
Iranian Leader Opens Up 60 Min. interview

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Personally, when I have an ailment I prefer to treat the problem, then the symptoms go away.

Terrorism isn't a scratch on your arm - putting neosporin on it and then a bandaid is just not going to work.

Terrorism is more like metistatic cancer. Surgery, chemo and radiation...some pretty serious treatments of the cause. Needed so that life can continue, and done with as much kindness and palliative care as possible, but still absolutely necessary.

Darius, what I've never seen our President do (whomever he was) was tell the interviewer they were getting angry, and that the interviewer apparently didn't want to finish the interview. That is extraordinarily manipulative, and controlling the conversation in an amazing, not-quite-subtle way. And the proof was in the pudding: Wallace then sucks up, changes the subject, and the interview continues. As if that was an interview...more like filibustering.

I expected more from a vet like Wallace...but apparently, he's either off his game, or is so....Dan Ratherish that he just can't deal with the heavy shit anymore. I certainly didn't see him playing soft with Reagan, you know?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Yours is a typical lib emotional responce which I do not accept. The "if we are nice to them they will be nice to us" bs is what you believe. ""It is our fault":S Keep fooling yourself if you want to but I choose actions not bs retoric

They want us dead (the militant leaders anyway) That is thier goal. Thier goal will end when they are dead.

I'll agree that many of them probably want us dead. We obviously disagree on the why. I'll stick with my resistance to oppression logic and leave the other theories to the Templars.

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Darius, what I've never seen our President do (whomever he was) was tell the interviewer they were getting angry, and that the interviewer apparently didn't want to finish the interview. That is extraordinarily manipulative, and controlling the conversation in an amazing, not-quite-subtle way. And the proof was in the pudding: Wallace then sucks up, changes the subject, and the interview continues. As if that was an interview...more like filibustering.

HUME: Let me ask you another question. Is it your view that a vice president has the authority to declassify information?

CHENEY: There is an executive order to that effect.

HUME: There is.


HUME: Have you done it?

CHENEY: Well, I've certainly advocated declassification and participated in declassification decisions. The executive order —

HUME: You ever done it unilaterally?

CHENEY: I don't want to get into that.

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The interviews are available at www.youtube.com, just search for Ahmedinejad and you'll find it.

I thought the interviews were nothing new. He said the same BS he's said before. It's the same lame attempts he makes to fool the gullible into thinking that he has some sort of reasonable side. It's a play to the anti-Bush crowd really. "See? He's not that bad!!" Gimme a break. It was a pointless interview from what I saw, except that you see how manipulative and arrogant he becomes when Wallace actually tries to NOT throw a softball lob to him. I thought the "so-called free world" part was hilarious in showing Wallace's ass kissing.
Oh, hello again!

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I love how we have peopled who believe we are the beacons of peace and democracy. In the last 100 years has any country ANY country been involved in as many conflicts as we have?

Is there one out there that is even close?

Do you think having the most wars and being hated might have a direct relationship?
What does that tell you?

Why are we so interested in the Middle East and not Africa if we really care about helping?

We use people, countries, and groups such as OBLS alquada when they are useful to us. We have no morals in our foreign policy there is nothing to evil as long as the $$$$$$ keep rolling in.

It is so simple yet people can’t see it.

Why do people hate us?

We oppress nations change regimes keep people from getting democracy so we can still get what we want.
Do you think a bunch of people in Lebanon hate us right now? Do you think it’s because we are free or the fact that we rushed more bombs to Israel so they can kill and destroy their lives?

Are people really that stupid to think people are born look at the United States and say DAMN them they have MTV.

As a country we need to change our foreign policy. We need to take our heads out of our ass and realize not every country in the world wants to be like us. Not everyone in the world view success as having an SUV, drinking beer, and watching reality TV. Basically we need to get over our selves. Not everyone has the American dream nor wants it.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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>Do you think having the most wars and being hated might have a >direct relationship? What does that tell you?

It's very simple.

Terrorists hate freedom. We are free. Therefore anyone who hates us is a terrorist and must be destroyed like a cancer.

I don't know where you are going with your so-called "thinking" about the problem. When has thinking about what we do beforehand led to anything but arguing? The people of the US (and the non-terrorists of the world)appreciate strong leaders who act _first_ and think later.

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I love how we have peopled who believe we are the beacons of peace and democracy. In the last 100 years has any country ANY country been involved in as many conflicts as we have?.....

Give this a read. It pretty much sums things up. I haven't bought it yet but it's on my list.


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Give this a read. It pretty much sums things up. I haven't bought it yet but it's on my list.


Thanks for the steer! That bundle is now on my "get-list" also.:)
I happened to get Gaddis' "Cold War" last October on pre-publication. Also well worth a read:


Especially as a "bargain-book":



Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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I'll agree that many of them probably want us dead. We obviously disagree on the why. I'll stick with my resistance to oppression logic and leave the other theories to the Templars.

