
More progress in Iraq

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Good. It's about time Bush stopped listening to the "know nothings" who think reducing our troop levels in Iraq will reduce the amount of violence. That's like arguing that fewer police in Chicago will lower the crime rate.

Now maybe we will send enough troops in to get the job done so we can get out, instead of the constant mental masturbation and politicalization of the war.

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Troop numbers did the same in Afghanistan, rising about 3-4K to something around 23k at one point. Most of those were support types though. Another cause for the spike was the closure of K2 which necessitated placing more AF personnel (aircrews and support types) at Bagram.

The sad thing is that Iraq in some respects is doing better than Afghanistan. 1 year ago that was not the case.

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Good. It's about time Bush stopped listening to the "know nothings" who think reducing our troop levels in Iraq will reduce the amount of violence. That's like arguing that fewer police in Chicago will lower the crime rate.

Now maybe we will send enough troops in to get the job done so we can get out, instead of the constant mental masturbation and politicalization of the war.

Why are they trying to do it on the QT? My question. Ah. I forgot. None of John Q Plublics business. Secrecy if possible w/ this and MOST of the USA administrations present and past. (I'll give ya that one) More so w/ the current one me thinks tho
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Good. It's about time Bush stopped listening to the "know nothings" who think reducing our troop levels in Iraq will reduce the amount of violence. That's like arguing that fewer police in Chicago will lower the crime rate.

Now maybe we will send enough troops in to get the job done so we can get out, instead of the constant mental masturbation and politicalization of the war.

Why are they trying to do it on the QT? My question. Ah. I forgot. None of John Q Plublics business. Secrecy if possible w/ this and MOST of the USA administrations present and past. (I'll give ya that one) More so w/ the current one me thinks tho

Yep, they are more secretive. They have more reason to be.

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Well to start with we are at war and there are people who want to kill Americans. The Presidents number one job responsibility is to protect the American people. They probably figure it's not in the best interests of the American people to disclose our methods of intel gathering to our enemies.

Most who continue the incessant whining about this, would also be the first ones to blame Bush if a terrorist attack did happen. Given that, can you really blame him for ignoring the background noise and going ahead and doing what he thinks is right, based on that intel, whether his detractor agree or not?

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Good. It's about time Bush stopped listening to the "know nothings"

Stopped? Listening to the "know nothings" and ignoring the "know somethings" is what got us into this in the first place.

Listening to those who want a pull-out is what has caused the war to be prolonged. We should have increased the number of troops from the beginning. We should have many more in there now. Perhaps a return to the draft to get the job done would be an option.

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We should have increased the number of troops from the beginning. We should have many more in there now.

Your Boy there in the Oval Office knew better he got his information from the PNAC boys instead of the professional military men.... and retired all the generals who told him how many they REALLLLLY needed... and they got rid of Colin Powell too..ITs a BITCH to be near this administration you have.... and tell them things they did not and dont want to hear..:S

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>Good. It's about time Bush stopped listening to the "know
>nothings" who think reducing our troop levels in Iraq will reduce the
>amount of violence.

You don't want our president to listen to our Secretary of Defense?

I want him and Rumsfeld to listen more to the Generals on the ground. Not ex-Generals like Murtha.

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>Listening to those who want a pull-out is what has caused the war to be prolonged.

What happened to the "as they stand up, we will stand down" thing? They ARE standing up, and have been for several years now.

Side note - Iraqi government death squads are becoming more and more of a problem; they're being a lot more brazen about it, and more witnesses are living to tell about the abductions and killings. It will be interesting when they start tangling with US troops.

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>I want him and Rumsfeld to listen more to the Generals on the ground.

I think that after proving they will not listen for three years, it's time to get someone in there who WILL listen to our generals in the field. We've lost enough US soldiers already.

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The Sec Def did all the "retiring" of smarter men (the Generals who said More time and more men to prepare) the nhe paraphrased and did not fully disclosed the advice to the POTUS.

But the POTUS should have done more work on his own.

The Sec Def is a carreer political appointie, and only says and does what he needs to keep getting apointed and the nkeep the appointement.

His "civilianizing" has cost the military billions, but no one is complaining out side of the military since they are being paid.
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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>Good. It's about time Bush stopped listening to the "know
>nothings" who think reducing our troop levels in Iraq will reduce the
>amount of violence.

You don't want our president to listen to our Secretary of Defense?

Me thinks we need to rename that "Secretary of OFFENSE"
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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