
Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian

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The pope told the truth-you are in denial. I have plenty of time to do both. you do too!

the author of this site is also a REFORMED Christian, maybe you should pay attention and stop living in denial, you probably make that statement to plenty of people in you job as a counselor, which by the way is straight out of russian mind control programs itself. i laugh constantly at the statements by 'christians' not just once in a while
we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

wishers never choose, choosers never wish

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The weight you give to a immoral pope is confounding. Do you really think there are that many non-catholic Christians that give two cents to what that pope said??

If I was your counselor I'd let you continue in your own death denial, mainly because you come across as delusional, so there would be more pressing issues to address. One of your very first post is my favorite: "matter is merely energy condensed to slow vibration, there is no such thing as death, life is just a dream, we are all one conciousness experiencing itself subjectively." Now I'm getting close to personal attacks so I'll stop here.

Keep posting Hairy, it is good to know there are guys like you out there on the "other" side. If they were all like John or Bill, it might be a little harder to debate. ;)


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Imagine a father were to tell his son that by the time he is twelve, he must decide whether or not to love his dad. The father says the child is free to choose whatever he wants, but if he chooses to not love his father, then the father will put his son in the oven and cook him. What sort of freedom of choice is this? I don’t think it is any choice. Surely a man who did this would be considered one of the most insane, sick, twisted, and evil person you could meet. He would be thrown in prison for child abuse, neglect, and infanticide. Even the criminals in prison would look down on this child murderer, most likely taking out revenge in the child’s name. How ironic is it then that when God does this, we worship him, say “God is Love”, and build churches in his honor

The description of God [above] that Broken posted is a fairly accurate description of the God that Paj and MB believe in - it says so right at the top of his post. Paj and MB are some hard core fundamentalists,

jakee, and br0k3n: SpeedRacer is right-- br0k3n's depiction of God is distorted, yet he challenges us to defend it. (And frankly, whoever started this thread gave a distorted view of Fundamentalism... but then it wasn't meant to be taken seriously, right? It was solely composed for the dz.com pagans' entertainment.) Jakee, who are you to tell anyone that the depiction of God above is an accurate description of the God I believe in? Apparently you haven't been following my part of the discussion very closely... Which is fine as long as you don't put words in my mouth. I will let Paj defend his own beliefs, but I sure don't recall his ever characterizing the God of scripture in that way. I really dislike how insidious y'alls tactics have become.

It sure would be fun to have a fair debate some day.

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, but faith is required to believe in the existence of the Christian god as described in the bible.

FINALLY, you are starting to get it! ;) I know some of my Christian bothers and sisters believe there is a lot of evidence to validate their belief, but the fact remains, despite the evidence or lack thereof, faith is required to experience God.

Hebrews 11:6 in the Message paraphrase: It's impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him

Steveorino, just so there's no misunderstanding--- While it is true that I believe that the biblical texts, history, eyewitness testimony, and archeology provide adequate evidence to back up my faith, it is also true that the object of all this evidence (God) can't be seen with human eyes--- yet I implicitly trust Him and the claims of His Son.

The revelation of God and the claims of His Son are contained within a written record. If these biblical texts had not been so accurately preserved throughout hundreds of years of hand-copying (in which countless mistakes could've been so easily made); if there were no archeological discoveries which validate people, places, and things I've read about in these texts; if its historical content wasn't corroborated in any secular histories; and if the eyewitness testimonies of Christ's life didn't exist---- how would I know that the bible is true? how would I know that the one on whom my trust (faith) rests is real? I don't have solid proof, because I can't see with my eyes and feel with my hands the Christ that John and Peter experienced. But that's where my faith comes in. I trust that their portrayal of Him is accurate and God-inspired; and I trust that the claims they said He made are true; therefore, I trust Him to be the way, the truth, and the life for me. Without His intervention (by death and resurrection), I would still be separated from the Father and spiritually dead as a doornail. I owe everything to Jesus Christ.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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What evidence can you give that God doesn't exist?

You can't prove a negative. Any first year debater knows that. That's why this type of argument isn't allowed in a court of law to my knowledge. That argument can be used to try to prove the existence of Santa.

Stevorino didn't ask for PROOF. He asked for evidence. (Any first year debater should know the difference between evidence and proof!!!) Nothing wrong with asking for someone to give the evidence he/she has that something doesn't exist.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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Simple solipsism here, and rather disengenous also.

Silly request I admit -- mostly off the cuff. But how does that equate me to one who believes that "self is the only thing that can be verified?"

