Finally saw "The Passion of the Christ"...

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Good movie. Great effects. The language (Aramaic, Hebrew) was distracting, but the Italian (Latin?) was understandable [/spanish speaker & Catholic School Survivor]

Very brutal.

I'm still not sure how I felt about it.

How did others react? (I don't really feel like searching for old threads)
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Good movie. Great effects. The language (Aramaic, Hebrew) was distracting, but the Italian (Latin?) was understandable [/spanish speaker & Catholic School Survivor]

Very brutal.

I'm still not sure how I felt about it.

How did others react? (I don't really feel like searching for old threads)

I caught the last 45 minutes channel surfing last night. Very brutal. Whether one is religious or not it's worth seeing as it depicts human inhumanity quite well. I'll probably watch the whole thing on On Demand.


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Saw it in the theater about two years ago. It was on cable last night, watched a bit with Pilate and Herod, then they took Jesus down to the whipping academy and I changed channels. With some films, once is enough. I feel the same way about Saving Private Ryan.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Good movie. Great effects. The language (Aramaic, Hebrew) was distracting, but the Italian (Latin?) was understandable [/spanish speaker & Catholic School Survivor]

Very brutal.

I'm still not sure how I felt about it.

How did others react? (I don't really feel like searching for old threads)

Saw it twice when it first came out: once with agnostic/barely religious coworkers and once with other church friends. One of the church friends brought some non-church friend who ended up walking out in the middle - couldn't handle it. Two of the church friends are Palestinian and could understand the Hebrew and Aramaic pretty well since they are both semitic languages like Arabic.

Don't feel I have any particular need/deisre to see it again. I go to a lot of services during Holy Week and hear all the Passion Gospels and hymnography. As graphic as the movie is, I felt prepared for it in a way just from going to church a lot.

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I feel the same way about Saving Private Ryan

I thought I was the only one. Great movie but seeing brutality so realistically presented is a bit disturbing.

I'm not one for gratuitous violence, but I find war violence tolerable, in fact I prefer it over benign movies such as The Longest Day, that make war seem almost glamorous.

I feel the same with the scourging of Christ. So many Easter/Jesus movies do not show what took place. Often they use 39 lashes which was Israel's code, NOT Rome's. The Romans beat Christ near to death. It was one of the reasons he died fairly quickly by normal crucifiction standards.


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I'm not one for gratuitous violence, but I find war violence tolerable, in fact I prefer it over benign movies such as The Longest Day, that make war seem almost glamorous.

Morning Steve,

I see your point. I purposely took my son when he was 15 to see Private Ryan. He grew up with my being a military dad and he loved the pretty uniforms, medals and such. I wanted him to at least see a representation of the "other side" of the military.

"The Longest Day" and other movies of this type consistently amaze me that people die and yet no blood, no trauma. One of the worst in my view was "The Green Berets" with the Duke. (God Bless his soul. :))

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I enjoyed watching it, because before I never really understood in my mind, what a horrific death Christ experienced, when he was thinking all about me and the rest of humanity.
Watching it made me realize that after all that pain I put him through, I still hurt him daily when I sin and go against his Word[:/]. "The Passion" encouraged me to live a holy life like never before, that I may honor Jesus Christ with my life. :)
Seeing Jesus stumble with the weight of the cross on his back, and him bleeding for humans who would reject him and mock the very thing he did to show love for them--in my mind I saw love more than ever before, and I cannot wait to meet the face of love when I stand before him in heaven.

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Cheer up, Brian. You know what they say.
Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad.
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle,
Don't grumble, give a whistle!
And this'll help things turn out for the best...
the music fades into the song

...always look on the bright side of life!

Always look on the bright side of life...
If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten!
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing,

When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps,
Just purse your lips and whistle -- that's the thing!
And... always look on the bright side of life...

Come on!

other start to join in
Always look on the bright side of life...

For life is quite absurd,
And death's the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow!
Forget about your sin -- give the audience a grin,
Enjoy it -- it's the last chance anyhow!

So always look on the bright side of death!
Just before you draw your terminal breath.
Life's a piece of sh*t,
When you look at it.

Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true,
You'll see it's all a show,
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you!

And always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the bright side of life


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"The Passion" encouraged me to live a holy life like never before, that I may honor Jesus Christ with my life. :)
Seeing Jesus stumble with the weight of the cross on his back, and him bleeding for humans who would reject him and mock the very thing he did to show love for them--in my mind I saw love more than ever before, and I cannot wait to meet the face of love when I stand before him in heaven.

