shaiziel 0 #1 June 16, 2006 Let's face it. The America we have grown up in prior to 2000 is waning. A lot of problems we're experiencing were started long before then but they are coming to a head now. Economically, while Bush spins up fantasies of "improvement", we are actually teetering on the brink of devastation. Our currency becomes more devalued by the day as our trade deficit rises by the day. The lifestyle we live is perpetuated by borrowing from the same people we're buying from. This cycle and all of it's positive side effects will come to an end as countries pull the plug on lending to us and transfer their currency allegiance to more solid ground, namely, the euro. I read a book that referred to America as "the world's glorious beggar." We are becoming the poor man wearing silk. Obviously this won't continue as our debts come due and we struggle to pay them off without having a real production/export orientation to our economy. We are dying economically. Socially, the future is just as grim, but much more subtle. The Constitution, the foundation upon which this country was founded, is in more danger now than it has ever been. We are stuck under a false pretense that we should be fighting a war on terror. The Republicans believe we never will truly win, the Democrats believe absolution is possible, but it doesn't matter. We will never truly win, and there will be no absolution, but yet we are still pouring our last resources (most of which are borrowed) into a wet dream of a war that will serve nothing more than a carrot guiding a horse off a cliff. It will be the long slow death nail of the way of life we once knew. Hell, the way of life we once knew is already gone. You can blame it on 9/11 if you'd like, but not everything about where we are now, as compared to where we were prior to those events, is NOT the direct result of said events. But it doesn't matter. Times are changing and honestly, the cards we're holding does not look good. I don't hate America. I don't hate Republicans or Democrats. I don't hate Iraqis or Iranians. I simply don't like what we've become. I'm not pointing blame. A lot of different variables influenced by a lot of different places of a accountability have contributed to our position today. Honestly, I'm looking elsewhere for my future. I don't know where I can go or what I can do to facilitate my well-being when I get there. But I do feel that if I want to do what's best for me, I probably shouldn't stick around here too much into the future. Guess it's about time I should learn a new language and get ready to become the humble immigrant. Anyone else feel like they want to get out?---------------------------------------- 6.8% - Almost there! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Royd 0 #2 June 16, 2006 Hasta la vista, baby. Take Alec Baldwin with you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mirage62 0 #3 June 16, 2006 Hell no, but I like the fact that your willing to leave (I mean that in a positive manner) things go up and down in every country though. Good luck were ever you end up. Who knows you might end up in a really great, better country!Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gravitymaster 0 #4 June 16, 2006 Don't let the door hit you in the ass. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ntacfreefly 0 #5 June 16, 2006 Is this where you fire your pistols in the air too? It was a pretty well thought out post, and if that's the best you can do for an intelligent response then maybe the original poster isn't as far off the mark as it would appear. edit: To the original poster. I will say this: Travel, have fun in other countries, as people have said you may actually prefer it there. I know that my background has given me an appreciation for the rest of the world that most americans don't have. In the end I left South Africa because I felt the USA would be able to provide a better future for myself and any offspring I may have. So far I've been right. I don't delude myself that it'll always be that way, but the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Good luck with whatever your choices are.To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,345 #6 June 16, 2006 Have you ever been outside the US? Here's an idea - why don't you head down to Central America on holiday, see how they live and then let us know how that works out for ya. Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gravitymaster 0 #7 June 16, 2006 QuoteIs this where you fire your pistols in the air too? It was a pretty well thought out post, and if that's the best you can do for an intelligent response then maybe the original poster isn't as far off the mark as it would appear. He asked if anyone else felt like he did. He got an answer. Is that the best response you can come up with? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ntacfreefly 0 #8 June 16, 2006 QuoteHe asked if anyone else felt like he did. He got an answer. Is that the best response you can come up with? Is there where I say I"m rubber and you're glue? Certainly seems that way, of course while I don't post here much I certainly didn't expect much more of a response from you either.To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zipp0 1 #9 June 16, 2006 Just do what I am doing - stock up on ammo for when the looting starts. It will be a blast! Zipp0 -------------------------- Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shaiziel 0 #10 June 16, 2006 They do go up and down. But as far as societies go... the ups and downs last for a LONG time. I'm just thinking I want to find a new ice berg since this one appears to be melting.---------------------------------------- 6.8% - Almost there! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gravitymaster 0 #11 June 16, 2006 QuoteQuoteHe asked if anyone else felt like he did. He got an answer. Is that the best response you can come up with? Is there where I say I"m rubber and you're glue? Certainly seems that way, of course while I don't post here much I certainly didn't expect much more of a response from you either. Yes, but unlike you I gave him a response instead of attacking someone else for their response. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shaiziel 0 #12 June 16, 2006 BTW Royd, don't think I'm some tree-hugging hippie who never wanted to do anything for his country and expected nothing but luxury. I tried to sign up for the military. I figured it would be a good move. They didn't want me. Didn't even tell me why, they just said no thanks. So I have no shame in leaving. If I'm right, and lot of other people who are a lot more knowledgeable about the current affairs of the world are right as well, I'll be feeling pretty bad for the people who, in their arrogance, never thought to get out.---------------------------------------- 6.8% - Almost there! