
On Banning Marriages

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As I'm sure many of you already know, I am a strong proponent on banning gay marriages. The reason being that it further destroys the sanctity of marriage and hurts the raising of children. It has been brought up many times that the sanctity of marriages in America has already been destroyed with divorce rates up to 50% and children being raised in single-pasrent households. I fully agree with this, and, I've been thinking a lot lately, and what can be done, to bring back the morality and sanctity that this country was founded on.

And so I realized, we should not only ban gay marriages, but also marriages between people of different religion. Take, for example, an innocent Catholic girl who is seduced by an atheist heathen. She falls victim to his manipulative behavior and doesn't realize his true side. Suppose now she marries him and they have a child. How are they going to raise the child? There will be a clash of ideas, and the child will be led into confusion his entire life, instead of being taught the right thing. Surely, eventually she will realize what she has done and leave him, but what about the child? What about all of the damage that has already been done?

In my opinion, atheists should only be allowed to marry other atheists, so as to not contaminate our culture with their devil-worshipping ideas. Eventually also, couples should have to apply for a license to have a child. This way, we can slowly remove the undesirable elements from our population and make sure their idea are not propagated any further.

My fellow Christians, we have suffered some setbacks. The Senate and the House and this country has been overtaken by heathens who want to destroy the morality of the world. The rest of the population, which is unable to think for themselves, just don't know any better and will listen to whatever is told them. So help me, my fellow Christians, let's get the word out!
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I'm going to avoid the rest of this post since its just laughable.

But as for:

morality and sanctity that this country was founded on.

Remember that the vast majoirty of the founders of this country had slaves, mistresses and were wanted felons. Is that the person you realy want to be the role model to base your ideals on? ;)
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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"Hurry Daddy, the Heathen's gaining on us"

"I can't, it's a YUGO"

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Quite right!

And what about couples of different heights? Or economic status? Or loyalty to the government?

Honestly, it gets too complex to ban marriages piecemeal like this. Eventually there would be HUNDREDS of constitutional amendments.

I recommend simply assigning it to a beaurocratic body. We could call it the Ministry of Procreation or some-such. Every couple would apply for permission to have sex and be approved or disapproved according to good public policy.

You might object that it's too onerous a requirement but in this age of Total Information, it could be a simple web-based form with instantaneous results.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Every couple would apply for permission to have sex and be approved or disapproved according to good public policy.

It could be administered by housewives. Then the paperwork is simplified. All applications are returned stamped "NO"

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Honestly, it gets too complex to ban marriages piecemeal like this. Eventually there would be HUNDREDS of constitutional amendments.

I recommend simply assigning it to a beaurocratic body. We could call it the Ministry of Procreation or some-such. Every couple would apply for permission to have sex and be approved or disapproved according to good public policy.

Oh man, you're brilliant! That's a great idea! Here I was being reactive by trying to stop undesired effects as they come into play, but we should be proactive, and just prevent them in the first place. It would very simple. We have a registry for every person. We could even use the Social Security registry, and everybody has to fill in things about themselves. Then when they want to apply for a marriage license, the Ministry can verify that the two people are compatible and not subversives. It absolutely genius.

Although, instead of Procreation I think we should call it the Ministry of Love. The masses would be more apt to accept that.
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The reason being that it further destroys the sanctity of marriage and hurts the raising of children.

The definition of marriage and the obligations of marriage vary from each sect. Are you saying that because they are the same sex that two people can't be loyal, loving, nurturing, guiding, and supportive of one another?

Hurts the raising of children?? Please explain how a loving enviroment is going to hurt a child any more than those that are born into an abusive family? So should we not allow people with abusive past to procreate?

So call it a union, but don't discriminate or take the rights away from people who choose to live differently. They still live in the same free country as you!

Is your God a loving, accepting God?? Then why don't you follow the teachings of your faith??

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All you people taking him seriously are making me pee myself. He's yanking your chain in a major way. Helloooo???

:D I even read that purposefully as if he were imitating a baptist minister. :D

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Noooo. Noone would ever do that here.


so far the count is 2

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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As I'm sure many of you already know, I am a strong proponent on banning gay marriages. The reason being that it further destroys the sanctity of marriage and hurts the raising of children. It has been brought up many times that the sanctity of marriages in America has already been destroyed with divorce rates up to 50% and children being raised in single-pasrent households. I fully agree with this, and, I've been thinking a lot lately, and what can be done, to bring back the morality and sanctity that this country was founded on.