A human made movie is backing up your belief???
Dear Jesus :o


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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"The Passion" encouraged me to live a holy life like never before, that I may honor Jesus Christ with my life. :)
Seeing Jesus stumble with the weight of the cross on his back, and him bleeding for humans who would reject him and mock the very thing he did to show love for them--in my mind I saw love more than ever before, and I cannot wait to meet the face of love when I stand before him in heaven.

A human made movie is backing up your belief???
Dear Jesus :o


Really. Read and reflect what this poster is saying. Your comments just sound so emotionally driven and trite.

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"The Passion" encouraged me to live a holy life like never before, that I may honor Jesus Christ with my life. :)
Seeing Jesus stumble with the weight of the cross on his back, and him bleeding for humans who would reject him and mock the very thing he did to show love for them--in my mind I saw love more than ever before, and I cannot wait to meet the face of love when I stand before him in heaven.

A human made movie is backing up your belief???
Dear Jesus :o


Really. Read and reflect what this poster is saying. Your comments just sound so emotionally driven and trite.

Why?? She probably felt that way as she read the gospel accounts of the passion too. This is one of the FEW (if any) Easter accounts that show what really happened. My guess is her feelings are not created by this movie, but that this movie's visual images drove home what she felt about Christ's passion. We are a visual generation -- makes sense to me.


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A human made movie is backing up your belief???
Dear Jesus :o


Sappy movies often make some people feel more romantic; war movies make some feel more patriotic. Why would it be strange a religous movie about Christ's passion make a Christian feel more devoted?


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Windcatcher, seriously, being as enthusiastic as you are about experiencing your connection to the infinite, had you considered a little study of the origins and structure of it? Might help provide a little context, a way to better understand what it is that you are seeing, kind of like studying meteorology to better grasp the weather front you're watching.
Suggested reading:

Starks, Marianna. "Impairment of an Egocentric Map of Locations: Implications for Perception and Action." Cognitive Neuropsychology. Vol. 13, 1996, p.481-523
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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Windcatcher, seriously, being as enthusiastic as you are about experiencing your connection to the infinite, had you considered a little study of the origins and structure of it? Might help provide a little context, a way to better understand what it is that you are seeing, kind of like studying meteorology to better grasp the weather front you're watching.
Suggested reading:

Starks, Marianna. "Impairment of an Egocentric Map of Locations: Implications for Perception and Action." Cognitive Neuropsychology. Vol. 13, 1996, p.481-523

That might be good reading, but that aside, why would you prefer her to be less passionate about her faith?


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And when John Wayne is riding into the sunset, I know, only the brave, true, good guys will win. Like it has to be.

We're not in Hollywood. If a well made movie is impressing folks like that, something is wrong with their belief.

BTW: Who really saw Jesus walking, stumbling with the weight of the cross on his back??? It's all playing with emotions and the phantasy of folks. Show me a proof.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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BTW: Who really saw Jesus walking, stumbling with the weight of the cross on his back??? It's all playing with emotions and the phantasy of folks. Show me a proof.:|

Some the gospel writers were eye witnesses (If Matthew wrote Matthew) Mark wrote Peter's perspective. By gospel accounts, Peter was there as was John. I understand if you don't have faith in anything you can't see with your own two eyes, but I'm just curious as to why you think someone's devotion to their religion is weird or undesireable.:S


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BTW: Who really saw Jesus walking, stumbling with the weight of the cross on his back??? It's all playing with emotions and the phantasy of folks. Show me a proof.

Some of these were actual eye-witnesses. All of them died martyrs deaths for what they knew to be true and because they would not stop testifying to what they saw and heard.

Philip: Stoned to death, Phrygia, A.D. 54
Peter: Crucified, Rome, A.D. 69
Paul: Beheaded, Rome, A.D. 69
Andrew: Crucified, Achaia, A.D. 70
Matthew: Beheaded, Ethiopia, A.D. 70
Thomas: Speared to death, Calamino, A.D. 70
James (The Less): Clubbed to death, Jerusalem, A.D. 63
John: Abandoned, Isle of Patmos, A.D. 63

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It isn't that I'd like to see her less passionate, hell no. Passion for things is the only thing makes em worth doing, but if they're worth doing, they're worth thoroughly understanding.
I have a passion for flying, myself, but understanding that passion in terms of adrenalin, genetics and neurobiology, and the experience in terms of fallrate, mass, speed airflow and time doesn't lessen the sum total experience, which is flying.
There may be no spoon, but the spoon is worth studying anyway, to understand how the image of the spoon is rendered. It can improve accuracy of perception.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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