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QuoteHow do you know it wasn't the parents who contacted the lawyer?
Of course that's not known. But, I do believe that the lawyer HAD to have some feelers out. It's not like the English parents picked up the yellow pages and picked his name out within a couple of days of the incident.
I can therefore safely assume some affirmative conduct on part of the attorneys...
My wife is hotter than your wife.
slug 1
QuoteHow do you know it wasn't the parents who contacted the lawyer?
Good question

Don't, just a WAG. The parents are from england, the lawyer won a multi million $$$ lawsuit from a previous skydiving accident in the KC misouri area.
And the parents and lawyer hooked up in I'm guessing 1-2 weeks.
Your into the lawyer grapevine could the parents from england find out about the Multi million $$$ skydiving liability lawyer and hook up with him on short notice with his busy schedual, and then the dude has enough time to start filing the paperwork to sue everyone and freeze QL assets.
Or did the lawyer have a head start because the dead womens name and country of origion was printed in the press and the lawyer contact her mum and dad.
Not argueing with you, I know I'd lose

slug 1
QuoteQuoteHow do you know it wasn't the parents who contacted the lawyer?
Of course that's not known. But, I do believe that the lawyer HAD to have some feelers out. It's not like the English parents picked up the yellow pages and picked his name out within a couple of days of the incident.
I can therefore safely assume some affirmative conduct on part of the attorneys...
I object your honor. Law rocket is a member of the bar and should know better than believe anything thats not a fact proven in a court of law.

OTOH R.I.P. is just a lawless uneducated know nothing old fart that thinks 2 + 2= 4.
I know I'm guilty of contempt of some lawyers, practising law without a liscense

Andy9o8 2
Aviation law is one particular specialty of practice, just as bankruptcy law, medical malpractice law, insurance law, criminal law and real estate law all are. I don't practice any really serious aviation law (just some general stuff for some gear shops, riggers and jump plane owners), so if someone came to me about a plane crash, I'd tell them to find an aviation attorney in the state where the crash happened – or, because I have an idea of how and where to look, I might help them with some of the legwork to find one.
If you do a Google search for "aviation attorneys" and "Missouri", one of the several hits you'll get is . That site's home page gives you an option to do a search by state. Searching under "Missouri" gives you the law firm of Robb & Robb, which is the plaintiffs' attorney's firm in this case.
Could this be how the parents found their attorney? I haven't the slightest idea. But then...neither do any of you, either.
Edit to add: I generally stay out of the lawyer-bashing threads, because it's just not worth rising to the bait and dealing with the strident nonsense, so I'm really not joining the fray here.
SkyDekker 1,465
QuoteThe parents whouldn't have a clue where to start, otoh the lawyer was johnny on the spot to "help the parents out" while they were still in schock from their tragic loss.
Funny, normally I hear skydivers talk about personal responsibility. As a matter of fact, it even is brought up as an excuse not to have these lawsuits. Yet, the majority of people on here instantly blame the lawyer. What happened to personal responsibility by the parents? They are the ones signing the agreement, they are the ones making the decision.
When people feel so strong about personal responsibility, then they really should be a bit more consistent with it.
QuoteQuoteHow do you know it wasn't the parents who contacted the lawyer?
Of course that's not known. But, I do believe that the lawyer HAD to have some feelers out. It's not like the English parents picked up the yellow pages and picked his name out within a couple of days of the incident.
I can therefore safely assume some affirmative conduct on part of the attorneys...
Well, they could've just used google. Unless they tell us, we really don't have a way to know.
QuoteYet, the majority of people on here instantly blame the lawyer. What happened to personal responsibility by the parents?
Decisions made during a highly emotional period are the sorts of decisions that I don't trust. I take issue with the morality of moving immediately forward with a claim before the funeral has even occurred.
When people have issues with attorneys that I believe are unfounded, misinformed, or just misunderstood, I will defend my profession. When people have issues with attorneys that I believe are well-founded, I will join in - perhaps by trying to shed light on the issue and narrow the issues that I personally have problems with.
Unlike Andy, I have no qualms bashing attorneys who deserve it. That often includes myself.
My wife is hotter than your wife.
Quotewe really don't have a way to know
Which is the biggest issue as to what can be gotten away with. Lawyers knwo what they can get away with, i.e., temporary loans from the client trust account.

I did a quick look and saw nothing in Missouri's Rules of Professional Conduct that prevented engagement of a client when there was reason to believe that the prospective client was emotionally driven. So, while probably not prohibited, I STILL have a problem with it.
We don't know what happened, but it doesn't mean that I won't form an opinion as to the propriety of an attorney retaining a client for wrongful death so soon...
My wife is hotter than your wife.
SkyDekker 1,465
QuoteDecisions made during a highly emotional period are the sorts of decisions that I don't trust.
I agree, but under personal responsibility the parents would be responsible not to make a decision during a highly emotional period.
(I agree that as a lawyer it is pretty low to go after people in such a situation, but at this point we don't even know who made the first contact, so instantly blaming the lawyer isn't right either)
Andy9o8 2
QuoteUnlike Andy, I have no qualms....
Nice try, J. As I said, it's not worth rising to the bait.
slug 1
QuoteQuoteDecisions made during a highly emotional period are the sorts of decisions that I don't trust.
I agree, but under personal responsibility the parents would be responsible not to make a decision during a highly emotional period.
(I agree that as a lawyer it is pretty low to go after people in such a situation, but at this point we don't even know who made the first contact, so instantly blaming the lawyer isn't right either)
I agree instantly blaming the lawyer isn't right

But it is fun

The ABA will get rid of the bad apples anyway. (JOKE)
QuoteQuoteUnlike Andy, I have no qualms....
Nice try, J. As I said, it's not worth rising to the bait.
Sorry, Andy. Comment withdrawn. It was poorly thought out..
My wife is hotter than your wife.
SkyDekker 1,465
QuoteSorry, Andy. Comment withdrawn.
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