
Best Book in the world... Apart from the bible... not try the Koran yet ...

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Conspiracy encylopedia by C & B, an encyclopedia of conspiracy theories. ISBN 1843402874

Excellent book, dip into it a time of boredom, makes me laugh. Some are scary.

Self experimentaions has documented no occurence of mind warp.

Guns don't kill people, people do.

Best one funny green aliens called the Anunnaki or sumerians actually run the world. In secret contact with the high echeloens of world government, these beings frequent the earth and make decisions about how it should run.

Anyway loads of fun, not to be taken too seriously, however some are close to call.

A good summary of alternative modern history.



I cross my fingers a different way to you.

A=O or !)

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My favorite is the reptilian aliens living underground in massive government complexes. The British Royal family is apparently reptilian, but need human DNA and if they blink you can see their black reptilian eyes. Of course they run the world through the illuminati, G8 and DeBeers etc. etc. This is just scratching the surface of David Ike's outlandish fabric of conspiracy theories. I heard him with Art Bell once, awesome stuff, lucid insanity like that is a rare gift. He can talk for hours on this stuff, totally convinced and it just never ends, he just keeps yanking back curtains on the freak show that is his mind.

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It's not its a statemant, I supect a Susupicious mind. Jeeze guy, chill out.

First of all, I'm chilled. It was just a question. So from your response, it actually appears that you are the one that needs to "chill out".

Second, the confusion in the first place was generated by you, since you put the "statement" into a thread about conspiracy theories. If it was unrelated to your subject matter, then you shouldn't have thrown it in there.

Oh, and finally, in your other threads in this forum, please quit using so many abbreviations that your message ends up just gibberish. Spell it out if you want people to understand you. A spelling checker would help too.

Have a nice day.

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"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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