
Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian

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NO!!!!!ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF'god' is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient(by STRICT definition of these words), THEN'god' encompasses good and evil, wrong and right, white and black, and HE/SHE is present in EVERY religion that has ever been alloewd to exist on this planet. PERIOD

David, Abraham, Saul, Esau, even the name Israel are PROVEN to be the names of ancient Canaanite 'gods' a thousand years before the "history" of the bible even begins. you can deny the truth all you want, the truth still stands.

we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

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avid, Abraham, Saul, Esau, even the name Israel are PROVEN to be the names of ancient Canaanite 'gods' a thousand years before the "history" of the bible even begins. you can deny the truth all you want, the truth still stands.

So, who wrote the history a thousand years before the Bible existed, and why would you believe the authenticity?

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20,000 clay tablets dating from 4500 B.C.E. The most ancient written documents translated, to date.
Nephilim-"the GODS" who from the heavens(space) came.

Elohim-coreectly translated means "godS" not the singular.

again, deny the truth all you want, truth still stands
we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

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is the way of the ungodly to call good evil, and black white.



There you go folks, Royd has spoken. As an atheist I am clearly evil. If you'll excuse me I'll go hand myself into the nearest police station before I lead too many people down the road of pedophilia.

I'm sure that you are the nicest atheist in the whole world.
I would think that in the circle of atheism, good and evil are indefinable concepts, since this is a concept rooted in religion. Basically, things are what they are.

Since there is no law against theft, you're never actually a thief.
"noone is in possesion of this fifty dollar bill, so it must be mine," says the maid, as she quickly slips it into her pocket.

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YOU'VE NOT BEEN TOLD MUCH ABOUT THE SCROLLS EITHER. they have information in them that would destroy all three of the religions, Judaism,Islam, Christianity.

the sumerian tablets, are the oldest written documents ever found.
i am as real as it gets, on this subject.

deny the truth all you want, the bible is not a historical record of anything

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MB, what a complete load of dribble, have you actually read the bible at all??? the choice God gives us in the bible. Either love him, and choose him, or we will face the fires of hell….

br0k3n, are you open to receiving ANYthing that I have to offer in the way of explanation for my beliefs or what I believe the scriptures to be saying? or are you here just to disagree or to play devil's advocate for enjoyment? If you're not willing to consider what I say after you challenge me for answers, please say so. I try to give my answers thought and careful wording, tho' this may not always appear to be the case. I'll continue the dialog, but with a sliightly altered and more relaxed attitude. ;)
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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I wanted to say, too, that although my time is more limited right now, I enjoy the discussion-- as well as the distraction it provides... I'm going through a bit of turbulence right now, 'cos my father has been in two hospitals over the past two weeks and is presently in a skilled nursing facility and we think that he is close to dying; I am the only family member who is in town that can be with him, and I'm the one with medical POA. I love him to pieces. We're considering a feeding tube because he's losing the ability to swallow without aspirating, and he wants to hold on a while longer, yet there is little chance for his recovery of that abiility because of progressing dementia. If you (or anyone else on the forum) have any experience in this area-- especially regarding the pros and cons of feeding tubes, would you please let me know? I've gotten lots of helpful info from Medscape.com and an Alzheimer's discussion forum (tho' we believe his dementia to be vascular rather than AD), even tho' the info I'm getting so far about feeding tubes in people with dementia is rather discouraging.

PEACE (but not at the expense of truth)!
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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Sorry to hear you news... remember to take a liitle regular time-out for yourself...it's not selfish, it's nesassary. You cann''t help your da', if you make yourself poorly.

Good luck.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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those who refuse to read material that we think we might NOT agree with are no better off than those who can't read at all. T.K. Kennett

The bible must be seen in a cultural context. it didn't just happen. these stories are retreads from stories before. But tell a christian that--No,No! What makes it sad is that they hardly know the book, much less its origins." Isaac Asimov

Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst; every other species of tyranny is limitedto the world we live in; but this attempts to stride beyond the grave, and seeks to pursue us into eternity.-Thomas Paine

if you won't read these books you prove what these men say!
The christ conspiracy, the greatest story ever sold,
The Suns of God, Krishna, Budha, Christ exposed,
The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviours,
The Dark Side of Christian History,
Reincarnation: the Missing Link in Christianity,
the book your church does not want you to read,
Who is This- A Critical Study of the Christos-Messiah Tradition,
to name a few.

I lay it down as a position which cannot be controverted, first, that the agreement of all the parts of a story does not prove that story to be true, because the parts may be agree and the whole be false; secondly, that the disagreementof the parts of a story proves the whole cannot be true.--Thomas Paine

Christianity and Masonry have one and the same common origin, the worship of the sun. . ., Thomas Paine

CASE IN POINTthe story of the two women arriving at the tomb, Three say the tomb was open when they arrived, one says the tomb was opened by an angel when they arrived.

once again, deny the truth all you want, it is still the truth about your religion.

The surest way to everlasting ignorance, is contempt prior to investigation-Herbert Spencer
we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

wishers never choose, choosers never wish

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[Reply]Are you admitting that there is a force of good and evil outside of mankind, or are you arguing for argument's sake?

Nope, I’m simply stating that by “definition” the god of the bible is “evil” and the devil as depicted in the same novel is good.


Do you also beleive that abortion is the best way to keep a child from suffering the hardships of everyday living?

