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To a certain extent I'm sure you're right, however, it's sort of irrelevant since we're not living in prehistoric times. We're living here and now. Hopefully our decendants will be living here in the future.

Did you read the article? The conclusion of the U.S. Government sponsored study is that WE (modern fossil fuel burning humans) are the major cause of global warming and it is far beyond what can be accounted for by the "normal" cycles.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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None of this is true. None of it matters.

George Bush doesn't want it to be true so it isn't. Stop talking about this stuff or I'll stick my fingers in my ears and chant "I'm not listening to you I'm not listening to you I'm not listening to you" over and over and over.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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>If the environmentalists had lived during the ice age, they would
>have burned down the rain forests in order to heat up the earth.

Uh, there were no forests during the ice age. During the worst of the ice ages, there was no open land at all. No forests, no meadows, nothing but ice.

But in any case, burning down the rainforests NOW is a big mistake, because we're warming the earth by doing that. (And not only is there no ice age currently, but what ice we have left is rapidly disappearing - and we won't like the result of it disappearing.)

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>If the environmentalists had lived during the ice age, they would
>have burned down the rain forests in order to heat up the earth.

Uh, there were no forests during the ice age.

That was very charitable of you, Bill, to not mock him w/ laughter. :D

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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: >If the environmentalists had lived during the ice age, they would
>have burned down the rain forests in order to heat up the earth.


Uh, there were no forests during the ice age. During the worst of the ice ages, there was no open land at all. No forests, no meadows, nothing but ice.

Sorry, my friend, but there's no evidence of glaciers extending to the equator, except maybe in the high mountains of the Andes, which exist even today.
The Earth has existed in it's present orbit around the sun- for you evolutionists, let's say 30 billion years, just to make you happy.
If dinosaurs existed before an ice age, which came first, forests or ice ages?

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So, what have we done to lessen this demise of the earth?


I'm sure there are alot more methods to add to this list. What are they and how do we go about implementing them...here and now....-not- later.

First, identify the problem.
Second, plan the effective solution.
Third, implement the -doable- plan.
Fourth, document the change (positive or negative).
Fifth, evaluate the response.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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The Earth has existed in it's present orbit around the sun- for you evolutionists, let's say 30 billion years, just to make you happy.


1) What has evolution got to do with the age of the earth?

2) You thinking the earth is 30 billion years old does not make me happy.

3) Do you think that statement positively or negatively influences your credibility when talking about geology?

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>Sorry, my friend, but there's no evidence of glaciers extending to
>the equator . . .

Google "snowball earth."

>The Earth has existed in it's present orbit around the sun- for you
> evolutionists, let's say 30 billion years, just to make you happy.

?? No one thinks that the earth has been around for 30 billion years. The universe hasn't been around for 30 billion years.

>If dinosaurs existed before an ice age, which came first, forests
>or ice ages?

Are you kidding here? I never know when people are kidding.

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What has evolution got to do with the age of the earth?

Everything, if you are an evolutionist.
As far as I can tell, evolutionists and environmentalists walk hand in hand, as if they can do anything to influence the ebb and flow of nature.

You thinking the earth is 30 billion years old does not make me happy.

I'm just taking my lead from previous threads. The number doesn't really matter, as long as it's big enough to sound impressive.

Do you think that statement positively or negatively influences your credibility when talking about geology?

I've studied enough geology to know that most of the information is just hit and miss at best. I don't believe that fossil records were laid down on a neat and orderly time line.

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I can see how it is more rational to think the earth is 6000 years old and that a deity planted dinosaur bones, messed with carbon dating and generally was a bit of a funny guy, misleading his poor creations all the way.

I've studied enough religions to know not to be convinced by the degree of zeal any one individual practitioner is showing..

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I can see how it is more rational to think the earth is 6000 years old and that a deity planted dinosaur bones, messed with carbon dating and generally was a bit of a funny guy, misleading his poor creations all the way.

MY point about fossils being laid down in a smooth time line is this;
If you've ever been to the western US, you know that there are volcanic cones everywhere.
There could have been huge upheavals that buried a lot of material in a short period of time.
Florrisant fossil beds in Colo. at an elevation of 10,000ft. has petrified stumps ten ft. in diameter. Something like that doesn't grow in the harsh conditions of an ice age.

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Google "snowball earth."

I'll believe your fairy tale, if you'll believe mine.

?? No one thinks that the earth has been around for 30 billion years. The universe hasn't been around for 30 billion years.

Just making a point. Noone knows what happened when, so let's quit throwing numbers around in order to make ourselves sound like authorities on something at which we can only take a wild guess.

BTW, how old is the universe?

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>Sorry, my friend, but there's no evidence of glaciers extending to
>the equator . . .

Google "snowball earth."

Although the theory goes that the earth was completely covered in ice at sometime, it does not go as far to say every ice age leads to a snowball earth.

As for Al Gore here are 25 Inconvenient Truths for him.

Fallschirmsport Marl

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Google "snowball earth."

So, let me get this staight.
We can have an Earth covered with ice, but we can't have one covered with water?

Dude you should go throw yourself into the "I am a Christian..." thread. Get that sucker fired back up. :)
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Dude you should go throw yourself into the "I am a Christian..." thread. Get that sucker fired back up.

A game without two opposing teams doesn't last very long.
Ecology, environment, and evolution should be three subjects that stand on their own, but they've been mixed into the same pot by liberals, so, game on!

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Ecology, environment, and evolution should be three subjects that stand on their own, but they've been mixed into the same pot by liberals,

Uh, no dude - it was you who threw evolution in there (why, I have no idea).


A game without two opposing teams doesn't last very long.

You kidding - It's just about the single longest thread these forums have ever seen!
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Dude you should go throw yourself into the "I am a Christian..." thread. Get that sucker fired back up.

A game without two opposing teams doesn't last very long.
Ecology, environment, and evolution should be three subjects that stand on their own, but they've been mixed into the same pot by liberals, so, game on!

Science is dumb. Let's go shopping!

No wait:


1. The science of the relationships between organisms and their environments. Also called bionomics.
2. The relationship between organisms and their environment.

Oh damn, that liberal publication, the dictionary, has gone and connected environment and organisms to make ecology.

Now, before you respond with, "environments are just where they live, not necessarily nature," let us ask two questions:

1) Where do most organisms live?

Answer: in nature.

2) And what is another name for nature?

answer: the environment.

Goddamn liberals.

Oh, here is one more:

Ecology - the branch of biology that studies relationships between living organisms and the non-living components of the environment in which they live.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Everyone knows there are a few possible solutions to the global warming debate:

1. As the Earth is about to become uninhabitable, the good people will be taken away in the rapture before armageddon.

2. We will achieve warp speed and colonize some other earthlike planet near Alpha Centauri.

3. We pretend there is no problem, and everything works out fine.

4. We do nothing and ruin the planet for future generations. Super advanced humans build a time machine to come back in time to punish us for destroying the Earth. Their punishment: a second Bush term.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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I'll take what's behind door #4 :)

Wendy W.

Consider this: The mere fact that someone from the future hasn't come back in time to correct this may indicate the human race doesn't survive.

#5 Superman reverses the rotation of the Earth, turning back time so we can correct our mistakes.

#6 Superman simply cools the Earth with his breath.

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