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QuoteI recall some insults, but no actual questions.
There were no insults. Just questions. If you only saw them as insults then there's not much I can do to change that.
Still, to make it easy for you, I'll even copy and paste my original post (feel free to go back and read the prior posts for context).
QuoteBut if everyone in mankind is part of Gods plan, how can mankind be to blame?
If man truely has free will and mankind can affect the outcome of 'Gods plan' then one must concede that God has no control of his plan.
Subsequently if one concedes that God has no control of his plan then one must concede that 'God' isn't really God after all.
So either, God has a plan and we're all a part of it (including our actions)
God has no master plan, or at least cannot control it (hence no plan), and isn't God after all.
God just doesn't care what happens to us, no matter how inhumane or cruel it may be.
To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu
It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
The reality of all religions is that God states clearly in the Bible why we should seek him and how to live our lives and to treat others-it is mankind, in our frail and imperfect attempt at RELIGION that screws it all up and makes such a mess of FAITH that we get cynical about all the religious hypocrites that populate the earth. Not that there aren't non-religious hypocrites.....
Just burning a hole in the sky.....
Just burning a hole in the sky.....
billvon 3,038
>If you want a meaningful discussion about this or any other
>subject, you have to carefully define what you mean by those terms.
That's exactly the point I was trying to make. What is "spirit?" If you define it as a floating, weightless, energyless, indivisible thing that makes you human. it's pretty easy to disprove. If you define it as that intangible quantity of someone expressed through their writings, speeches, families etc then that's a very different story.
Similarly, if you define "God" as a very tall white-haired guy in white robes who sits on a throne, turns people to pillars of salt and gives goodies to people who pray X times a week in Y church, it's easy to claim there's no such thing as God.
But change the definition to "the reason that Planck's Constant and the Gravitational Constant is what it is" and it's a lot harder to disprove.
Much of the debate here has to do with proving Hairyjuan or Pajarito is wrong. There's very little debate over exactly what it is we're talking about - which is too bad, because that's a far more interesting discussion.
>subject, you have to carefully define what you mean by those terms.
That's exactly the point I was trying to make. What is "spirit?" If you define it as a floating, weightless, energyless, indivisible thing that makes you human. it's pretty easy to disprove. If you define it as that intangible quantity of someone expressed through their writings, speeches, families etc then that's a very different story.
Similarly, if you define "God" as a very tall white-haired guy in white robes who sits on a throne, turns people to pillars of salt and gives goodies to people who pray X times a week in Y church, it's easy to claim there's no such thing as God.
But change the definition to "the reason that Planck's Constant and the Gravitational Constant is what it is" and it's a lot harder to disprove.
Much of the debate here has to do with proving Hairyjuan or Pajarito is wrong. There's very little debate over exactly what it is we're talking about - which is too bad, because that's a far more interesting discussion.
Quoting scripture is of no use when trying to defend why you beleive that scripture. All you're saying is "I beleive the bible because the bible tells me to believe it". It's begging the question because the proposition to be proved is assumed in the premise. If you do not wish to be called for using such falacies, stop using them.
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