
Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian

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It is not inconsistent. It is biblical.

I love this thread! :ph34r:

The problem is not the bible. The problem is your poor understanding. What worsens your understanding of the bible is your wish not to understand it. If you understood it, it might make you uncomfortable.

No, the problem is your twisting of the English language and the rules of abstract logic to fit your preconceived prejudices. Whenever you are caught in a logical inconsistency you just resort to quoting scripture as if it magically resolves the inconsistencies. It doesn't.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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That's not evidence of anything except that there was a creation. It does not follow that there had to be a creator ...

By definition is something is "created" there is a creator. ;)

Where is that definition to be found?

And even IF there is a creator, it doesn't follow that the creator is YOUR god with the attributes YOU ascribe to her, of omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, an inclination to interfere in human affairs, and a need to be worshipped.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Silly boy. Like Mockingbird just told me, it doesn't have to make sense, its the TRUTH.

Correction: The truth doesn't make sense to YOU. This is due to no fault of the truth or the one who gave the truth and IS the truth (God). Have you studied it? Even Aldous Huxley would agree with the principle that "Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know."
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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Hmm, no.

You argument was that God has NO PART in evil in the world.

And yet Joseph said that God planned for his brothers to do evil (in hindsight it was good, but at the time, it was certainly WRONG).

It makes no difference whether the end game was for the good of the majority. Evil WAS done.

It would had been fine and dandy if you had made the argument "God allows evil to happen in the world so that good can result from it." But you did not make that (reasonable) argument. Instead you made this one:


God is never behind the evil works in the world.

I can certainly see where you are coming from. After all, in the end, what happened was good for Joseph so what was viewed as evil from one side was actually good from another.

Why is it that this PERCIEVED (as it would have been for the outside viewer not privy to God's plan) evil is in fact good being done while the evil of starving children, or rape, of murder, or torture is just evil that God had no hand in?

and you are right. I read into the story. But so do you. It just so happens though, that because I do not agree with your logic, that my reading into it is wrong. You reading into it, which fits what your ideals are, of course, is correct. After all, you are certainly the end all for all things biblical and there is no way whatsoever you could possible be mistaken about anything that has to do with it. Ther rest of us are just ignorant fools who do not possess the profound knowledge that you do.

I think we found a succesor to the Thread. Long live Son of Thread!
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Whenever you are caught in a logical inconsistency you just resort to quoting scripture as if it magically resolves the inconsistencies. It doesn't.

Could you give me an example of the above? Don't get me wrong, I'm not beyond having logical inconsistencies, BUT when caught in one it's never my intention to hide behind a bible verse.

If I respond to someone's objections to my line of thought with a bible verse, it's because I think it adequately addresses the objection-- not because, as you say, it "magically resolves the inconsistencies."

You really don't like those bible verses, do you?
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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And even IF there is a creator, it doesn't follow that the creator is YOUR god with the attributes YOU ascribe to her, of omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, an inclination to interfere in human affairs, and a need to be worshipped.

I never said that it did. I believe it did, but that is an exercise of my faith. Something you freely can and obviously do choose not to do.

I'm NOT one to thump you or anyone who does not believe as I do, as stupid, ignorant, or inable to think. You've confused me with those on both sides of this "debate" that prefer to cast disparaging remarks rather than state what they believe.

And now if you will excuse me I must go video an AFF student. :PB|


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And even IF there is a creator, it doesn't follow that the creator is YOUR god with the attributes YOU ascribe to her, of omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, an inclination to interfere in human affairs, and a need to be worshipped.

I never said that it did. I believe it did, but that is an exercise of my faith. Something you freely can and obviously do choose not to do.

I'm NOT one to thump you or anyone who does not believe as I do, as stupid, ignorant, or inable to think. You've confused me with those on both sides of this "debate" that prefer to cast disparaging remarks rather than state what they believe.

And now if you will excuse me I must go video an AFF student. :PB|

That's cool.