Consider the following

A passage from the Ayatollah Khomeini, quoted in an 11th-grade Iranian schoolbook, is revealing. "I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [i.e., the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom which is martyrdom. Either we shake one another's hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours."

In this context, mutual assured destruction, the deterrent that worked so well during the Cold War, would have no meaning. At the end of time, there will be general destruction anyway. What will matter will be the final destination of the dead--hell for the infidels, and heaven for the believers. For people with this mindset, MAD is not a constraint; it is an inducement.

How then can one confront such an enemy, with such a view of life and death? Some immediate precautions are obviously possible and necessary. In the long term, it would seem that the best, perhaps the only hope is to appeal to those Muslims, Iranians, Arabs and others who do not share these apocalyptic perceptions and aspirations, and feel as much threatened, indeed even more threatened, than we are. There must be many such, probably even a majority in the lands of Islam. Now is the time for them to save their countries, their societies and their religion from the madness of MAD.

Mr. Lewis, professor emeritus at Princeton, is the author, most recently, of "From Babel to Dragomans: Interpreting the Middle East" (Oxford University Press, 2004).
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I love how we have peopled who believe we are the beacons of peace and democracy. In the last 100 years has any country ANY country been involved in as many conflicts as we have?

Is there one out there that is even close?

Do you think having the most wars and being hated might have a direct relationship?
What does that tell you?

Gee... why don't you ask the French and a few other countries how much they appreciate our involvement in WW1 and 2.


Why are we so interested in the Middle East and not Africa if we really care about helping?

We don't care about Africa???? Then why do we provide over $4 billion in aid to them every year?


How much does your beloved Iran, Hezbullah and Hamas provide to Africa every year? For that matter, how much non-military aid do they provide to other Arab countries?


We use people, countries, and groups such as OBLS alquada when they are useful to us. We have no morals in our foreign policy there is nothing to evil as long as the $$$$$$ keep rolling in.

Yep, we used OBL to help drain the USSR's assets. One of the reasons they lost the Cold War and the Eastern Bloc countries in Europe gained their freedom. You think that's a bad thing or even unique to the US? It's kind of like Iran uses Hezbollah. Not surprising you only find it repugnant when the US does it.

It is so simple yet people can’t see it.

Why do people hate us?


We oppress nations change regimes keep people from getting democracy so we can still get what we want.

Oh, please. Now you are really into a dumb rant. Please tell me a single country that was seeking Democracy until the US stepped in and prevented it? You mean like Iran in the late 1970's?


Do you think a bunch of people in Lebanon hate us right now? Do you think it’s because we are free or the fact that we rushed more bombs to Israel so they can kill and destroy their lives?

I think it's because Israel got tired of the constant crap from Hezbullah and decided to cripple them. Too bad they stopped when they did. Of course the Lebanese hate us right now, most poor illiterate Arabs are simply raised brainwashed by a psychotic religion run by hate filled leaders who want the entire world to bow down to them.



Are people really that stupid to think people are born look at the United States and say DAMN them they have MTV.

No, but they are ignorant. brainwashed and uneducated enough in the M.E. to follow a bunch of religious zealots.


As a country we need to change our foreign policy.

Yep, I agree. No more aid to any country that supports terrorism. More aid to countries that support democracy so they can defend themselves against countries that want to destroy them.


We need to take our heads out of our ass and realize not every country in the world wants to be like us. Not everyone in the world view success as having an SUV, drinking beer, and watching reality TV. Basically we need to get over our selves. Not everyone has the American dream nor wants it.

If you really think that's what Americans view as freedom, then I'd suggest you take your own advice and get out more often.

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We oppress nations change regimes keep people from getting democracy so we can still get what we want.

Oh, please. Now you are really into a dumb rant. Please tell me a single country that was seeking Democracy until the US stepped in and prevented it? You mean like Iran in the late 1970's?

Iran in the '50's. How about the Palestinians in 2006? Haiti? Chili? Guatemala? My money's on Venezuela for the next one. Those last few weren't "preventions" but more like interferences.

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We oppress nations change regimes keep people from getting democracy so we can still get what we want.

Oh, please. Now you are really into a dumb rant. Please tell me a single country that was seeking Democracy until the US stepped in and prevented it? You mean like Iran in the late 1970's?

Iran in the '50's. How about the Palestinians in 2006? Haiti? Chili? Guatemala? My money's on Venezuela for the next one. Those last few weren't "preventions" but more like interferences.

I'd hardly call Mossadegh someone interested in Democracy unless you consider collective farms, state owned land a nationalized oil industry and the dissolution of Parliment to be signs of a budding democratic country.

Of course the US interfered and caused Mossadegh to be driven from power, but I'd hardly call it interferring with a budding democracy. More likely a simply convenient justification for the overthrow of the Shah in 1979 by idealistic students seeking to create an Islamic Theocracy.

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