
Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian

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you book of myths, says "in him I can do all things", If you believe, you have the power to move mountains." .

Metaphorically, you bet! Jesus said we would do more than he did. He only communicated to 1000s. He only fed 1000s. We can communicate to millions and feed millions IF we want to. It is simply a matter of priorities.

USA spends over 22 billion dollars on makeup every year ... more than enough to feed the starving in Africa. "Christian" nation or not, we simply choose not to. :| Okay, I know the hunger issue is more complex than I made it, but everyone wants to blame God for that. He gave us the resources and commanded us to do that very thing. [:/]


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god is OMNIPOTENT,OMNIPRESENT,OMNISCIENT thereby by making it good and evil, and present in every electron in existence in the entire infinite universe. it is totally ludicrous to think that infinity would inspire a book on little speck of dust in infinty that is full of murder, incest, rape, kill someone before they kill you etc... even the mythical jesus states in matt10:34 i did not come to bring peace, but a sword. and luke 19:27 bring all unbelievers before me and slay them before me. church records prove the "book of revelation to be AT LEAST 4000 YRS OLD and NOT WRITTEN BY JOHN.

deny the truth all you want, you can't and have not offered ANYTHING non-biblical to support your claim that the 'bible is the inspired word of god'. its existance proves it was written by men, the numerous translations prove that what you believe today is nothing at all like it was 200, 500, 1000, and 1700 years ago, when it came into existance.
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CHRIST is the myth, that the whole point, jesus is the seventeenth 'virgin born crucified saviour in the last 4500 yrs, GET IT?

Well, I get you are trying to claim that with all the websites and articles from proclaimed atheists, but you haven't convinced me. :|

Personally, I think the debate would be on better ground if you wouldn't be so adament that "no one" in the Bible existed. Your websites, claim JC never existed, Paul, never existed, the 12 disciples never existed, King David never existed, etc. IMHO that puts you in the wacko division with the crazy christian cults like Koresh.

I understand why people doubt the divinity of JC, and the authenticity/authority of Christian scriptures, and I find that debate worth the effort. However, you my friend, leave me with little or no desire to communicate with you. I bet you are a great guy. Maybe you and I should only exchange thoughts on skydiving. ;)


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only because, to quote you, "why bother". it is well worth looking into. look some where other than the bible, the truth is there for you. why do you keep calling everyone who doesn't believe in jesus 'atheist'?

this is where i come from, on the jesus myth.
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Watch the Show: THE EXODUS DECODED on The History Channel, Sun., Aug. 20th, 7pm (CDT): Exodus. The very word evokes an epic tale of Pharaohs and Israelites, plagues and miracles, the splitting of the sea, the drowning of an army, Moses and the revelation at Sinai. The story is at the very heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But many historians argue that the Exodus is a myth. Others disagree.
In the Exodus Decoded we analyze the latest archaeological findings and scientific papers; we explore the dusty back rooms of out-of-the-way libraries and museums around the world; and we track down dozens of forgotten relics and ancient documents. Individually, these findings are historical curiosities. Together they tell the true story of the Exodus.
In an explosive 2-hour documentary special, Exodus Decoded solves the mystery of the events of the Biblical Exodus for the first time ever.

And in the meantime, check out what your name would look like in hieroglyphics...JFF!! http://theexodusdecoded.com/kidsMain.jsp
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in egyptian, hieroglyphics AMEN means "the devil, The light, Something hidden" Jesus is "the light" AMEN is closing of your prayers What part of that don't you understand? Pease, Return to the top and read #1 of the top ten signs that you are FUNDAMENTALIST christian

i will give you this everything in YOUR religion is of Egyptian origin, a fact that the church does it's utmost to cover up.
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from Webster's: cult: 1;Formal religious veneration; 2; a religious system, also its adherents; 3; faddish devotion; also a group of persons showing such devotion.

also defined as: a group or movement exhibiting devotion or dedication to some person, idea or thing, and employing unethical, manipulative or coersive techniques of persuasion and control designed to advance the goals of the groups leaders..

Janet Reno, "Anyone who believes in the bible, the second coming, the second amendment is a cultist."

Why christians can't be bothered to look into the information offered ----1 cor. 2:2 For i decided not to know anything among you except jesus christ, and him impaled.

calling me 'whacko like the crazy christian cultist david koresh' Math 7:1-2, "stop judging that you may not be judged; for with what judgement you are judging, you will be judged.

THE MYTH speaks a contradiction, lk 10:27, love thy neighbor as thyself.

lk 19:27 bring all who will not have me as king before me and slay them before me

math 10:34-35 "do not think that i have come to bring peace on earth; I came to put, not peace, but a sword. For i came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother...

When was the last time your religion burned someone to death for not believeing what you believe?

it is called 'auto de fe' or 'act of faith' and last used in 1850.

Your assumption is that what is dogma today is exactly the dogma 1800-2000 years ago. up until 1800 years ago your religion was gnostic, i.e. no physical manifestation of jesus. hence my statement jesus is a myth that never existed

religion is the psychosis
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Your ability to exegete scripture is very telling. ;) No wonder you are confused. I suggest a little class in Biblical interpretation so you won't come across as just another David Koresh, but with a different theology.

His inability to exegete scripture properly cost 100s of people their lives.:S:(


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i think you should stop trying to insult my intelligence steve. you said it yourself why bother looking into it. you can only deny what i presentyou offer nothing concrete , just 'its the bible, it must be true.
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Well, the various Christian groups seem to have differing opinion of how to read the Bible. Subtle differences in some cases, bigger ones in other cases.

Take the dear Mr Luther for instance. I mean sure, he was a documented anti-semite, but his views on the role of the church, indulgence and so forth *did* stir some shit. Around my neighborhood, it lead to great changes. I was born and baptized into a Lutheran Evangelical church. Not a Catholic one.

Maybe kids in the future will be part of the HairyHyantian Church - "repentance through HTML attachments". Who knows?

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i think you should stop trying to insult my intelligence steve. you said it yourself why bother looking into it. you can only deny what i presentyou offer nothing concrete , just 'its the bible, it must be true.

Here is something concrete for you. It shows how you are unable to exegete scripture, thereby your conclusions are way off.

You said: THE MYTH speaks a contradiction, lk 10:27, love thy neighbor as thyself.

lk 19:27 bring all who will not have me as king before me and slay them before me

You are comparing a direct command about how to live one's life (Luke 10:27) with a parable about the final judgement (Luke 19:27)


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how do you completely ignore the definition of cult. If lk 19:27 is not a direct command, Why did augustine and thomas aquinas use it to justify the wholesale slaughter of 'heretics' the last thousand years, why did christians wantonly murder the 'savage heathens' on the north and south american continents and africa? The 'parable about final judgement is irrefutably not written by john, but a man known as Cerinthus, 4000 yrs ago.

Yahweh-Aboath-The God who gathers armies.
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It does not surprise me you do not know the difference between a direct command and a parable. How else could you come up with some of the crazy ideas you have.:)
How others misinterpreted it is not of my concern. Especially how they misued scripture to commit autrocities. I have as much control over that as my Muslim neighbors does over terrorist.:P

I will be the first to say many wrongs were done/are done in the name of Christianity -- that doesn't make Christianity wrong (or a cult)


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