I believe that from the universe has inexorably followed the laws of physics (which in due course lead to chemistry and biology) without intervention from any supernatural being. There is far more objective evidence for my beliefs than there is for the existence of any supernatural being intervening in the affairs of the universe since the moment of the Big Bang. What happened during the Big Bang is unknowable, especially to neolithic tribesmen living in Israel 2000+ years ago.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Right... You're more comfortable with NOT understanding the bible.


Hey, that IS the inverse.

Hey, feel free to make any assumptions you'd like about my understanding of the bible - I know better than to argue with a fundamentalist. ;)

I, along with others, did raise some interesting questions (or inconsistencies) about the deity you have chosen to believe in and your explanation of their actions (or inactions). So far I haven't really seen you address the issues other than by picking and chosing what exactly it is that they do (or don't do) when it suits you.

What you choose to believe is entirely up to you. However, if you are going to make brazen claims about the intentions of the deity, it's fair to expect you to back them up with a consistent set of 'rules'.

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu

It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer

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Arrogant replies are what makes this thread so totally freaking fantastic!

I apologize if I come off sounding arrogant. I hope everyone will believe me when I say it isn't arrogance. I know where I came from and I have nothing to be arrogant about. I am certain about some things, however; and often certainty, to those who don't have it or think it even CAN be "had", can sound like arrogance.

Please excuse me from the discussion now, as I have to go to work. Whoopie. This is much more interesting. [:/]
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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>The truth doesn't make sense to YOU.

To reprhase it in a slightly more meaninful way - Mockingbird's truth doesn't make sense to Jakee, and Jakee's truth doesn't make sense to Mockingbird.

Imagine going to a church in Malaysia. And further, imagine that they have a bible translation where "virgin" was translated to a word that means "young woman" in their language, and "son of God" was translated to "descended from God."

You might listen to reading from Scripture in their native tounge and not understand a word of it. Does that mean they do not understand christiantiy? Of course not - they are just using words _you_ don't understand.

Let's further say that you eventually learn the language, but quibble over the translations of certain words in their bible. "We've been practicing this religion here for over a thousand years," they might reply. "You may have your own version of things; study a bit longer and you may understand the truth."

And they would be just as right as you are - for their beliefs, in their language and culture, are what's true to them.

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It is not inconsistent. It is biblical.

I love this thread! :ph34r:

The problem is not the bible. The problem is your poor understanding. What worsens your understanding of the bible is your wish not to understand it. If you understood it, it might make you uncomfortable.

actually the problem is Christians "Poor Understanding" of Reality..

they cant take the idea that they ARE NOT the centerpoint of creation..so they retreat into their fictional world where they are... Everything that exists MUST have been created to save them from themselves.. (of course they cant provide any evidence that ANYONE needed 'saving' in the first place..:D)

its a nice defense mechanism, but not much else....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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>The truth doesn't make sense to YOU.

To reprhase it in a slightly more meaninful way - Mockingbird's truth doesn't make sense to Jakee, and Jakee's truth doesn't make sense to Mockingbird.

Imagine going to a church in Malaysia. And further, imagine that they have a bible translation where "virgin" was translated to a word that means "young woman" in their language, and "son of God" was translated to "descended from God."

You might listen to reading from Scripture in their native tounge and not understand a word of it. Does that mean they do not understand christiantiy? Of course not - they are just using words _you_ don't understand.

Let's further say that you eventually learn the language, but quibble over the translations of certain words in their bible. "We've been practicing this religion here for over a thousand years," they might reply. "You may have your own version of things; study a bit longer and you may understand the truth."

And they would be just as right as you are - for their beliefs, in their language and culture, are what's true to them.

Bill according to your definition of "truth", any philosophy you care to concoct no matter how wild and wacky can be called "true". Chistianity is just as "true" as days-of-our-lives-ism which is just as "true" as pink-invisible-unicorn-ism etc. The word "true" or "truth" ceases to have meaning since everything is now "true". As a result, I'm forced to admit that I have no idea what you're talking about.

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And they would be just as right as you are - for their beliefs, in their language and culture, are what's true to them.

As far as religious morality and culture goes that may be so. However for questions like 'is there a god' and 'does he make people do things' then there is a right answer and there are wrong answers. Believing something does not make it true.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>However for questions like 'is there a god' and 'does he make people
>do things' then there is a right answer and there are wrong answers.

