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rushmc 23
QuoteAnybody who wants to start a war, not just with the U.S., but with anybody, should stop and think about the price. Anyone who goes to war puts their civilian population at risk of all sorts of horrible things. People get maimed and killed; women children, the elderly. Nobody thinks it's a good thing.
But some of these people aren't thinking of that when they go launching rockets into Israeli cities, or sending suicide bombers into crowded civilian marketplaces. I believe they do so with a cynical calculation that they expect innocent casualties among their own people so that they can further whip up people's emotions and gain recruits to their cause.
General William Tecumseh Sherman not only said "War is hell", he also said that since the Confederacy had made the choice for war, he intended to "give them war in full measure".
Sad but true. Wars are a lot easier to start than they are to end.
and the enemy was a lot easier to recognise.....
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
rushmc 23
Once again a nice statement of genralization you can't back up"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
billvon 3,027
It's not a generalization. Right now, those two countries (the US and Israel) are doing more destroying than any other. Doesn't mean that will be true in a year, but it is true now.;_ylt=AnsC7lwGbw4lDyt2s2qllYys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--
rushmc 23
Quote>Once again a nice statement of genralization you can't back up
It's not a generalization. Right now, those two countries (the US and Israel) are doing more destroying than any other. Doesn't mean that will be true in a year, but it is true now.;_ylt=AnsC7lwGbw4lDyt2s2qllYys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--
Nice, still does not back you statement up.
I do believe that is your opinion and I have no problem with it being just that.
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
billvon 3,027
So by that definition kidnapping a soldier would make one a warrior, not a terrorist, no?
>The intended target of a terrorist attack is civilians.
So bombing a power plant and killing the people working there would make the pilots of those bombers terrorists, no?
The whole label of "terrorist" has gone from "someone who uses violence to cause terror for political ends" to "anyone who is our enemy." It's similar to the use of "communist" during the 50's and 60's; a catch-all for someone who opposes the US. It would be far more accurate to portray the conflict in Israel as one between two governments than between good and evil, or between law and terror.
billvon 3,027
Find one other country who has destroyed more of another country in the past week or so.
rehmwa 2
Quote>Find one other country who has destroyed more of another country in the past week or so.
It's not a country, but last night I cleaned out the can used for lawn clippings and dumped it in the back yard.
Edit: Forgot the disclaimer
{do not drive heavy machinery while under the influence of this post, check with your doctor before beginning any heavy exercise regimen}
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
Quote>The intended target of traditional warriors is other warriors.
So by that definition kidnapping a soldier would make one a warrior, not a terrorist, no?
>The intended target of a terrorist attack is civilians.
So bombing a power plant and killing the people working there would make the pilots of those bombers terrorists, no?
yes, I suppose you're right.
although I would like to point out that most of the Iraqi civilians getting killed are being killed by Iraqi insurgents, not by Americans.
outrager 6
QuoteI believe they do so with a cynical calculation that they expect innocent casualties among their own people so that they can further whip up people's emotions and gain recruits to their cause.
Exactly! Those pieces of s*it order acts that kill scores of civilians with a cynical calculation.
Likewise US and Israeli leaders do so, with a cynical calculation. The difference is... well there is no difference. They are the same cynical hypocritical pieces of s*it.
By the way it transfers down the chain of command. "Just following orders" is a good excuse for Predator drone, but it is not for a human pilot of B52.
outrager 6
Quoteexactly. and I'm proud of it.
You misquoted. My post stated they do not value human life, they only value that of selected people - just like Nazi did. Quite a joke history plays here

For the third time - I AM NOT SAYING THEY WERE UNPROVOKED. The fact is that the US and Israel are currently two of (if not the two) biggest aggressors in the world. That's why they're currently being singled out. It goes with the territory - if you start a war, be prepared to be called violent. It's true by definition.
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