
life after the oil crash

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Does anything get posted on this forum without it swinging to the left?

Does anything get posted in this forum without some republican making a left/right argument out of something that's not intended to be a left/right argument to begin with?

And never mind giving the article a read...much better to opt for a mindless knee-jerk reaction.

By the way, there's a section in the article entitled "How Do I Know This Isn't Just Fear-Mongering by Loony-Environmentalists?" Not that you'd bother reading it anyhow...just letting you know.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Does anything either get posted without it swinging one way or the other?

This is just an article. Take it left or right or not at all.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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If an astronomer spotted a doomsday asteroid headed to earth you'd ask who he voted for.

:D:Dcan I use that for many other posters?

I can see several responses from various people on that one.

1 - Who'd the astronomer vote for? (left or right, it still works)
2 - It's Clinton's fault
3 - It's Bush's fault
4 - The asteroid is God's punishment. But only for Americans
5 - The asteroid is nature punishment. But only for Americans
6 - The religious types bought the asteroid with oil money to unfairly hurt (insert whatever demographic is PC today here)
6a - The anti-religious types bought the asteroid with oil money to unfairly hurt (insert whatever religion is trendy here)
7 - Why do the rich only get asteroids? They should take the asteroid away and give it to the poor. I hear asteroids might be made of cheese
8 - big business is putting us in jeopardy to bring an asteroid here for mining and oil content
9 - the asteroid will hurt the tundra
10 - various scientific discussions on why it's called a meteorite instead of an asteroid
11 - claims that the asteroid are just a coverup - i mean, you don't really see a picture of an asteroid, nor are any of the leftover parts really looking like bits of an asteroid

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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It is obviously a publication from a left wing website... Look at the sponsors...

If an astronomer spotted a doomsday asteroid headed to earth you'd ask who he voted for.

I dont care who anyone voted for but sources that are biased one way or the other can not be presented as fact and accepted as gospel. Right wing or left...

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I can see several responses from various people on that one.

Hitting the nail on the head...LOL!

better not commiserate with me, I don't want to be accused of being part of a hate filled DZ.com cabal.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Does anything get posted on this forum without it swinging to the left?

No. Nothing at all. Everything posted on dropzone is far left.

I tend to disagree...

Everything posted here, is far side...

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if you're asking why end of the electricity age predictions (assuming they come true) are "bad," then hmm, think about everything you use that runs on electricity.

Yep, they're now paper weights.

You know that money you buy things with? It's now kindling and bits of metal, nothing more.

You know that store you shop in for food? It's gone. No supplies delivered and no system for selling.

Basically the world reverts to life as it was before the industrial revolution, with too many people and none of them able to cope.

Is that a bad thing?
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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>think about everything you use that runs on electricity.

You're assuming that oil=electricity, which it doesn't. Nor is electricity our only way of transmitting energy. There are plenty of alternative energy sources out there. We just need the wisdom and initiative to develop them.

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