
Why dont we all believe????

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Where did you get those numbers?
From an expert. 10 million years is a big gap. That's what I'm talking about throwing numbers around. It sounds impressive to some.
If you had a dinner date and the person showed up one day late would you put any credence in what they said?
That kind of time line would never stand up in a court of law.
So, was it 90 million, 100 million, or could it have been 4,000 yrs?


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I'm as confused as a very confused thing.... In one post you conceed that evolution in viruses takes place... and then with in moments, you appeare to be saying that virus mutations are man made....

If that's the case, were done... Bye.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Where have you been during this whole discussion?
Setting us up for the big fall?
I could have been outside enjoying this North Fl. sunshine instead of carrying on a needless conversation with a couple of guys from the UK!

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***At one time humans BELIEVED the earth was flat as well as the center of the universe. Were they stupid? No. The truth wasn't obvious so they did the best they could with the information and technology they had at the time.

Nowadays, Hollywood liberals think that they are the center of the universe. Sounds like we're going downhill, fast

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>The elk will never grow snowshoes in order to run on top of the snow.

Google "snowshoe hare."

> there are plenty of times in my work where I've needed three hands.

Next time you're in a zoo, count how many hands a chimpanzee has.

> I am a gardener and observe, and practise natural selection all of the
>time. I plant ten zucchini seeds in a group. Four or five come up strong.
>The rest are runty. I pull them up in order to give the good ones room to
>grow. At the end of the season every thing that came from those plants
>were zucchini.

Ah, but they look absolutely nothing like the original zucchini plants, which were even more runty than your 'runts.' We selected for larger plants through hybridization and forced selection. In effect, we evolved them very fast. That's how we got great danes and chihuahuas from wolves in a few thousand years.

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Ok I raised these points in another thread, but nobody in the god squad wanted to tackle them, perhaps you might,

1. There is no physical evidence to support a historical Jesus; no artifacts, dwelling, works of carpentry, or self-written manuscripts. All claims about Jesus derive from writings of other people.

I don't see the problem with this. Why do you disregard writings of his contemporaries and followers? Why is eyewitness testimony considered untrustworthy in the case of Jesus?


2. There is no contemporary Roman record that shows Pontius Pilate executing a man named Jesus?

I don't know much about this. Supposedly, Tacitus (a roman historian) wrote something about it. Josephus, a Jewish historian, for sure wrote of Pontius Pilate and Jesus, however. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/GrandLat/people/griffiths/collatin.htm http://www.bible-history.com/jesus/jesusuntitled00000472.htm This anti-Christian site makes mention of the Tacitus reference: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/jesus.html


3. There is not a single contemporary writing that mentions Jesus

I don't know about this claim, but there were early historians who did mention Jesus and Christians and persecution of Christians, etc.


4. Comparative Religion shows that the story of Jesus already existed in numerous religions prior to the alleged time of Jesus. Chrishna, Horus, Orpheus, Bacchus, Osiris, Dionysus, Buddha, Apollo, Hercules, Adonis, Ormuzd, Mithras, Indra, Œdipus, Quetzalcoatle, etc. The motif of a Crucified Savior was already extant prior to the alleged time of Jesus.

I can't say I've read enough mythology to even recognize all these names, but I have heard the accusation before... Do stories of these mythical dieties make the actual events of Christ's life impossible to have occurred? The Messiah's life and death were prophecied in the OT, you know. Maybe the authors of these myths got creative and used the prophetic details in their stories.


5. Solar Mythology shows the story of Jesus is just an allegory for the sun passing through the Zodiac and the passage of the seasons of the year. Jesus travels throughout his one year ministry, and the description of his travels exactly match that of the sun traveling through the Zodiac during the year. Here we have the origin of the Jesus story. This common origin explains why all the stories of crucified saviors are essentially the same.

Conjecture proves nothing. This is wishful thinking by "infidels" and atheists.


6. It's inconceivable that during the alleged time of Jesus no one bothered to write down anything about this most extraordinary person, yet we have nothing. Even the earliest Bible reference to Jesus dates to at least A.D. 64, and the first Gospel, the Gospel of Mark, dates to at least A.D. 70 (and probably to A.D. 170).

That's actually pretty early for back then! Are you aware of this?


7. The fact that no history, sacred or profane,—that not one of the three hundred histories of that age,—makes the slightest allusion to Christ, or any of the miraculous incidents ingrafted into his life, certainly proves, with a cogency that no logic can overthrow, no sophistry can contradict, and no honest skepticism can resist, that there never was such a miraculously endowed being as his many orthodox disciples claim him to have been.

Not so. Histories of the time DO mention Christ and the spread of Christianity. Check this history link: http://www.westarkchurchofchrist.org/library/extrabiblical.htm As I recall, Pajarito also gave you some links containing extra-biblical historical references. Did you check those out?

Does any of this help answer your questions b?

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6. It's inconceivable that during the alleged time of Jesus no one bothered to write down anything about this most extraordinary person, yet we have nothing. Even the earliest Bible reference to Jesus dates to at least A.D. 64, and the first Gospel, the Gospel of Mark, dates to at least A.D. 70 (and probably to A.D. 170).


That's actually pretty early for back then! Are you aware of this?

Very early. Especially considering that Jesus died in ~ A.D. 33. The writings are within the lifetimes of eye-witnesses. No other ancient work even comes close to the credibility of the New Testament.

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Very early. Especially considering that Jesus died in ~ A.D. 33. The writings are within the lifetimes of eye-witnesses. No other ancient work even comes close to the credibility of the New Testament.

Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War is generally considered to be pretty damn good.

Funny word, Peloponnesian... sounds like they were all fighting over a large melon or grapefruit or something.

They weren't, though.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War is generally considered to be pretty damn good.

Let's compare:

Written - 460-400 B.C.
Earliest copy - 900 A.D.
Approx timespan between orig & copy - 1300 yrs
Number of copies - 8

New Testament:
Written - 1st Century A.D. (50 - 100 A.D.)
Earliest copy - 2nd Century A.D. (c. 130 A.D. f.)
Approx timespan between orig & copy - < 100 years
Number of copies - 5600
Accuracy of copies - 99.5%

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EVERYTHING about the NT manuscripts is superior to any other ancient work... the time span between the originals and the first copies, the number of copies (manuscripts)--- EVERYTHING. When you put all the data together, it's pretty amazing. Thanks for the actual numbers, Paj.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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Paj, do you know off the top of your head how many of the original disciples of Christ were martyred because of their claims about Christ? Some were NOT martyred, right?

I was out for a while. Sorry. Here's a list I have.
11 out of the original 12 were.
Impressive testimony.

1. Peter - crucified
2. Andrew - crucified
3. Matthew - the sword
4. John - natural
5. James, son of Alphaeus - crucified
6. Philip - crucified
7. Simon - crucified
8. Thaddaeus - killed by arrows
9. James, brother of Jesus - stoned
10. Thomas - spear thrust
11. Bartholomew - crucified
12. James, son of Zebedee - the sword

In addition:
1. Barnabas - burned to death
2. Mark - dragged to death
3. James (the less) - Clubbed to death
4. Paul - beheaded
5. Luke - hanged

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Ok. Then in that case I will still say the Thuc is the most accurate and credible ancient work. After that, maybe Xenophon's Anabasis or Caesar's Commentaries but Caesar had much more of an agenda and Xen was just a bit flaky.
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Because all my lecturers say it is:P:D.

To be perfectly honest I'm just posting as a diversion from all the work I really should be doing right now. What I can say about Thuc is that it is the one ancient work which is taken at very near face value as a no bullshit record of what really happened (minus some vague behind the scenes political maneuvering). He was a highly educated man who personally took part in some of the events of which he writes (as a general), was a meticulous researcher and at the time of writing had no political career or personal agenda (apart from adulation of Pericles who was long dead by then anyway) to advance.

In fact you could say it's his sheer mundanity that is his best asset. Caesars writing was too important to his political career, Xen was too much into philosophy and 'colourful' writing to be totally trusted. There are several biographies of Alexander still extant that back each other up very well, but they were all written at least a century or two after his death and we no longer have the contemporary histories (Cleisthenes, Nearchus, Ptolemy, court diaries) that they claimed to use as sources.

Why the hell am I still typing this when I should be working? Have a very nice evening - I'm off.:)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I'd like to post this again for emphasis. Let me get this straight. Dismiss the New Testament as rubbish but accept Thucydides as very accurate? Written ~500 years before the New Testament with the earliest copy we have being 1300 years later and we only have 8.

Written - 460-400 B.C.
Earliest copy - 900 A.D.
Approx timespan between orig & copy - 1300 yrs
Number of copies - 8

New Testament:
Written - 1st Century A.D. (50 - 100 A.D.)
Earliest copy - 2nd Century A.D. (c. 130 A.D. f.)
Approx timespan between orig & copy - < 100 years
Number of copies - 5600
Accuracy of copies - 99.5%

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