Steve, don't let them put words in your mouth.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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Imagine a father were to tell his son that by the time he is twelve, he must decide whether or not to love his dad. The father says the child is free to choose whatever he wants, but if he chooses to not love his father, then the father will put his son in the oven and cook him. What sort of freedom of choice is this? I don’t think it is any choice. Surely a man who did this would be considered one of the most insane, sick, twisted, and evil person you could meet. He would be thrown in prison for child abuse, neglect, and infanticide. Even the criminals in prison would look down on this child murderer, most likely taking out revenge in the child’s name. How ironic is it then that when God does this, we worship him, say “God is Love”, and build churches in his honor

The description of God [above] that Broken posted is a fairly accurate description of the God that Paj and MB believe in - it says so right at the top of his post. Paj and MB are some hard core fundamentalists,

jakee, and br0k3n: SpeedRacer is right-- br0k3n's depiction of God is distorted, yet he challenges us to defend it. (And frankly, whoever started this thread gave a distorted view of Fundamentalism... but then it wasn't meant to be taken seriously, right? It was solely composed for the dz.com pagans' entertainment.) Jakee, who are you to tell anyone that the depiction of God above is an accurate description of the God I believe in? Apparently you haven't been following my part of the discussion very closely... Which is fine as long as you don't put words in my mouth. I will let Paj defend his own beliefs, but I sure don't recall his ever characterizing the God of scripture in that way. I really dislike how insidious y'alls tactics have become.

It sure would be fun to have a fair debate some day.

Go on MB, tell us all how my depiction is "distored" or how it is anything less then an accurate representation of your god?????

Basically if I dont love your god, im off to hell.... where is the confusion, or should I say Distortion???
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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jakee, and br0k3n: SpeedRacer is right-- br0k3n's depiction of God is distorted, yet he challenges us to defend it. (And frankly, whoever started this thread gave a distorted view of Fundamentalism... but then it wasn't meant to be taken seriously, right? It was solely composed for the dz.com pagans' entertainment.) Jakee, who are you to tell anyone that the depiction of God above is an accurate description of the God I believe in? Apparently you haven't been following my part of the discussion very closely... Which is fine as long as you don't put words in my mouth. I will let Paj defend his own beliefs, but I sure don't recall his ever characterizing the God of scripture in that way. I really dislike how insidious y'alls tactics have become.

As far as I'm aware Speedracer has never professed belief in a god that killed and commanded the killing of hundreds of thousands of people for simply disbelieving in him. Your part of the discussion for the last few pages has been limited to defending and justifying mass murder by your deity. As for Pajarito (love arguing with ya bro;)), I don't think I've ever gone into this specific topic with him but I know he does take the old testament literally and believes that those who deny God are destined for hell. So on the face of it Brokens analogy sounds to me to be reasonably accurate. Can you tell me whats wrong with it?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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hey jakee, no affront to you, dear. here is what Dante says about sitting on your duff praying for a mythical saviour to return, "the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of moral crisis, mantain nuetrality".

Uh, thank you darling, I think.:$
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Imagine a father were to tell his son that by the time he is twelve, he must decide whether or not to love his dad. The father says the child is free to choose whatever he wants, but if he chooses to not love his father, then the father will put his son in the oven and cook him. What sort of freedom of choice is this? I don’t think it is any choice. Surely a man who did this would be considered one of the most insane, sick, twisted, and evil person you could meet. He would be thrown in prison for child abuse, neglect, and infanticide. Even the criminals in prison would look down on this child murderer, most likely taking out revenge in the child’s name. How ironic is it then that when God does this, we worship him, say “God is Love”, and build churches in his honor

The description of God [above] that Broken posted is a fairly accurate description of the God that Paj and MB believe in - it says so right at the top of his post. Paj and MB are some hard core fundamentalists,

jakee, and br0k3n: SpeedRacer is right-- br0k3n's depiction of God is distorted, yet he challenges us to defend it. (And frankly, whoever started this thread gave a distorted view of Fundamentalism... but then it wasn't meant to be taken seriously, right? It was solely composed for the dz.com pagans' entertainment.) Jakee, who are you to tell anyone that the depiction of God above is an accurate description of the God I believe in? Apparently you haven't been following my part of the discussion very closely... Which is fine as long as you don't put words in my mouth. I will let Paj defend his own beliefs, but I sure don't recall his ever characterizing the God of scripture in that way. I really dislike how insidious y'alls tactics have become.

It sure would be fun to have a fair debate some day.

Go on MB, tell us all how my depiction is "distored" or how it is anything less then an accurate representation of your god?????

Basically if I dont love your god, im off to hell.... where is the confusion, or should I say Distortion???