Is there a Spirit of the Founding Fathers in the US Constitution?

Is there a "will of the people?"

I don't think the answers are always right or wrong when it comes to more abstract concepts like will, spirit, or even God.

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God is never behind the evil works in the world.

Hmm interesting, in that case you must consider none of these to be "evil works?" is that correct...

1. How many men did God kill because someone decided to peek into the ark of the Lord? – Answer 50,070, Samuel 6:19

2. How many men did Moses kill in one day because they failed to say they supported God? – Answer 3000, Exodus 32:26-28

3. How many people did God kill in a plague before someone pleased God by ending a mixed marriage with the murder of the couple? – Answer 24,000 Numbers 25:6-9

4. How many animals did Solomon kill in a sacrifice to please the Lord? – Answer 120,000 sheep and 22,000 oxen Kings 8:6

5. How many Israelites did God deliver to the people of Judah to slaughter? – Answer (this is a big one) Half a Million (500,000) Chronicles 13:15-1

6. Notwithstanding the above, how many people of Judah were once killed or enslaved because they didn’t give God his due? – Answer 120,000 valiant men were killed and 200,000 women and children were taken as slaves Chronicles 28:6-8

7. How many Ethiopians did God kill for His chosen people? –Answer 1 Million Chronicles 14:8-1

8. Speaking of God’s chosen people, how many kings were maimed in God’s name? – Answer 70 had their thumbs and big toes cut off Judges 1:5-7

9. How many soldiers did God burn to death with fire from Heaven because they confronted Elijah? Answer 150 (three sets of 50) Chronicles 1:10-14

10. By the time God gets through with his killing spree, how many dead will there be? – Answer Enough to cover the entire surface of the Earth Jeremiah 25:33
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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I, along with others, did raise some interesting questions (or inconsistencies) about the deity you have chosen to believe in and your explanation of their actions (or inactions). So far I haven't really seen you address the issues other than by picking and chosing what exactly it is that they do (or don't do) when it suits you.

What you choose to believe is entirely up to you. However, if you are going to make brazen claims about the intentions of the deity, it's fair to expect you to back them up with a consistent set of 'rules'.

You and others have raised interesting questions about God? Where? I recall some insults, but no actual questions.

I've made no "brazen claims"-- only communicated what scripture says. As for backing them up, I get slammed when I quote my source--- or haven't you noticed? The scriptures are the only authority (not a church or a pope, priest, etc.) I've chosen to follow. There is no higher authority than scripture... and scripture speaks for God. If scripture doesn't come across as "a consistent set of rules" for you, I... well, I don't know what to tell you. God is beyond human reason at times, though I don't believe Him to ever go against reason.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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actually the problem is Christians "Poor Understanding" of Reality..

they cant take the idea that they ARE NOT the centerpoint of creation..so they retreat into their fictional world where they are... Everything that exists MUST have been created to save them from themselves.. (of course they cant provide any evidence that ANYONE needed 'saving' in the first place..)

its a nice defense mechanism, but not much else....

Do you really think that Christians want to think that they are the center of creation? "Everything that exists MUST have been created to save them from themselves"? I have to admit, I've never heard this one before! Feel free to elaborate, OK?
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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You and others have raised interesting questions about God?

Well I raised, and took the time to answer some interesting questions in my last post, what did you think of them????
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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Is there a Spirit of the Founding Fathers in the US Constitution?

Is there a "will of the people?"

If you want a meaningful discussion about this or any other subject, you have to carefully define what you mean by those terms. Overly wide definitions (essentially the same as no definition at all) do more to inhibit understanding than enahance it.

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God is never behind the evil works in the world.

Hmm interesting, in that case you must consider none of these to be "evil works?" is that correct...

God is incapable of being or doing evil. He is a God of justice and gives men and women multiple opportunities to repent of their sins and bring themselves into harmony with Him. When I get a chance to re-read these incidents you refer to, I imagine that I will find that God acted in justice. Have you checked them yourself to see if God was simply "on a killing spree" or if He had been sinned against but gave ample opportunity for repentance?

