
Boortz Commentary on Hezbollah

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There is just no other way to describe it. Yesterday an Israeli air strike killed a number of civilians in the Southern Lebanon town of Qana.

What didn't really make the news yesterday? How about the fact that while the world's media was busy telling and re-telling the story of the tragedy in Qana, Hezbollah was firing about 150 missiles into civilian areas of Israel. This is business as usual for Hezbollah. They fire these missiles -- well over 1300 so far -- every day, and they fire them intending for them to kill civilians.

What tactics do Hezbollah use while firing these rockets at Israeli civilians? They fire them from densely populated civilian areas. We've seen video from Israeli drones that show Hezbollah mobile rocket launchers firing rockets from civilian areas ... then the trucks drive into a densely populated area to hide. The purpose is clear. When the Israelis come to destroy the rocket launcher civilians may die, and Hezbollah and it's Muslim apologists will rush to the media with pictures of dead Lebanese women and children.

Make no mistake. Hezbollah is glad this happened yesterday. Not just glad .. elated. This is part of their strategy .. a designed disaster. These Islamic terrorists hide behind their civilians while trying to kill innocent Israelis. There are reports that Hezbollah takes steps to prevent civilians from leaving the area.

The world's reaction was typical. Typical and totally expected. Kofi the Korrupt, the leader of the hideous anti-American United Nations talked yesterday of how outraged he was at the Israeli action. Does anyone remember Kofi condemning Hezbollah for their rocket attacks on Israel? Does anyone remember Kofi condemning Hamas for lobbing over 1000 rockets on Israeli settlements after Israel withdrew from Gaza?

Muslims, of course, were reacting in an entirely predictable way. They rioted and protested. The stormed the United Nations headquarters and destroyed some property. They marched in the streets. They burned flags. They shook fists. They threatened carnage. They acted as Muslims act when Muslims are killed. They acted as Muslims seem to never act when Muslims kill innocent civilians.

Muslims killing innocent civilians apparently isn't all that much of a problem for Muslims -- or for Kofi Annan.

Why no protests against Hezbollah? Muslims don't protest when Muslims kill innocent non-believers. That's apparently not a problem for them.

Why did Israel attack this particular building? Was Hezbollah launching rockets from the vicinity of this building? Did Hezbollah then hide their rocket launchers near the building .. hoping to draw an Israeli attack?

What's next? Well the pressure is on for a cease fire. Israel has stopped its air campaign for a 48 hour period to give relief personnel a chance to do their work in Qana.

If a cease fire occurs without Hezbollah being disarmed this whole episode can be considered to be no less than a magnificent victory for Hezbollah and radical Islam. Hezbollah attacks Israel. Hezbollah tries to kill Israeli civilians with rockets loaded down with metal balls ... a design for carnage. Hezbollah does all of this while hiding behind civilians in Lebanon. Israel responds and civilians in Lebanon die. The world condemns Israel and forces a cease fire. Hezbollah gets away with their aggression, Israel is demonized in the world's media, and Hezbollah is left alone to regroup, rearm and prepare for the next offensive.

About the 50 civilians who died. This is exactly what Hezbollah wanted to happen! This is their design! There was celebration within the leadership ranks of Hezbollah when those civilians, including children, died. Hezbollah brings death to Lebanese civilians, and the Lebanese honor and adore Hezbollah.

Kofi Annan says that there cannot be any military solution to this crisis. It will have to be a political agreement. Kofi is wrong. The only solution to this war with radical Islam is a military one. Muslim radicals only negotiate under two conditions; when they're in danger of being totally destroyed and need time to regroup; and when they can use the negotiations to the disadvantage of their adversaries.

This is a war. Israel realizes it. We don't.

Sure, it's tragic when innocent people die, that has occurred in every war since the beginning of time. For instance, you may not know that the Allies firebombed German cities in World War II...killing thousands of civilians. It was seen as a way to demoralize the Germans and bring about a surrender. The nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed thousands of innocent people. But they saved thousands of American lives in that it brought Japan to its knees and forced the surrender.

Israel is in a fight for its very existence. They are fighting an enemy, Islamic Hezbollah, that is being harbored by a democratically elected government in Lebanon. It is a given that when they attack an Islamic terrorist enemy that hides among civilians, there is going to be some collateral damage. That's what happens during a war.

But sadly, that's not how the rest of the world, including the Bush Administration, sees it. Despite what they say, it appears that severe limits are about to be placed on just how Israel is allowed to defend itself. If we hold Israel back now, how many lives will be lost when we finally have to act against a strengthened Hezbollah down the road?"

Good commentary. Boortz is one of my favorite commentators.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I think Mr Boortz has a firm grip on the reality of this situation. The Islamofacists have declared war on the US and the west.... I say bomb them back to BEYOND the Middle Ages where they seem to want the world to live. They have proven over and over they are incapable of living in peace with the rest of the world... They have declared war on us... they are the enemy....KILL ALL OF THEM and let ALLAH sort them out... and issue virgins as needed.

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I think the playing field needs to be changed for any of these things to change with it.

Both sides need to have the same weaponry and training posibilities. All backed by equally "deep-pocketed" nations. Or, Israel should "down-size" its military might and fire the same rockets Hezbollah fires and not use its airforce or much of its armoured fleet etc.

I don't agree with what Hezbollah does, but can understand the tactics based on differences in available arsenal.

Personally I think all sides are fighting dirty and the only available discussion is really along the lines of grades in fighting dirty. Maybe Hezbollah fights dirtier than Israel, but that certainly doesn't mean that Israel isn't doing anything dirty....

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I think Mr Boortz has a firm grip on the reality of this situation. The Islamofacists have declared war on the US and the west.... I say bomb them back to BEYOND the Middle Ages where they seem to want the world to live. They have proven over and over they are incapable of living in peace with the rest of the world... They have declared war on us... they are the enemy....KILL ALL OF THEM and let ALLAH sort them out... and issue virgins as needed.


'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Since we are talking about the current Conflict... Hezbollah...and the Shiia areas of Lebanon who supply them with support....They target civilian areas of Israel.... then I think they are viable targets ...I see the news and the women telling the world how HEzbollah protects and fights for them...tough doo doo... if you feel that way.. and support the terrorists...its a war.. that YOU support and started yet again... let you reap the whirlwind that you have sown.

You cant and wont make peace.... then live or die as you will in war.

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Since we are talking about the current Conflict... Hezbollah...and the Shiia areas of Lebanon who supply them with support....They target civilian areas of Israel.... then I think they are viable targets ...I see the news and the women telling the world how HEzbollah protects and fights for them...tough doo doo... if you feel that way.. and support the terrorists...its a war.. that YOU support and started yet again... let you reap the whirlwind that you have sown.

You cant and wont make peace.... then live or die as you will in war.

Yeah, napalm.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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But what about the innocent little children?

Still, it'd make good TEEVEE seeing one of those bad boys detonate - fuck the innocents eh?

Do yourself a favour Grandad.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Fuel Air bombs.... the bigger the better... when you make WAR so horrible that your enemy no longer wants to attack you.. THEN there might be a lasting peace.

Since the US throughout history has supported many terrorist groups, I am assuming you then also have no problem with other parties doing this to the USA?

US civilians generally support their country. The government just says they are freedom fighters they are financing and arming. We all know that one person's freedom fighter is another person's terrorist. So, with your reasoning targeting civilian Americans would be perfectly acceptable. I guess you aren't too upset about 9/11 then either? You know, the whole goose and gander thing.....

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So, with your reasoning targeting civilian Americans would be perfectly acceptable. I guess you aren't too upset about 9/11 then either? You know, the whole goose and gander thing.....

We already have been targeted... we are in a war....or didnt you notice that

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Israel should "down-size" its military might and fire the same rockets Hezbollah fires and not use its airforce or much of its armoured fleet etc.

