
Israeli soldiers kidnapped, and Isarael is now shelling

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I agree its unacceptable and there should be a response from Israel. However, it should be a proportional response, what is currently taking place is not such a response.

If every time you walked down the street, some little ankle biter of a dog came out and took a chunk out of you, how long would it be until you drop kicked it into doggy heaven?

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Christianity and Islam are both religions of violent fervor. On the other hand, I don't know of any war or campaign ever fought in the name of Buddha.

It's hard to fight when you're sitting on your fat ass, staring at your belly button.

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My response needs to be stronger then his so he understands what he did was wrong and makes him think twice before ever raising hand on someone else who has not provoked him.

Exactly. That's why Israel is fixing ot open a major can of whoop ass on them.

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I think the two of you should jump together. The journey of peace starts with the first step.

That would be awesome.
But I have nothing against Ori. I view him as one of the most fair and intelligent debaters on here.

I disagree with a lot of people on here but if they are ever come to Jumptown and invited me on a jump I would consider it an honor. Most likely when u see and introduce your self you would get a handshake or a big hug.

Jumptown is my home and all are welcome.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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