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wmw999 2,485
It's beginning to look like "slut" is any female (generally) who is significantly more promiscuous than the speaker approves of.Quote1. Who am I really to judge who is or isn't a "slut"? Even here in an "open-minded" forum we can't come to a consensus. If I can't reasonably define the word, does it have meaning?
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)
rehmwa 2
QuoteCalling someone a replace any label here doesn't do anyone any good. It just makes you feel more self-righteous.
Hey, I can resonate with that. But you just invalidated 90% of the posts on SC......
That's it, I'm not buying any food off your menu.
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
shaiziel 0
Co-worker and I were just discussing this thread topic. He brought up this situation where his wife's best friend's boyfriend has a son who is 21. Thing is, the 21 year old is fucking a 16 year old girl. The other thing is, she's pregnant. The other other thing is, it's not his.
Even in this situation, I wouldn't say she's a slut.
I'd say she's fucking stupid. But she's probably fucking Steve, Chris, Jim, David, etc. as well.
Even in this situation, I wouldn't say she's a slut.
I'd say she's fucking stupid. But she's probably fucking Steve, Chris, Jim, David, etc. as well.

6.8% - Almost there!
6.8% - Almost there!
I just find it to be unfair that when a man sleeps around he's called a player which is often looked at in more of a positive manner for most, and when a woman sleeps around she's a filthy whore. In either case i think it either comes down to a lack of self respect or serious enthusiasm.
Who are we to judge? I find 'serial monogamy' (awesome term for it) to be much more damaging because it's rooted in lies. It's one thing to fuck everyone, but something entirely different to FUCK WITH everyone.
that's just my $.02
Who are we to judge? I find 'serial monogamy' (awesome term for it) to be much more damaging because it's rooted in lies. It's one thing to fuck everyone, but something entirely different to FUCK WITH everyone.
that's just my $.02
Skyrad 0
What the hell is a sport fuck????
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
kbordson 8
QuoteWhat the hell is a sport fuck????
pick any one of these three definations:
Sport Fuck
My thoughts is that #1 is most "correct." #2 is just right out ("American women make terrible wives"?! wtf?! That invalidates the whole defination there) #3 sounds most "fun"
Hope that helps
shaiziel 0
My thoughts is that #1 is most "correct." #2 is just right out ("American women make terrible wives"?! wtf?! That invalidates the whole defination there) #3 sounds most "fun"
Hope that helps
#2 was a mainstay on one of the other boards I frequented.
Great troll material. That and "Post in this thread if you are married and hate your life."
6.8% - Almost there!
6.8% - Almost there!
All i'll say in response to the thread is: ask a few gay guys who many blokes they've slept with.
Our straight counterparts will all of a sudden look totally 'angelic'
Which obviously explains why so many straight men are crap in bed. QED.

Our straight counterparts will all of a sudden look totally 'angelic'

Which obviously explains why so many straight men are crap in bed. QED.

If the sex takes place outside the confines of a committed relationship, and you don't want a child, but do nothing further to prevent having a child, that's irresponsible. I wouldn't call her a slut. I say she was being irresponsible. I'm not going to be derogatory towards someone for making a decision, but I will encourage them to make good decisions. Do you see the difference here?
Calling someone a slut doesn't do anyone any good. It just makes you feel more self-righteous.
Besides, it's not about how much you have sex. It's about the circumstantial factors and the contextual situation in which someone has sex that dictates whether or not it's irresponsible. I don't care if she has sex 1 time or 100 times. But if she has sex 100 times without contraception and doesn't want a kid, she is making MORE irresponsible decisions. And don't think I forgot about the guy's fault in the decision. He's the one that put it in her.
So... No. She would not, by my defition, be a slut. Because a slut is a derogatory and insulting term that people use against others to feel better about themselves.
Make sense?
6.8% - Almost there!
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