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpeedRacer 1 #13 June 16, 2006 Deja Moo. I wish I had a dollar for all the times in my life I've heard people spout this crap about everything going all to hell. I've heard it all my life since the '70s (when I became old enough to understand it, starting at say, 12 years old). So I suspect people have ALWAYS said it, and could ALWAYS back it up with convincing arguments as to why America or the whole world is teetering on the brink & going to collapse any day now. Speed Racer -------------------------------------------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ntacfreefly 0 #14 June 16, 2006 An intelligent response starts with accepting the others point of view, even if you don't agree with it, and then addressing the issues. Statements like "Hastala vista" or "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" shows, to me, a serious lack of maturity or ability to accept others view points even if you don't agree with them. Now before you go on a rampage about "well you don't accept my viewpoint" save yourself some time. I have no problem with you, or anyone else, feeling like the original poster should leave. What I think is juvenile is the way the sentiments were delivered. At least try and be civil, thoughtful and intelligent. It'll go a long way in getting others (who have any sort of intellectual ability) to at least consider your point of view.To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Royd 0 #15 June 16, 2006 QuoteIs this where you fire your pistols in the air too? It was a pretty well thought out post, and if that's the best you can do for an intelligent response then maybe the original poster isn't as far off the mark as it would appear.If he was looking for warm fuzzies,he's in the wrong forum. If he's just looking for adventure, I say, "Rock on, Dude," The world is your oyster. There I go with the adages, again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gravitymaster 0 #16 June 16, 2006 Ohhhhh... so sensitive. Perhaps you missed the smiley after my response? Had you had the sensitivity to ask what my response meant, I would have told you that it meant I hear this all the time and mostly it's someone who is just down or having a bad day. Ask the same person if they still feel this way a week later and you are very likely to get a response along the lines of "I had just had a fight with my GF or I just lost my job." Normally once someone thinks it through a little bit they realize things aren't going to be any better in another country and when they start thinking about losing touch with family and friends, the temporary mood passes. I don't take this kind of attitude too seriously, as you obviously do because I have the maturity to understand it and recognize it for what it really is, and make light of it. Hence my comment. Is this sensitive enough for you? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jib 0 #17 June 16, 2006 If the US is a beggar, why does the world expect the US give money to everyone, fund the UN, ... -------------------------------------------------- the depth of his depravity sickens me. -- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zipp0 1 #18 June 16, 2006 Don't you think it marginalizes his message a bit to suggest that the USA is just great, and he probably just broke up with his girlfriend? Zipp0 -------------------------- Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
narcimund 0 #19 June 16, 2006 QuoteAnyone else feel like they want to get out? The Good Americans insulting you for talking about your concerns remind me why I made the decision to leave a year ago. These taunts of the loudmouths are identical to those of childhood schoolyard bullies. They cackle and guffaw and belittle those who can think and spell. They usually win until you get out from under them and find friends who've grown up. Then the bullies think they've really won and in a territorial way they have, I guess. The world is big with some uncomfortable places and others that are as pleasant or better than places in the US. Everywhere has some downsides so you add them up and decide which ones you can live with. People the world around say their own place is the best in the world. Usually that's said by people who haven't travelled much. Good luck and congrats for deciding to live with a clear conscience. First Class Citizen Twice Over Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gravitymaster 0 #20 June 16, 2006 QuoteDon't you think it marginalizes his message a bit to suggest that the USA is just great, and he probably just broke up with his girlfriend? Zipp0 Not what I said exactly, and it may not apply in this case, but it is true that very few who say they want to leave, actually leave. I also said once people have thought it through a little, their attitude changes when they realize it isn't going to be better anywhere else. How does the saying go.."Wherever you go, there you are." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gravitymaster 0 #21 June 16, 2006 QuoteQuoteAnyone else feel like they want to get out? The Good Americans insulting you for talking about your concerns remind me why I made the decision to leave a year ago. These taunts of the loudmouths are identical to those of childhood schoolyard bullies. They cackle and guffaw and belittle those who can think and spell. They usually win until you get out from under them and find friends who've grown up. Then the bullies think they've really won and in a territorial way they have, I guess. The world is big with some uncomfortable places and others that are as pleasant or better than places in the US. Everywhere has some downsides so you add them up and decide which ones you can live with. People the world around say their own place is the best in the world. Usually that's said by people who haven't travelled much. Good luck and congrats for deciding to live with a clear conscience. Maybe he could come and stay with you? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zipp0 1 #22 June 16, 2006 QuoteIf the US is a beggar, why does the world expect the US give money to everyone, fund the UN, ... As a percentage of GNP the USA gives less than most industrialized nations. We are actually not THAT generous. Zipp0 -------------------------- Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gravitymaster 0 #23 June 16, 2006 QuoteQuoteIf the US is a beggar, why does the world expect the US give money to everyone, fund the UN, ... As a percentage of GNP the USA gives less than most industrialized nations. We are actually not THAT generous. Zipp0 Hopefully we can reduce our foreign aid even more so we can start paying down the debt. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Channman 2 #24 June 16, 2006 > I'll be feeling pretty bad for the people who, in their arrogance, never thought to get out. Hey man, I think it's pretty nasty of the Gravity dude telling you don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. If I could be of some assistance In directing you to your new home, I would think you and North Korea could find a common interest. They got alot going for it, and their leader is a funny looking guy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zipp0 1 #25 June 16, 2006 Quote Hopefully we can reduce our foreign aid even more so we can start paying down the debt. Foreign aid is a drop in the bucket of our debt. Cutting it down/out will do more harm than good. What we need is a nice hefty tax increase on the wealthy who have benefited and prospered in this country. Getting a few thousand more from a millionaire won't hurt them too badly..... -------------------------- Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites