
Vatican vows to expel stem cell scientists from Church

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Let's hope our bible thumping politicians don't legislate us away from this next great technology.

Uh, hello ? Earth to Scooby, you're already about 5 years too late. God's messenger, George W Bush already forbade federal funding for stem cell research on all but 61 pre-existing stem cell lines in Aug 2001. While this does not technically outlaw stem cell research, the funding limitations mean that ALL funding resources have to come from somewhere else. This makes for a far more effective strangulation on research than any legislation merely banning the research altogether. It means that a scientist doing stem cell research in God's Country cannot use a cell centrifuge or computer in the same building, or even the same building or any rooms therein, if they were funded in any part by your tax dollahs.

The Taliban already rule.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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George W Bush already forbade federal funding for stem cell research

But, he didn't forbade private funds. That's why many states are funding large investments in this technology (e.g., California). My concern is the Fed's will make any research into this illegal.

When good things start happening, it's going to be interesting who gets the money. The states funding it?
We are all engines of karma

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George W Bush already forbade federal funding for stem cell research on all but 61 pre-existing stem cell lines in Aug 2001.

Didn't he only forbade federal funding for "embryonic" stem cell research on all but 61 pre-existing stem cell lines in Aug 2001? That's not a ban on all stem cell research. I could be wrong and I don't know much about it but doesn't the Federal Government still fund stem cell research? Just not that which requires the destruction of embyos.

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