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QuoteHow do the Palestinians respond? What have they done with Gaza, the first Palestinian territory in history to be independent, something neither the Ottomans nor the British nor the Egyptians nor the Jordanians, all of whom ruled Palestinians before the Israelis, ever permitted? On the very day of Israel's final pullout, the Palestinians began firing rockets out of Gaza into Israeli towns on the other side of the border. And remember: those are attacks not on settlers but on civilians in Israel proper, the pre-1967 Israel that the international community recognizes as legitimately part of sovereign Israel, a member state of the U.N. A thousand rockets have fallen since.
For what possible reason? Before the withdrawal, attacks across the border could have been rationalized with the usual Palestinian mantra of occupation, settlements and so on. But what can one say after the withdrawal?
I think what they're saying is that Israel didn't withdraw as a sign of good faith, but rather that they were victorious in forcing Israel to retreat and are now pressing their battle forward.
This article from Iraq says essentially the same thing about the Lebanese border...that Israel didn't pull back to help the peace process, but rather that victorious Hezbollah forced their retreat.
I realize there are multiple ways of looking at anything, but one need only see the ass-kickings Israel has readily handed out to realize they were not forced back by the trash comprising Hamas and Hezbollah.
(drink Mountain Dew)
skydyvr 0
QuoteQuoteSo we deserved 9/11 because of our support of the Mujahideen?
Yes, among other reasons.
. . =(_8^(1)
kallend 2,027
Don't forget the beads...
'ooh...Look at the pretty beads, tell you what Kimosabi, you give me Montana and I'll give you the pretty beads......Yes?'
'Umm Yes.'
'OK Soldier you can take the gun away from the childs head now, and give them some wiskey!'
I don't by any means condone the methods white people used to take the land, I'm just pointing out that peaceful negotiations between the cultures since then have produced far better results than violence would have.
The current conflict between "Palestinians" and "Israelis" doesn't make much sense to me. Who stole the land from whom and what are the evidentiary signs of such theft? Can the Palestinians show that a) they previously possessed the land and b) they no longer posses it? How so?
Why can't we just take the entire landmass in question and call it "Paljudahstine" and allow muslims and jews to live anywhere they want in the region as long as they remain peaceful? If the people over there (of all faiths) would quit trying to establish their own society founded in religious discrimination, peace would follow quickly after. Instead of having a Jewish government (Israel) and a Muslim government (PA), the Paljudahstinian government would be freely elected by the populus with a mandate to simultaneously maintain a secular stance yet respect the freedom of the governed to privately pursue their own faiths.
I have been on a number of reservations in AZ and NM and I suppose living on one is marginally better than the alternative of being dead. There's a good reason reservations have the highest rate of alcoholism in the US. I really don't think diplomacy did these folks a whole lot of good. Especially considering how many so-called "treaties" the US reneged on.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
I have been on a number of reservations in AZ and NM and I suppose living on one is marginally better than the alternative of being dead. There's a good reason reservations have the highest rate of alcoholism in the US. I really don't think diplomacy did these folks a whole lot of good. Especially considering how many so-called "treaties" the US reneged on.
It may just be anecdotal, but the reservations I've visited in Washington and Alaska have had their fair share of privileges. It may be regional, I mean you're talking about Arizona and New Mexico! Also, your alcoholism note might have a cause/effect flaw.
(drink Mountain Dew)
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