You'll not get an answer - just a lot of quotes from scripture and the mantra that god can't be evil.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>If you can't use logic when discussing the bible, then by definition
>that must mean the bible is illogical and its a given that illogical things
>don't make sense.

Use logic to prove that Jackson Pollack was a good painter. Or that Neil Peart writes good songs. Or that Shakespeare wrote some good plays. Or that Gandhi and Martin Luther King were good, and Genghis Khan was bad. Prove that, logically, you should skydive.

What? You say you can't? So a claim that Martin Luther King was a good person is illogical? Your desire to skydive is nonsensical?

Again, that's using the wrong tools for the job.

Logic is a tool as we have both agreed. If I want to use logic to prove that Jackson Pollock is a good artist, I have to define what I mean by good. Good in what sense? Using my standard of good, Jackson Pollock doesn't fit. Logic can then you from A to B but only if you know what A and B are.

If I want to prove Martin Luther King was "good" and Genghis Khan was "bad" we need to define good and bad. Logically you then compare what you want to test against your standard and voila... But you know all this.

So why can't I use logic to study the bible? I define what my standards are, do the comparison and get my answer. What is wrong with that? Why is the bible exempt from scrutiny in this way?

Basically, as I understand your argument, you're saying that the bible is comparable to art and just like art, I can either choose to like it or not. The bible is then as significant as either the Mona Lisa or a toothpaste advert depending on your personal preference.

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Go on MB, tell us all how my depiction is "distored" or how it is anything less then an accurate representation of your god?????

"Imagine a father were to tell his son that by the time he is twelve, he must decide whether or not to love his dad. The father says the child is free to choose whatever he wants, but if he chooses to not love his father, then the father will put his son in the oven and cook him. What sort of freedom of choice is this? I don’t think it is any choice. Surely a man who did this would be considered one of the most insane, sick, twisted, and evil person you could meet. He would be thrown in prison for child abuse, neglect, and infanticide. Even the criminals in prison would look down on this child murderer, most likely taking out revenge in the child’s name. How ironic is it then that when God does this, we worship him, say “God is Love”, and build churches in his honor

It's too ridiculous a caricature.
#1 The father tells his son that he must decide whether or not he loves his father by the time he's twelve." NO. God, through the Holy Spirit, woos people and gently draws them to Him by various means, such as by demonstrating His love, opening their understanding to spiritual truths having to do with God's nature, man's nature, the nature of Christ and the work of Christ that they didn't realize before. He gives insight into the scriptures which didn't exist before. He opens their eyes to His providence-- to His hand in their lives-- and eventually (if not already), He shows them their shortcomings-- the attitudes and behaviors which are responsible for their separation from Him. He teaches them the consequences of living a life that is in opposition to God: alienation from Him... i.e. never having the relationship with God--which we were created to have-- restored for us through Christ's reconciling work on the cross. Then He teaches them HOW they can be restored to Him and enjoy a true Friendship with God. He invites them to be reconciled through Christ and to follow Him forever. He promises them all the grace they will ever need, day by day, to follow Him. He promises his own presence to be with them and in them constantly. He promises to transform their lives more and more into the image of his Son. He often gives them a specific mission, or a purpose, and encourages them to persevere in it. He infuses His compassion and love for others into them. And much much more.

#2 "if he chooses to not love his father, then the father will put his son in the oven and cook him." God gives us day after day to repent (this word means to change one's way of thinking). After hearing God's invitation: "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me," what if they persistently refuse to be reconciled to Him? Then they remain estranged from God... as they wished, forever. This is free will. There's a wise use of free will and a foolish use of free will; it's up to each person. He reaps what he sows.

Sounds pretty fair to me.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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for a fact, to believe in 'jesus' as a physical being is IDOL WORSHIP. the delusion is that jesus is coming back and resurrecting the dead, rapturing the believers out of here. a Christian theocracy in this country or the world is a evil and corrupt as the taliban. I've led the sheep to water, drink or not, 'tis your choice. i have mountains of historical proof that the rapture theory, speaking in tongues, etc. did not emerge as dogma in the christian religion untill around 1830 in england
we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

wishers never choose, choosers never wish

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i don't believe anything about the bible to be factual,
they are your ten commandments, that forbid having any god before yahweh, jehovah, etc. (sol invictus) in all truth.

Except for the bit about god at the end this video just might wake you up

warning:the subject of this film you are about to watch reveals a crucial fact of your life. you should watch it very attentively for it concerns a subject that is liable to make fundamental changes in your outlook on the material world. the content of this film is not just a different approach or a philosophical thought: it is a fact proven by science today
we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

wishers never choose, choosers never wish

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Do you believe that Abraham was the father of the nation of Israel? Do you believe that Moses lived and led the captive Israelites out of Egypt? Do you believe there was a king, a son of David, named Solomon? Any of those things?
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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MB, what a complete load of dribble, have you actually read the bible at all??? the choice God gives us in the bible. Either love him, and choose him, or we will face the fires of hell….