I dont get this. USe same force as the people who attacked you? Should Israel just kidnap 2 Hezbollah soldiers, kill 3, and call it a day? Hezbolla declared war on Israel, and no its has to deal with it. This idea of fighting with even might is rediculous. If you are attacked, you do what it takes to prevent another atack from happening.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I don't know about you, but I EXPECT better behavior from a nation state than from a gang of criminals.

Equating behaviors simply raises Hezbollah to a higher status than it deserves.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Exactly and Hezbollah is doing the same thing

But the SATRTED it by kidnapping and killing soldiers. Why are people taking their side? They WANTED the war. If they didnt, they woiuldnt have attacked in the first place.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I think Mr Boortz has a firm grip on the reality of this situation. The Islamofacists have declared war on the US and the west.... I say bomb them back to BEYOND the Middle Ages where they seem to want the world to live. They have proven over and over they are incapable of living in peace with the rest of the world... They have declared war on us... they are the enemy....KILL ALL OF THEM and let ALLAH sort them out... and issue virgins as needed.

I usually side w/ you. BUT. Back to the root problem. What caused them to hate us to start w/ ?;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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I dont remember Israel ever driving a bomb into a barracks and killing 250 Americans.

They did attack one of your naval ships and killed a couple though....but when it is your ally you accept the apologies and just chalk it up to a mistake. If it is your enemy, well then obviously it is an act of war.

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But the SATRTED it by kidnapping and killing soldiers. Why are people taking their side? They WANTED the war. If they didnt, they woiuldnt have attacked in the first place.

That is just in this round of tit-for-tat bull shit. Nobody seems to be able to answer who started all of this to begin with (not just this latest round)

The whole, but they started it argument, is really only valid if it isn't in a string of long incidents where nobody can remember what the original incident was.....

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But the SATRTED it by kidnapping and killing soldiers. Why are people taking their side? They WANTED the war. If they didnt, they woiuldnt have attacked in the first place.

That is just in this round of tit-for-tat bull shit. Nobody seems to be able to answer who started all of this to begin with (not just this latest round)

The whole, but they started it argument, is really only valid if it isn't in a string of long incidents where nobody can remember what the original incident was.....

Give me a break. Had Hezbolla not kidnapped and killed soldiers, they wouldnt be in the shit they are in now. It really is that simple. WE would NOT be in Lebanon today, is the soldiers werent kidnapped. No innocent civilains would be dying in Lebanon either
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I usually side w/ you. BUT. Back to the root problem. What caused them to hate us to start w/ ?

IT goes back over 60 years.. the USA was one of the very first countries to ratify the new State of Israel.

The Arabs have NEVER accepted Israels existence.... and attacked them immediately... and have lost more ground over and over..... the Arabs are some serious self loathing MOFO"S since they are some of the worst ANTI SEMITIC spewing sucka's in the world.

IF they want to live in peace.. then let them make peace. SO FAR they are incapable of it... but at least Egypt and Jordan have made some decisions based on the reality of the situation and have decided to move on with Israel as a neighbor.

The terroist organizations thrive on the strife.. its their reason for being....They would all just be a useless vestige of a failed historical experiment..... should there be peace... and they cant handle being relegated to irrelevancy.

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Mr. Boortz is by no means equating the behavior of the Hezobollah losers with the state of Israel - just making observations about it. It's quite simple, really. Hezbollah chose to attack Israeli troops. Israel chose NOT to sit back and do nothing about the attack upon their troops, but instead to start kicking the living hell out of Hezbollah. Hezbollah, not caring for the people of the country they inhabit, chose to hide among the civilian populace so any Israeli attack upon them would also be quite likely to kill innocent civilians. Unlike Hezbollah with regards to the innocent victims of its rocket attacks, the Israelis actually seem to regret the death of innocents.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Mr. Boortz is by no means equating the behavior of the Hezobollah losers with the state of Israel - just making observations about it. .


No, you are wrong. That is EXACTLY what he is doing.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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