
Women made to cover up

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Some societies are more forward-thinking than others.

Some societies value their woman far beyond there sexual traits. They value them as people. In some societies woman have no need to show of there body to get attention they usually have a lot more to offer then just their orifices and sexuality. To me that is a “Forward thinking” society not one that has confused equality with the freedom to advertise one self as a product.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Darius, the society I live in doesn't value me for my body. Really. I'm also comfortable dressing in shorts in public here.

Value judgments go both ways. It's just as wrong for us to say that no woman should cover up as it is to say that no woman should dress revealingly.

It's giving power over women's dress to men either way. Because if women have to cover up so that men don't look at them "that way" it seems to say that men can't control themselves and it's OK, but women have to control themselves.

On the other hand, if women who aren't comfortable dressing revealingly do so because they don't think they can "get a guy" otherwise -- that's also bad.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Some societies are more forward-thinking than others.

...To me that is a “Forward thinking” society not one that has confused equality with the freedom to advertise one self as a product.

Thank you, you two for saying "forward thinking" and not using that corporate buzzword that starts with a 'p'.

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In some societies woman have no need to show of there body to get attention they usually have a lot more to offer then just their orifices and sexuality.

Holy cow, that is some stretched rationalization there!

Hiding one's body to the extent the Islam Fundies do is symptomatic of a repressed, WAY backwards culture, which BTW is also technically about as backwards as it can be. (no coincidence there)

. . =(_8^(1)

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Because if women have to cover up so that men don't look at them "that way" it seems to say that men can't control themselves and it's OK, but women have to control themselves.

Wendy you rock. You are one of my favorite and one of the most open-minded people on here.

Men and Woman are not similar and handle sex and sexuality in different ways do you agree or disagree?

All you have to do is look at the numbers of strip clubs for men as in comparison to strip clubs for women.
Men tend to spend a lot more of their time on sex, I also think men look at their environment in a more sexual way then woman do.

I am not saying that’s the way it should be all I am saying is that’s the way it is.

With what I said above consider this.

A different culture that it’s men and woman agree that because of the simple nature of the way we are (again what is not what should be). Woman do not dress in a way to be viewed as sex objects and for the record Men in Islamic countries also cover organs that are considered sexually provocative to woman. You won’t see a guy with a tight muscle shirt in Iran for example.

It is a society that tries to value people for who they are on the inside and not what they can offer physically.

Now I don’t expect anyone to “get it” as you have not lived in such a society. All I am saying is freedom is not always viewed as one being able to express their sexuality.

In Iran and in many other Non-Muslim cultures dressing like Brittany Spears is viewed as dressing disrespectfully and not as a symbol of freedom.

I don’t expect many western woman or men to understand why Woman in many countries value keeping there bodies and sexuality to there husbands, but believe it or not many prefer to have one partner for life then a 100. It is a different culture and sometimes what we value here does not have value there.

It is arrogant to assume they all want to be like we are here.

This is my finale post to this thread, but feel free to PM me. I always greatly value and respect your opinion even if we do not agree.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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What amazes me most about this whole thread is that the Skyrad goes on and on about those big words respect, arrogance, truth...and he started this whole rant on the women's forum under the pretext that this was open general discussion of a different culture, when in fact this was (is) a blatant propaganda speech about all of us evil westnerners. To be more precise, us evil western culture sluts, because apprently if you're not an islamic woman it is assumed that you are a Brittany Spears wanna- be slut.


As a Brit I see no reason why I would be describing westerners as evil:S Show me anywhere where I have even once described western women as 'Sluts'

This was not truthful, not respectful, but was definitely arrogant.

Clearly you have some issues

You go on and on about how ignorant we all are of your culture

Clearly you know nothing of British culture:D

, but as someone said earlier, it also blows my mind that you are soooo oblivious to your deep-seated prejudice that ultimately the only way for women to behave is when they are "modestly" dressed - whatever that means, I'm guessing it doesn't allow for too much freedom. You don't want to give a woman that, for God's sake!!

