is to make this automatic. If the smart phone app could do this I would be super happy with that, but as far as I can tell it does not. If I'm wrong please tell me so. There is enough going on at our DZ that a significant amount of the time the camera doesn't get activated because the pilot is talking to ATC or one of the other airplanes at the exact wrong time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evh 22 #8 April 25, 2017 ppolstra We're trying to make it automatic where I will detect the opening and closing of the jump door based on pressure changes. I'm wondering if the pressure changes very much when you open the door, to be honest, I don't think I can even see this on my altimeter. Second problem is the time it takes for a GoPro to make a Wifi connection and turn on, this can easily take half a minute, maybe enough to miss the exits. Unless you keep it switched on, but that drains the battery. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ppolstra 0 #9 April 25, 2017 evh*** We're trying to make it automatic where I will detect the opening and closing of the jump door based on pressure changes. I'm wondering if the pressure changes very much when you open the door, to be honest, I don't think I can even see this on my altimeter. Second problem is the time it takes for a GoPro to make a Wifi connection and turn on, this can easily take half a minute, maybe enough to miss the exits. Unless you keep it switched on, but that drains the battery. There should be a pressure spike when you open the door as the pressure is lower outside the plane (due to the curvature of the fuselage). I know that I could do a microswitch on the door, but we want this to be totally portable and unattached in order to make the FAA happy. Our strut camera mount is actually STCed and the DZ owners would not want a microswitch in the door that had to be installed every time so as to avoid the regulatory hassles of having this permanently installed. You may be right about the startup time for the camera. Perhaps the camera should come on before the door opens and then we could start recording a bit later. Have to give some thought to that. It is not unusual for us to let people out at different altitudes either. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KRBKV 0 #10 April 25, 2017 There's a couple in house made remote for any recent GoPro model. There's one with LCD and one without it. Don't you find any of them more reliable solution, do you?! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evh 22 #11 April 26, 2017 gowlerk Indeed. Care to make them for sale? It would be worth a pretty good price to get one for our pilots who have the same problems. Thanks for the compliments :-) But no, I don't want to sell these, I don't have the time right now. Maybe in the distant future. On the other hand, I would be happy to share the design and the software with anyone who wants to try it. Its not hard, it just takes some DIY skills and time. So just let me know if you are interested. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ppolstra 0 #12 April 26, 2017 evh*** Indeed. Care to make them for sale? It would be worth a pretty good price to get one for our pilots who have the same problems. Thanks for the compliments :-) But no, I don't want to sell these, I don't have the time right now. Maybe in the distant future. On the other hand, I would be happy to share the design and the software with anyone who wants to try it. Its not hard, it just takes some DIY skills and time. So just let me know if you are interested. I would love to see this as a starting point. Did you use an ESP8266 for this or something else? I'm also happy to share designs for things like this. I was just trying to see if there was interest beyond my DZ for a product like this for those who are not into DIY. This is going to be the next project for my daughter and I on her Daddy & Daughter Electronics YouTube show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHqar1f7oQY I would love to take what you have and add an automatic mode as well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evh 22 #13 April 26, 2017 First of all, your youtube channel is very cool, nice to see your kids getting involved in technology and having fun with it :-) And sure, you are welcome to use my work. I put the sourcecode in a dropboxfolder, I think it explains itself (mostly). https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1z9c3vnruzqz8m7/AAC8BXlM4-yZY7q9zuowCDtNa?dl=0 Yes, I used an ESP8266, programmed it with the Arduino IDE. You will need to download some additional libraries. I used the Wemos D1 mini board because it has everything (including USB) on its PCB. But you can use any ESP 8266 board, as long as it has enough IO. I considered powering it via a LiPo battery but for now it is powered directly by 3 AAA batteries. The display is a 1.3" Oled. Let me know if I need to explain anything else. Good luck! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites