
Islam Is A Death Cult, Not A Religion

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Sure, there are whacko Christians who bomb abortion clinics, but have you ever seen any of them hijack airplanes, recruit suicide car bombers, etc?

I lifted this from a blog. Kind of sums it all up:
Muslims claim that their religion is so peaceful and superior. Let us make a little comparison:

A woman caught in the act of adultery was brought before Jesus. Her accusers informed him that she was a sinner and so, under the Law of Moses, she should be stoned to death. Jesus told the hateful mob, "let you who is without sin cast the first stone at her." The people saw their own hatefulness and hypocrisy and left her alone. Jesus forgave the woman, telling her to go and live her life, sinning no more.

The Koran tells of a woman who was raped and brought before Mohammed. He considered the circumstances, agreeing that it was unfortunate that she was forcibly raped. But then he ordered her to be killed, because she was now impure.

Based on this example alone, how on earth can Mohammed be declared the perfect example? A man who murders an innocent victim of a terrible crime can not be speaking the true will of God. Mercy, forgiveness, and redemption are not part of the message of Islam. Revenge, arrogance, and fanatical obsession with obeying dogma are.


I seem to recall one that blew up a building in OK City and another that relied on purple Kool Aid to send his flock to the Master, only two examples...

my real question is, which Sura is that story in?

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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There was news on the tele the other night about some guy who had done an " in depth " study of suicide bombers. He suggested that most people who took part in such acts did not see themselves as religious zelots but rather freedom fighers. The fact that they bring their god into it is , irrelevant.. I mean how many american presidents ( Bush in a mega fashion before Gulf II ) said " god was on his side " .. Doesnt make him and his generals a death cult. Now of course God and Bush have a "semi client " government in Iraq , Cheneys firms are doing great supplying troops and we have no trace of WMD ...they call themselves
" freedom fighters ". As for Christians recruiting car bombers etc... didnt CIA operatives arm and train militias for years in the fight against communism ?

Anyway back on topic : The guy spoke specifically about Hezbollah and said that they didnt exist untill Isreal arrived at the Letani river some 20 years ago. Its a shame i cant link to it , the report was on the BBC but he was doing a tour of most security agencies in the US sharing his findings.

I dont know the ins and outs of Islam , but i feel safe in saying the title of the thread is bollox.

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Kind of sums it all up: A man who murders an innocent victim of a terrible crime can not be speaking the true will of God. Mercy, forgiveness, and redemption are not part of the message of Islam. Revenge, arrogance, and fanatical obsession with obeying dogma are.

Markharju you are a genious and it sure does explain everything .... so goerge bush , the Israelis , the pro war kill the arab guys , the reverend guy that wanted to kill Chavez ...... all these people are muslims . it's brilliant that you could figure it out . that's like a right wing conspirocy theory thing right . I was fooled but now I see ...... so who are the christians then? the anti war people or the innocent arabs who don't fight when they are bombed ?

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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Markharju you are a genious and it sure does explain everything .... so george bush , the Israelis , the pro war kill the arab guys , the reverend guy that wanted to kill Chavez ...... all these people are Illuminati/surrogates . it's brilliant that you could figure it out . that's like a right wing conspirocy theory thing right . I was fooled but now I see ...... so who are the christians then? the anti war people or the innocent arabs who don't fight when they are bombed ?


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How can westernized cultures and third world religious nationalists find some common ground to build on?

A decent start would be for the opressed Arab masses to get rid of their opressors.The people in control know they're abusing power and know one sure way to stay in power is to blame all the maladies that comes with opression on the Western world.

You're poor? Blame the Americans. You're uneducated? Those filthy Jews. They have higher living standards and more freedom? Yes, but they are misguided by Shaytaan, whereas you are pure. They're the ones keeping you in poverty. We're not. We're not enriching ourselves on your suffering nosiree. What palace? Oh umm well you see...."LOOK THE AMERICANS ARE AT IT AGAIN! DETH TO AMREEEKA DETH TO AMREEKA!". It gets tedious to watch this happen over and over.

So we have nations that sit on vast, and I mean vast as in "whoa, like, duuude that's SHITLOADS of cash right there man!" resources that are very much in demand. Yet the people remain uneducated and poor and are actively encouraged to become radical theists.

We have governments who do jack crap for their people. Who claim 'Muslim brotherhood' but somehow never lets the words translate into assistance, unless the asisstance is directly related to their efforts to stay in power (such as giving money to families of suicide bombers).

A huge part of the problem is the people in charge in the Middle East. So, clean up that mess first. The US have had a go at helping there in Iraq but it just doesn't work that good. Seems it's gotta be internal.

In parallell with that, the Western world should remove the ridiculous trade obstacles it has put up against third world countries and get rid of the insane foreign debt scam they got going.

That's a start.

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In Reply To
How can westernized cultures and third world religious nationalists find some common ground to build on?

A decent start would be for the opressed Arab masses to get rid of their opressors.The people in control know they're abusing power and know one sure way to stay in power is to blame all the maladies that comes with opression on the Western world.

You're poor? Blame the Americans. You're uneducated? Those filthy Jews. They have higher living standards and more freedom? Yes, but they are misguided by Shaytaan, whereas you are pure. They're the ones keeping you in poverty. We're not. We're not enriching ourselves on your suffering nosiree. What palace? Oh umm well you see...."LOOK THE AMERICANS ARE AT IT AGAIN! DETH TO AMREEEKA DETH TO AMREEKA!". It gets tedious to watch this happen over and over.

Well actualy , they did that in Iran , git rid of their oppresor that is , they got rid of the sha (sp) of Iran who was very oppresive and put in place by ..... the U.S. . And the other oppresive regimes are infact installed and supported by the U.S including of course Sadam Husan himself .

They are kept oppressed by American made weapons (Israel ,Saudi Arabia ,and Egeypt ) explaining the "deth to amreeka' feelings .

It's when they enjoy the democracy and freedom we bomb them with that they are really in trouble . ( Iran , Palestine , Lebanon )

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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Book of Armaments (Chapter 2, verses 9-21),

And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this, Thy hand grenade, that with it, Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits... in Thy mercy." And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu... [Whereupon the friar is urged, "skip ahead a bit, brother"]... And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it." Amen.

Aww....it's just a harmless little bunny rabbit.

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Well actualy , they did that in Iran , git rid of their oppresor that is , they got rid of the sha (sp) of Iran who was very oppresive and put in place by ..... the U.S.

No they didn't do that. They (being the Iranians) actually had elections. Then the US screwed up big time with the Shah and his regime. And then they got some hard asses to do their thinking and ruling for them, putting them back two steps before square one.


And the other oppresive regimes are infact installed and supported by the U.S including of course Sadam Husan himself .

Saddam Hussein was (at convenient times) supported by the US but he wasn't installed. Being creative with the truth is one sure way to lose credibility.

He ain't a favourite of the US no more and was deposed as a result. Now the Iraqis have an opportunity. If they seize it, they'll have to work hard and then have a decent chance of success. If they fail, they'll have another Hussein or more likely Khomeini to ruin their lives.


They are kept oppressed by American made weapons (Israel ,Saudi Arabia ,and Egeypt )

Theyare being opressed by their own countrymen who use guns as one of the methods. Enormous difference. Similarly, it ain't the US in charge in Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and so forth. It's some local tribe or another who uses weapons and other means to remain in power. One of those means is called "diversion".


explaining the "deth to amreeka' feelings .

The 'death to Amreeeka' feeling can be attributed to at least three things: really bad American intervention in the past that really has caused a crapload of bad feelings, a culture of blame-switching and responsibility-dodging, and of course the rulers of these semi free (at best) or despotic states. These rulers are smart enough to know that nothing unites like a common enemy and whoa whatddaya know, they can also blame everything on the common enemy.

Oh and rampant anti-semitism. Right now they're really pissed at the West for supporting the Jews.


It's when they enjoy the democracy and freedom we bomb them with that they are really in trouble . ( Iran , Palestine , Lebanon )

You gotta be kidding. You're calling the Iranian regime "democracy and freedom"? It's insulting to nations that are truly free to be put in the same category as Iran.

And "we" didn't bomb Lebanon. Lebanon is getting its ass kicked by the Israelis because the Lebanese government has failed to police itself. Because it allowed a group that has seats in the parliament to kill Israelis. The Iraeli response to such an incident is easy to predict, as are the consequences.

It's not fair in any way, but you reap what you sow.

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Up until recently I thought the Israelis might have the wisdom to break this cycle of violence. Ah well.

That is a purely disingenuous statement. You expected better from a country you proclaimed to be the world's only terrorist state!? (If you would like, I can search for the thread where you made that statement.)

I smell a bit of bullshit....Ahh, I smell a lot of bullshit. Here's an idea: take an actual position before attempting to condescend. It tends to come off as less pompous.


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>You expected better from a country you proclaimed to be the world's only terrorist state!?

I didn't claim Israel was the world's only terrorist state.

>I smell a bit of bullshit

Check your shoe!

>Here's an idea: take an actual position before attempting to condescend.

Perhaps reading first and posting second might help you out.

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I didn't claim Israel was the world's only terrorist state.

I must admit your are correct. This is the quote I remembered...http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=236352;search_string=state%20sponsored;#236352.
You stated that "The only state-sponsored terrorists I know of right now are from Israel, Pakistan and India (both of the latter in Kashmir.)" I haven't read this in over three years...so, fuck me for inaccuracy.