Your blatant attempt to read only that which you wish I'd written shines forth once more

For the record since you are quite ignorant of our culture,


I've seen trailer parks before.

somehow despite being exposed to it for many years as you say( - I doubt this, by the way. I say you, for the most part, stay cloistered in your own community and sit back and judge everyone else as lesser people.


london is one of the most multicultral places on earth and I reguarly work throughout Europe and America.

Especially us whorish, evil western women),
we most definitely do not all want to look like Brittany Spears and, how did you put it??- have a gang-bang party??!!!. We all don't see her as a role model of any kind.


Stay away from drugs, drugs are bad:S

I definitely agree that there is a lot of misinformation about the difference in our cultures. But there is lot we know that isn't just "made-up" - like a woman in danger of being killed because she was raped (oddly enough called and "honor killing"), by her ownfamily, no less. I guess she was raped because she dressed provacatively, like Brittany Spears I'm sure (LOL), and for that deserves to die...


What is it with you and your obsesion with Britney Spears????? I've never once mentioned her

I work in an Asian-Indian doctors office. There are many Indians, of different sects, and there are many Muslims who come in. Some of the meanest, nastiest people who come in are are the "most devout", which again, is an ironic fact of all "fundamentalists" of every stripe - Muslim, Hindu, and, yes, even Christian. It seems they really work from a position of anger (about what I don't know, but it's there) and of arrogance. I think it has something to do w/fear - fear of God, fear of punishment by God, fear of their fellow men....


Deep, very deep

I see them and I talk with them, I work along side them. I am exposed to these cultures 8 hours, or longer, a day. I don't agree personally w/the arranged marriages, the way many of the women
clearly are expected to be subsurvient to their husbands - the husbands speak for them, interrupt them when they speak, order them to sit, stand, get on the scale(to be weighed) - they don't normally yell in public, but there definitely is the tension they they are to do what they are told which is uncomfortable.

Don't let that fool you, I've never been in an Asian house where the women didn't wear the pants

But it is their life, and I respect that and don't make fun of them. There isn't a lot to make fun of. So many of them are soooo depressed - I see it.

You see what you want to see, that which reinforces your predjuces, your post alone is testament to that.

Now there are definitely some who seem happy, content w/their lives - it's about 50/50. The ones who are happiest by far are those who are allowed to enjoy some of the "western" culture, but even among those there is still a bottom line threat, a
real[bthreat, that if one of the young college-age girls were to marry out of their faith they would be killed.

hardly common, anymore so than a white girl being killed for sating a black man

Why? Because any one who is not of their faith and culture is a lesser person. The doctors I work for left India because the husband is Muslim, his wife is Hindu - they wanted to come to the USA because they knew they had a chance at a life together here. They loved each other and wanted to create a life together. They knew they would be
killedif they stayed in India because he was a muslim and she was hindu.

That sound so much more romantic than, 'Yea, we can make shit loads of cash here in the US

They chose to come to the USA because of the freedoms we have here - it isn't perfect. Many people experience prejudice and bad treatment daily. But at least we have, for the most part, the option to pursue the life we want w/out fear of death. This is most dear to us women I think. We don't have to be controlled by the men in our lives and around us. We have the freedom the because we the [have the/b]right as human beings to choose our own path - and that clearly bugs some people.


very good

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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My apologies if you did not actually bring Brittany/slut into the conversation - perhaps it was Darius. The two viewpoints seem to run in together as one.

I have no obscession w/her... but it was one of you gentleman who used her as the example of how women want to dress, so I stuck w/ the example given.

"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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Lets get our wordings right

Whores get paid

Sluts do it for free

If one chooses to put such a label on a stranger based on how they look, then that is their choice. Is it right? I personally dont think so. Then again I belong to the "comfortable enough in my body, in my clothes and in my mind to dress however the fuck I want to" if at anytime my clothing insults someone or they label me as a slut, then personally they have just done me a huge favor as I would not want a person like that in my life.

Oh and I dont wear the clothing for the sexual attention, most women dont. Its called fashion, its called comfort, its called freedom. I buy clothes based on how they make me feel, how cheap they are and what i find appealing. You state that western women dress a certain way to grab the attention of men. I dont understand what you mean, I think anyone who doesnt wear a burlap sack, decides what to wear based on what they feel looks good on them. To either compliment their shape, or because they like how they feel in it. I sure in the hell do not get dressed everyday hoping I look like shit that produces vial stares of disdain. Then again I believe that clothes should be optional.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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It's an outrage that in 2006 women are still made to dress in black from head to toe!

Nuns have never had to cover their face. The fact that religious Islam requires that is what is most offensive to Westerners.

America is conservative when it comes to exposed flesh, remember all the fuss when jacksons tit popped out for a fraction of a second, in europe exposed tits are commonplace on TV. It is just a questions of the culture, there is nothing wrong with the islamic dress code it is just different than ours.
We enforce our dress code by law (you'd get arrested for walking butt naked on a public street) and they enforce theirs, get over it.

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It's an outrage that in 2006 women are still made to dress in black from head to toe!

Nuns have never had to cover their face. The fact that religious Islam requires that is what is most offensive to Westerners.

America is conservative when it comes to exposed flesh, remember all the fuss when jacksons tit popped out for a fraction of a second, in europe exposed tits are commonplace on TV. It is just a questions of the culture, there is nothing wrong with the islamic dress code it is just different than ours.
We enforce our dress code by law (you'd get arrested for walking butt naked on a public street) and they enforce theirs, get over it.

That's a ridiculous comparison. If you can't show your face, it's as if you're not fully a human being. Not being able to show your tits or ass in public is hardly comparable.

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If you can't show your face, it's as if you're not fully a human being.

No, no, no. It doesn't mean you're not fully human. Read some of Darius' posting; it simply means that they don't value their women as sexual objects. Apparently, a nose is a sexual object. And maybe an eyebrow. For sure the chin is. :S:S[:/]

You're correct in your comment that it makes a woman less than fully human, in public at least. It denotes the concept of ownership - those women are owned!! by their fathers and then their husbands. Demanding that a woman cover up in the manner we're discussing makes the woman a "non-person." Fully half of the population are "non-persons" and that is abhorrent.

Has anyone ever read "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood? When I read it for the first time, the most immediate comparison I had was that to fundamentalist Islamic societies. I've read it several more times since then, and it's fascinating in it's parralells.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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Mmmmmmm...... I love getting a little nose. A chin job is cool too. :P

Well.....they both lie in very close proximity to the mouth, and there's only one thing that that can be used for. :o

edited to add the blowjob emoticon...
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Mmmmmmm...... I love getting a little nose. A chin job is cool too. :P

Well.....they both lie in very close proximity to the mouth, and there's only one thing that that can be used for. :o

edited to add the blowjob emoticon...

Mmmmmm....I love it when women talk like that. No beating around the Bush, so to speak. :P

edited to add tongue emoticon. :ph34r:


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Your little tongue emoticon :P looks like he got poked in the eye with a pube. Ummm....I wonder if women who are made to cover up ever, uh, shave down there?

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Apparently, a nose is a sexual object. And maybe an eyebrow. For sure the chin is.

Looooove this!!!!:P

I think it's interesting that in the office I work in that I have only come across one woman who wears a full berka(sp?). A good % of the muslim women wear the head scarf (excuse me for not knowing the proper name of it); but a lot of women wear western clothes - which seems to suggest, that if given the choice, they would not wear the full head-to-toe ensam. But whatever way, no matter. If they want to wear it (the berka) and do so freely, than I support their courage to follow their chosen belief system - I believe most, if not all, posters responding said the same.

What I do object to is when men try to hijack the women's forum by trolling it w/their agenda that should reallly be in the Speaker's Corner, which ultimately is where it ended up.

There are a lot of us gals who go to the Women's forum for some laughs and the comraderie of others who have to decide to sugar, shave, or wax (Brazillian or landing strip), and to get sucker-punched with this whole subject under the pretext of it being a women's issue when really, though it discussed women, seemed to be much more about telling us how ignorant, judgemental, sluttily-dressed many of us are, and how a man has to tell us how to value ourselves and our bodies! If this was an honest attempt to start a meaningful discussion of islamic women's choices, then it was very ill-considered in format,content and language.

Having said that though, it did give some very witty and intelligent women, and a few good men, a chance to debate the issue - but next time, take it to Speaker's Corner to start with boys!!>:(
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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I don’t expect many western woman or men to understand why Woman in many countries value keeping there bodies and sexuality to there husbands, but believe it or not many prefer to have one partner for life then a 100.

Forgive me. I just noticed this.

So you're saying that only islamic women value their bodies? Don't islamic men value theirs, too? And if not, with whom are they playing with? Other men? Or...gasp...dare I say it...another woman...who, since she has sex, must in fact be a slut or a whore, irrespective of how she's forced to dress.

Darius, I know many people in monogamous relationships here in the US. I know also many folks who've kept themselves "pure" for their spouse. Note, I am not delineating between men and women...

What I find hysterical is that they, despite remaining a virgin, and despite being married to one person, they actually...wait...head's up...here it comes...dress however they want!

Your assertion again is false...in both that only women want to remain with one partner for life (men do, too...), as well as that dress makes a person a whore, a slut, or whatever other derogatory term you decide.

Because MissKriss brought it up, I ran a search on your posts using the word "cock." I see you have no hesitation to use it to 'cock slap', and made a post about how hard your cock was, all day long. Brief reading, but it clued me in on your mentality.

Dude. I suggest you quickly go and cover yourself from head to foot, including your face, so no-one gets the idea you're a slut. After all, people who post about their cocks being hard all day must be thinking about having sex...which, apparently, you can't seem to have because you're not married; 'cause you're keeping yourself pure and all that. After all, if it's good for the goose, it's definitely good for the gander.

Know what? I'm sad. Honestly. I used to read your posts with interest, thinking that maybe I'd get to learn something about a culture to which I had been exposed but not ever really experienced. I used to read your posts and think that the things you were saying might have value and merit. I'm sad because I can no longer retain that innocence regarding you and your thought processes.

I disagree with quite a few people on this board. I can go 'round the track with some of them, and think that they really have strange ideas. The debate is, at times, rather personal; generally I leave the conversation either chuckling to myself or thinking "meh, they have the right to their opinion." There are few, however, with whom I not only disagree vehemently with, but actually feel a great sadness and sorrow that they feel that way. And when an opinion is espoused that, in the past, was an excuse for rape, then I not only feel great sadness and sorrow, but a measure of pity and disgust, as well. I can only hope you'll eventually grow up, and realize that all folks should be accorded respect. Hope does, after all, spring eternal.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Um....probably no boots or hats, but Skyrad,on one of the first few post pages, suggested they may have some guns!! He has a picture but I'm not technical enough to figure out how to add it to my post:(
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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As the pictures show the vast majority of Islamic countries do not require women to do so. No where in the Koran will you find that, its a cultral thing not a religious thing. It's a Saudi thing.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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As the pictures show the vast majority of Islamic countries do not require women to do so. No where in the Koran will you find that, its a cultral thing not a religious thing. It's a Saudi thing.

It also was an Afghan thing (strictly enforced) while the Taliban were in charge.

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You know Skyrad, my initial post in this thread was not my finest effort...I was quite irritated by some of the postings (which is a very good lesson for me about not posting when irritated, but that could have been a troll goal, no???). And yes, I attributed some of Daruis' comments to you, which was unfair because looking back, Darius clearly made some of the more disturbing comments. For that, I apologize.

But no where have I used a derogatory term like raghead or even thought of it. FYI, I truly enjoy where I work, otherwise I wouldn't still be there....99% of the people I meet are lovely, kind, considerate people and I have been priviledged to get to know them. I only reported what I have observed.

Are ya trolling, pal????:S

P.S. I'm done w/this thread. Good luck to you, and I mean that.
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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