To answer your question, Abortion is probably not the “best” way to keep a child from suffering the hardships of everyday living. However I do believe that every woman has the right to choose to have an abortion. One reason is that a fetus does not have a right to be in the womb of any woman, but is there by her permission. Also because the fetus is not an actual human being—it is a potential human being. The same as potential that is afforded to all the little sperms that die or you could say are aborted every time you have sex, with another person or yourself..


Do you believe that pedophilia is also a good way to develop a well rounded mind.

Personally pedophilia isn’t for me, and my personal beliefs on the matter are that I think it is wrong to engage in any kind of sexual act with a minor. I’m sure there are many who would disagree with me.

According to the dictionary “well rounded” means comprehensive - including all or everything ; so based on that one could possible argue that those with a different belief about pedophilia then me, would have a more rounded mind.


It is the way of the ungodly to call good evil, and black white.
Where do you actually stand on such things?

As I am an atheists and don’t believe in any gods, your last point is moot.
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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20,000 clay tablets dating from 4500 B.C.E. The most ancient written documents translated, to date.
Nephilim-"the GODS" who from the heavens(space) came.

Elohim-coreectly translated means "godS" not the singular.

Mentions of God before the Bible?? Makes sense to me. The Priest/King Melchizedek (Gen14) blessed Abraham. Melchizedek came from a canaanite land. God was working with people outside Judaism long before Abraham. Thanks for your validation of scripture. ;)


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there is no FUCKING WAY that my statement validates your belief in the myth. you just proved that a 'believer' will do anything to make it true.

those two words prove that the priesthood twisted the truth, to subjugate people's minds elohim means gods not god.

Steveorino, you keep proving point 1 of the opening statement in this thread. go read it again. please.
we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

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YOU said the prebiblical records show a reference to the god(s), patriarchs of the bible. I noted the Bible records there were men of God that were NOT Israelites (descendants of Abraham) Melchizedek and Job were two of them. Melchizedek came from the lands you say the tablets are from. I think I have proven my point.:)

REBUTTAL to your attachment: You have an attachment that is rebutting archelogical findings. Almost from the beginning, they are woefully wrong that any historian with any credibility would pick out.(translated: you don't have to be a historical or biblical scholar)

David, Scripture says, was such a superb military leader that he not only captured Jerusalem but also went on to make it the seat of an empire, uniting the kingdoms of Judah and Israel. Thus began a glorious era, later amplified by his son, King Solomon, whose influence extended from the borders of Egypt to the Euphrates River. Afterward, decline set in.

Israel was somewhat divided in loyalties between King Saul and David, however,they were not divided from Judah. That division took place under Rheaboan/Jeroboan (sp?) two generations after David. Hey, at least get the obvious stuff correct.;):S:D:|


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abraham, david, saul, esau, israel are canaanite gods a thousand years before your bibles history began. once again you prove nothing except your denial of the truth. do you suport the killing of the war in iraq? our use of depleted uranium, makes our leaders WAR CRIMINALS.

Hitler was a christian, too. Do you get it , yet?

nobody makes a greater mistake, in times of moral crisis, than one who maintains nuetrality. EDMUND BURKE

you and everyone like you, praying for the return of a solar myth, are maintaining nuetrality in a time of crisis.

The United States Is not founded on Christianity.(Treaty of Tripoli, 8 Stat 154)

America is a British Colony.(THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, NOT A LAND MASS. IT EXISTED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. THE BRITSH TROOPS DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 1796.) Respublica v. Sweers, 1 Dallas43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, The Society for Propagating the Gospel & Co. v. New Haven, 8 Wheat 464,Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association Oct 20 1774.)

Great Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of A.D. 1213.)

The pope can abolish any law in the United States. (Elements of Eccliastical Law, Vol. I, 53-54)

The pope claims to own the Entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493).

The pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people. (papal bulls of 1455 and 1493).

The Popes laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV, De Syn. Dioec, lib, c.vii., n.4.Prati, 1844)(syllabus, prop 28,29, 44).

you can only deny the truth, not prove it false

we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

wishers never choose, choosers never wish

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what a laugh? you should really do the research. you cannot prove it false. you are in the same denial that a drug addict exhibits prior to his admission that he's an addict.

from "seven years that changed the world 1941-1948
if 'jesus' was about peace love and brotherhood, EVERY christian clapping his hands for war is a hypocrite. if the shoe fits wear it.

Are you a practicing Communist?
we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

wishers never choose, choosers never wish

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> If I want to use logic to prove that Jackson Pollock is a good artist,
>I have to define what I mean by good. Good in what sense? Using
>my standard of good, Jackson Pollock doesn't fit.

Exactly. But he does indeed fit other people's definition of "good." That does not mean you are wrong, or illogical.

>So why can't I use logic to study the bible? I define what my
> standards are, do the comparison and get my answer. What is
> wrong with that? Why is the bible exempt from scrutiny in this way?

Nothing at all. You can define your own terms and use them to examine the bible. And, just as in the Pollack example, you get an answer that is right for YOU. That does not mean that it's the same answer for everyone else, or that your answer works for everyone else.

Again, it may not fit your definition of "good" or "correct." That does not mean that other people are wrong or illogical for believing in the lessons contained therein.

>you're saying that the bible is comparable to art and just like art,
>I can either choose to like it or not.

Well, I'd use the example of literature, but basically yes. The important part of the bible is what it teaches you, not whether or not the earth was really created in 144 hours.

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