
You and your s/o are pregnant,

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God gave us freewill and the ability to progress. He gave us the means to be self sufficent but with the knowledge or the ability to seek such knowledge of his guidence. God answers all prayers, its just sometimes he says no.

So, if you have a double mal and burn in, did God give you more than you could handle? Or is it free will that made it happen?

If the latter, shouldn't you modify your argument so it goes something like:

"God never gives anyone more than he or she can handle. Well, except the free will part which enables people to get in way over their heads".

Since free will be the Christian faith is part of God's design, he gave humans this too - and from watching the awful suffering in the world, mankind can't handle it too well.

When is it God giving and when is it Satan or free will?

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When is it God giving and when is it Satan or free will?

very simple.. if you agree with the outcome, and there is no human agency you can point the finger at, then it's God's doing.. If the outcome doesnt jive with your idea of God (ie God is GOOD) then its Free will and human frailty that caused the 'failure'.

Yet somehow its STILL all part of "God's Plan". Which makes you wonder why christians protest anything at all... Do you really believe God would allow an abortion that was NOT part of his plan?
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We are not God, we do not have the authority to end someone elses life.

Again, it is not this sentiment some people debating with you have issue with. It's that not everyone believes in God. And not everyone who believes in God interprets His will in this way. Is it right to make a law based on your religious belief when not everyone who would be governed by this law shares your same religion?
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Are you against war?

I'm not saying I don't wish/hope for that too, Lisamarie.

I changed my views on the death penalty when my brother was murdered, it took several months for me to investigate and come to the conclusion I did, and it also didnt make sense to say I am against abortion but support the murder of "possible" criminals. I have not had the energy to figure out if I am still supportive of a war. There are many facets to war that I do not understand. I wish I had an answer, but I am just not at a area in my changed thought process to decide exactly why I think war is warrented or not.

In an earlier post you stated that pro-choice and the many people that do not believe in God. I understand many people do not believe in God, that being said I do not believe one has to have a belief system to have a feeling of right and wrong. Personally to me, it is wrong. I raise my children to think it is wrong, and I hope they raise theirs that way as well. All in the hopes that my children at the very least do not pay for their girlfriends to have an abortion or support her in that decision if she tried to make it.
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Pro-choice...it is not political it is personal.

Abortion is personal. "Pro-choice" and "Pro-Life" are political. They describe how you vote/how you would vote.

I agree. Politically, I'm pro-choice, because I don't believe it's my place to step in and tell another woman whether or not she should carry a child. What happens within my own body is my business. What happens inside your body is not my business and doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever.

Personally, I'd never have an abortion unless my life was in danger. I'm pro-choice, and that's my choice.

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that being said I do not believe one has to have a belief system to have a feeling of right and wrong.

I agree. One does not necessarily need a religious belief to know right from wrong.

There are many/most pro-choicers that do believe in God or have another religious belief and do not believe abortion is "wrong" per se.
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