Now Interestingly though, the "fires" of hell might not be all that bad. As I have been looking in this whole subject, It would seem to me that Christians have it all wrong, you shouldn’t be worshiping God, as God by definition is quite clearly evil. You should be bowing down before Satan, as it actually seems that the “Devil” is the good guy..

But No I hear you all cry, satan is evil…. But is he, lets take a look…. MB hope your taking notes….

Genesis 3: 4-5
“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.”

The key words here are, “…knowing good and evil.” According to this, Satan says we will know what good is and know what evil is. So it stands to reason from this that we can judge right from wrong, and can know when God does something good or bad.
“But Satan is the prince of lies and evil”, I can hear you exclaiming.

Ahh…well then let us look at the following passage.

Genesis 3: 22
“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever”

Well, well, well. It appears here that what the devil said was true. God himself says that mankind can now judge right and wrong, knowing good and evil. It seems to me here that Satan was just trying to wake us up from the ignorance God had us in. Which begs the question: Why does god now punish mankind for committing a sin when we don’t know what good or evil is? Sure, he may have told us not to eat the apple, but how could we have understood the implications of this action, since we had no notion of good or evil? If we don’t know how to be good, then we wouldn’t recognize something as evil. Again, evil is defined as something “that is a cause or source of suffering, injury, or destruction”. Well according to the punishment God deals out in the following passages as the result of tasting the apple, that taste could definitely be defined as evil.

Genesis 3: 16-19
“Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

Well that certainly sounds like suffering to me, and this is just the tip of the iceberg of God’s cruelty to those who sin against him. So because Eve and Adam ate the fruit of the tree, without knowing the difference between right (good) and wrong (evil), Eve’s sorrow will be greatly multiplied, and have sorrowful conception, and serve her husband, and Adam has all of the ground cursed and it will be hard labor for him to grow food.

So to return to our main point of whether or not we can judge God as good or evil, I think it is obvious that we can. All you have to do is read the scripture in which God himself says we know good and evil as he does, “…the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil…” Genesis 3: 22. As a human who knows good and evil, I judge the biblical god to be evil by definition.

Well if God is evil, then what is Satan? Why did God cast Satan out, and what is his punishment? Satan was proud, and rose up against God (Isaiah 15: 13-14, Ezekiel 28: 14-19). Therefore, he is judged, bruised, chained in darkness, and sent to Hell (John 12: 31, John 16: 11, Romans 16:20, Jude 6, 2 Peter 2: 4, Matthew 25: 41). It’s interesting to note that Satan was an angel (Isaiah 14: 12) who was perfect (Ezekiel 29: 15) and beautiful (Ezekiel 28: 17). The angels had free will, as is indicated by the fact that Satan chose to go against God. If he had known the punishment, he would not have had true free will. However, it says nowhere that Satan knew he would be sent to hell for his actions. It is only after he rebels that he is punished. The angels were created before man, and as free moral agents, some revolted against God. Therefore, God made mankind, and made him ignorant of good and evil. We didn’t gain the ability to judge good or evil until after the fall, and then God punished us for doing what he knew we would do(he’s omniscient, remember?). It’s as if God knew that once we realized the difference between good and evil as the angel’s did, we would see him for what he truly is.

Satan led a rebellion against God in Heaven and was cast out for it. Well, since we’ve established that God is evil by definition, wouldn’t fighting against God be considered an act of goodness? As a human who knows good and evil, I judge Satan, who fought to overthrow the evil biblical god, to be good.

So there you have it, Paj, MB I think its time for to bow down before Satan......
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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you shouldn’t be worshiping God, as God by definition is quite clearly evil. You should be bowing down before Satan, as it actually seems that the “Devil” is the good guy..

Are you admitting that there is a force of good and evil outside of mankind, or are you arguing for argument's sake?

Do you also beleive that abortion is the best way to keep a child from suffering the hardships of everyday living?
Do you believe that pedophilia is also a good way to develop a well rounded mind.
It is the way of the ungodly to call good evil, and black white.
Where do you actually stand on such things?

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It is the way of the ungodly to call good evil, and black white.

There you go folks, Royd has spoken. As an atheist I am clearly evil. If you'll excuse me I'll go hand myself into the nearest police station before I lead too many people down the road of pedophilia.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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