1. How many men did God kill because someone decided to peek into the ark of the Lord? – Answer 50,070, Samuel 6:19

2. How many men did Moses kill in one day because they failed to say they supported God? – Answer 3000, Exodus 32:26-28

3. How many people did God kill in a plague before someone pleased God by ending a mixed marriage with the murder of the couple? – Answer 24,000 Numbers 25:6-9

4. How many animals did Solomon kill in a sacrifice to please the Lord? – Answer 120,000 sheep and 22,000 oxen Kings 8:6

5. How many Israelites did God deliver to the people of Judah to slaughter? – Answer (this is a big one) Half a Million (500,000) Chronicles 13:15-1

6. Notwithstanding the above, how many people of Judah were once killed or enslaved because they didn’t give God his due? – Answer 120,000 valiant men were killed and 200,000 women and children were taken as slaves Chronicles 28:6-8

7. How many Ethiopians did God kill for His chosen people? –Answer 1 Million Chronicles 14:8-1

8. Speaking of God’s chosen people, how many kings were maimed in God’s name? – Answer 70 had their thumbs and big toes cut off Judges 1:5-7

9. How many soldiers did God burn to death with fire from Heaven because they confronted Elijah? Answer 150 (three sets of 50) Chronicles 1:10-14

10. By the time God gets through with his killing spree, how many dead will there be? – Answer Enough to cover the entire surface of the Earth Jeremiah 25:33

Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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I've made no "brazen claims"-- only communicated what scripture says. As for backing them up, I get slammed when I quote my source--- or haven't you noticed? The scriptures are the only authority (not a church or a pope, priest, etc.) I've chosen to follow. There is no higher authority than scripture... and scripture speaks for God. If scripture doesn't come across as "a consistent set of rules" for you, I... well, I don't know what to tell you. God is beyond human reason at times, though I don't believe Him to ever go against reason.

Quoting scripture is of no use when trying to defend why you beleive that scripture. All you're saying is "I beleive the bible because the bible tells me to believe it". It's begging the question because the proposition to be proved is assumed in the premise. If you do not wish to be called for using such falacies, stop using them.

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I recall some insults, but no actual questions.

There were no insults. Just questions. If you only saw them as insults then there's not much I can do to change that.

Still, to make it easy for you, I'll even copy and paste my original post (feel free to go back and read the prior posts for context).


But if everyone in mankind is part of Gods plan, how can mankind be to blame?

If man truely has free will and mankind can affect the outcome of 'Gods plan' then one must concede that God has no control of his plan.

Subsequently if one concedes that God has no control of his plan then one must concede that 'God' isn't really God after all.

So either, God has a plan and we're all a part of it (including our actions)
God has no master plan, or at least cannot control it (hence no plan), and isn't God after all.
God just doesn't care what happens to us, no matter how inhumane or cruel it may be.

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu

It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer

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The reality of all religions is that God states clearly in the Bible why we should seek him and how to live our lives and to treat others-it is mankind, in our frail and imperfect attempt at RELIGION that screws it all up and makes such a mess of FAITH that we get cynical about all the religious hypocrites that populate the earth. Not that there aren't non-religious hypocrites.....

Just burning a hole in the sky.....

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>If you want a meaningful discussion about this or any other
>subject, you have to carefully define what you mean by those terms.

That's exactly the point I was trying to make. What is "spirit?" If you define it as a floating, weightless, energyless, indivisible thing that makes you human. it's pretty easy to disprove. If you define it as that intangible quantity of someone expressed through their writings, speeches, families etc then that's a very different story.

Similarly, if you define "God" as a very tall white-haired guy in white robes who sits on a throne, turns people to pillars of salt and gives goodies to people who pray X times a week in Y church, it's easy to claim there's no such thing as God.

But change the definition to "the reason that Planck's Constant and the Gravitational Constant is what it is" and it's a lot harder to disprove.

Much of the debate here has to do with proving Hairyjuan or Pajarito is wrong. There's very little debate over exactly what it is we're talking about - which is too bad, because that's a far more interesting discussion.

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