And so I realized, we should not only ban gay marriages, but also marriages between people of different religion. Take, for example, an innocent Catholic girl who is seduced by an atheist heathen. She falls victim to his manipulative behavior and doesn't realize his true side. Suppose now she marries him and they have a child. How are they going to raise the child? There will be a clash of ideas, and the child will be led into confusion his entire life, instead of being taught the right thing. Surely, eventually she will realize what she has done and leave him, but what about the child? What about all of the damage that has already been done?

In my opinion, atheists should only be allowed to marry other atheists, so as to not contaminate our culture with their devil-worshipping ideas. Eventually also, couples should have to apply for a license to have a child. This way, we can slowly remove the undesirable elements from our population and make sure their idea are not propagated any further.

My fellow Christians, we have suffered some setbacks. The Senate and the House and this country has been overtaken by heathens who want to destroy the morality of the world. The rest of the population, which is unable to think for themselves, just don't know any better and will listen to whatever is told them. So help me, my fellow Christians, let's get the word out!

I am going to assume you are being sarcastic!!! Ther is one too many flaws in this argument for it to be serious
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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> Are you saying that because they are the same sex that two people can't be loyal, loving, nurturing, guiding, and supportive of one another?

I agree, same sex couples can be all of the above.

But no US law should allow them to marry. Marriage between Man and Women only, Don't have to like it but it should be protected.

> Is your God a loving, accepting God?? Then why don't you follow the teachings of your faith??

Yes he loves us all, but same sex marriage is not part of his plan. You use to term "your God", might be because you don't hold yourself to his teachings, or have surrendered yourself to his will.

Boy, I just stepped into it. But I'm heading out for the weekend in the RV-7A so have at me.

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Yes he loves us all, but same sex marriage is not part of his plan. You use to term "your God", might be because you don't hold yourself to his teachings, or have surrendered yourself to his will.

That sounds like a closed minded bible-belt Christian speaking. Anyone who thinks their religion is THE religion is a lost soul!
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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But no US law should allow them to marry. Marriage between Man and Women only, Don't have to like it but it should be protected.

Seperation of Church and State come into play at this point. So what your saying is that it is okay for the government to put limitations on church teachings that don't interfear with national security?

> Is your God a loving, accepting God?? Then why don't you follow the teachings of your faith??


Yes he loves us all, but same sex marriage is not part of his plan. You use to term "your God", might be because you don't hold yourself to his teachings, or have surrendered yourself to his will.

I used the term 'your God' because I am not familiar with that persons religions or beliefs. I am assuming that he follows the teachings of Jesus, which is love, acceptance, and forgivness. But didn't want to offend.


Boy, I just stepped into it. But I'm heading out for the weekend in the RV-7A so have at me.

Nah...just a friendly political chat. ;)

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Hurts the raising of children?? Please explain how a loving enviroment is going to hurt a child any more than those that are born into an abusive family? So should we not allow people with abusive past to procreate?

A child needs to be raised with a proper mother and father. Yes, there are often times when this is not the case, and that is what I want to fix. Couples who are more likely to be seperated should not be allowed to marry in the first place. Couples who are getting married because one of them is a manipulative atheist and the other just doesn't know any better shouldn't be getting married. These people should definitely not be allowed to have children either. We need to proactively protect the future of our nation.


So call it a union, but don't discriminate or take the rights away from people who choose to live differently. They still live in the same free country as you!

They can live together. We are not trying to stop that. But they should not be allowed to raise children, which is obviously where this is going. So I want an end to it now.


Is your God a loving, accepting God?? Then why don't you follow the teachings of your faith??

My God is a loving and accepting God for those who follow his teachings. Do you let junkies and thieves into your house to play with your children? Why not? They're people too.

However if they quit doing drugs and stealing would you not be more willing to let them in your house?

It's the same thing. God loves everybody, but they need to do what's best for them. Quit homosexuality and go on a better path and feel free to get married have kids. Or be a heathen and don't.

It's your choice.
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You're really still being reactive here. If your purpose is to prevent the procreation of children into immoral circumstances, well, the best way to do that is to sterilize all children at birth. Then they apply for their reversal surgery when they enter into a proper marriage.

Of course, the ministry of love would also have to make sure that the mother-to-be is taking care of herself, and forbid the purchase of things like freedom fries etc.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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