My bad...and my apologies.


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Always have to quote the Old Testament to get that. You won't see it in the New.

The RHIFWs don't have any equivalent of a New Testament - they're killing in the name of the hate-filled old book of Death known as the Koran.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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And from the good old Inquisition days:

"You're a heretic, and I KNOW you're a heretic, so I will torture you until you confess to being a heretic"

"Then I will kill you - for the good of your soul of course"

Straight from Christianity

If Islam is so bad and corrupt, how is it that 700-1200 million people in the world are Mulslims?

Actually I could agree that large numbers of people in the world can/could be duped into believing ANYTHING, given the number of Christians out there.....

Your post is nothing more than hate mail


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And from the good old Inquisition days:


Always have to go back 500 years in Christendom to find anything like what islam is doing today.

Trouble is, islam is still doing the exact same thing today that they were doing 500 years ago.

The West underwent some changes, like the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, etc. (and it took centuries, but Galileo was exonerated by the Vatican - that's a true measure of the West's progress right there: the Church admitted that IT WAS WRONG).

The islamic scholars decided that economic, social and scientific progress were heretical, and unlike in the West (where the the social, economic and political systems evolved to the point where the church was no longer the state), the church won.

That's the main reason that islam is a cult of death. They (the leaders) will kill anyone who tries to change that primitive status quo.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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And from the good old Inquisition days:


Always have to go back 500 years in Christendom to find anything like what islam is doing today.


Adolf Hitler?.. Good Catholic.

Benito Mussolini?.. Another good Catholic.

Joseph Stalin?.. Trained for the priesthood.

Pol Pot?.. Always at Church when he was in France.

The Reverend "Dr." Ian Paisley?.. 'nuff said.

Great men of peace and good Christians all.:S

The idea of trying to equate violence to a particular religion is ludicrous. I would have expected better from someone who sees ordinary Muslims in Kosovo on a daily basis... Or are they viewed like Germans viewed the Jews who lived next door?... The "good" exceptions to the rule!!?


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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hear hear!

and don't forget our recent Evangelicals praying for and wishing for death to islamic folks as well as Venezulean leaders. bravo - so peaceful a religion we have.

Christians have tortured, burned witches, shot, molested children, slayed, you name it.

I always adhere to "If there was no religion, there would be no evil"


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I'd personally be very happy if all hajib wearing muslim women would fuck off back to a predominantly Muslim country.

Hear hear. I'm sure that's a belief shared by many of the (Ab)original Australians... Only they'd probably replace "Hajib-wearing-Muslims" with "Shorts-wearing-lager-swilling-whining-sunburned-roundheads".

It's amazing how quickly yesterday's immigrant becomes today's xenophobe!:S


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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lol.. what you say is very true. But Aboriginal Australia don't have the capacities to rid themselves of "Shorts-wearing-lager-swilling-sunburned-roundheads."

full hajib and what it stands for is such an insult to western democratic values, and all women, it should be banned.
"In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E

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full hajib and what it stands for is such an insult to western democratic values, and all women, it should be banned.

Aren't Tolerance, Acceptance of Diversity, and taking people on merit ALL Western Democratic Values!!?

How about taking the best of what other cultures offer and absorbing them into your own?

As for covering up in your climate... Isn't clothing cheaper, longer-lasting and more effective than the suncream that'd otherwise get used?


Edited to add: Speaking personally, Australia in high summer would likely see me reaching for my gandoura & djellaba!!! I may look like a well lost Imazighen (Targui), but I'd be comfortable.

Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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I moved here from South Africa, and Aus(citizen by decent) is far more racist and culturally defensive than south africa.

how can you take someone on merit who subscribes to a sex based prescribed role of extreme subserviance. Taking that on merit I'd call them a fucking insult to any human rights activists.
"In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E

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Always have to quote the Old Testament to get that. You won't see it in the New.

The RHIFWs don't have any equivalent of a New Testament - they're killing in the name of the hate-filled old book of Death known as the Koran.


If you had the faintest idea of what you were talking about you'd know that the Koran is esentialy split in two, the first part is before the flight to Medina and is the 'New Testament' like peace love and harmony part and the second part is after the flight to Medina and is akin to the Old testment and is the fire and brimstone wary bit that people making stupid 'death cult' comments always love to quote.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Actually I could agree that large numbers of people in the world can/could be duped into believing ANYTHING,

Now the statement is true, it doesn't take a religion to brainwash the masses, but it seems they are pretty good at it.

True, look how many of Americans belived in the WMD in Iraq lie and thought it was a great idea to take democracy to Iraq. Or that Israel would kick Hisbollah into the dust in a swift defeat.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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