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Mental image of my parents doing the nasty!

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
Squeak 17
The reason I do not agree with is simply this: some childless couples avoid having kids b/c they want to live in a state of perpetual adolescence, wherein they think that life is simply a playground in which they should engage in whatever recreations fit their fancy at the neglect of higher callings. That, IMO, is far from a legitimate reason for avoiding having kids. That was my only "bone of contention."
So by your rationale these people (which includes me) should produce children even though they don't want them, .Good call that EXACTLY what the world needs, more unwanted kids raise by parents who would rather be elsewhere

That right there is where your sanctimonium lies., that's a very poor argument for parenthood.
I love kids and would not have any other job. However I had (and still have)ASOLUTELY NO DESIRE to be a parent, More people should understnd that these two things are seperate issues.
There is ONLY one reason for wanting kids, and that is a desire to love and raise them for THEIR own sake, no other reason is valid, not for "mini me" status, not someone to look after you aging arse, and certainly not to maintiain a relationship.
Now for me"life is simply a playground in which they should engage in whatever recreations fit their fancy" If you're fancy is being a parent, then fill your boots, but dont stand there and tell my that I should also fancy that. Because I fancy rinding motorbikes, and jumping out of planes, and travelling the world. I also fancy my career, where I get to try and fix a few of the problems created by parents who are so obviously performing "their Higher callings" to such a wonderful standard

Dude get of your sanctimonious arse and allow people to live the life that THEY choose without judgment from the likes of you.
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Royd 0
Exactly.While on vacation with my brother and his wife and two boys,and a couple of friends of theirs, the boys were sitting around the fire trying to smoke rolled up aspen bark. I told that they actually had to put something in it to keep it lit. Then, I showed them how to roll a doobie. Good fun!Oh yea, just call me "Auntie Carrie".
I'm an only child, mind you. But, I'm "Auntie Carrie' to my friends' kids and they love me. I get to spoil them and teach them bad manners.
micro 0
out of curiosity, how much does your religion influence your position on this subject? i'm not trying to turn this into any sort of assault on your personal beliefs, just trying to see where you're coming from.
my religious beliefs influence absolutely everything that I do. my belief in God -and subsequently the way it is expressed in my religion, is more important than the air I breathe.
i'm sure many who read this will use that as an excuse by which they may discount everything I argue for, if they haven't already.
so be it. I care not.
as for the others here who call me intolerant or a bastard, or whatever, it really doesn't bother me. they're MY VIEWS. take them or leave them. I'll argue for them in a rational debate any time that I have the time to do so.
I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...
micro 0
So by your rationale these people (which includes me) should produce children even though they don't want them, .Good call that EXACTLY what the world needs, more unwanted kids raise by parents who would rather be elsewhere
No squeak, once again, you are incorrect. People like you who don't want kids SHOULDN"T produce them. You shouldn't have them if you don't want them. The problem lies (not only in your ability to comprehend my posts, perhaps I'm not being clear) in that you see no value yourself in having kids.
To me that's a tragedy.
And please squeak, stop w/ this petty name calling. It's obvious I've hit a nerve here. If you can't add something to the debate w/o resorting to calling me names, I'd prefer you just to move on . If not, try to raise the tone a little, hmm?
As for judging others, you judge others all the time. We all do. We all make judgements on the behaviors of others. It's part of the human condition. Quit acting like I've committed some heinous offense for which you would like to send me to the gallows. It's rather annoying.
Edited to add: You know squeaker, it's time I bow out of this discussion w/ you. Your comments to me have become far too rancorous, and I've said all I really want to say anyhow.
I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...
Muenkel 0
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
Squeak 17
So by your rationale these people (which includes me) should produce children even though they don't want them, .Good call that EXACTLY what the world needs, more unwanted kids raise by parents who would rather be elsewhere
OK since i know you are still reading this, point out to me WHERE i have stated anything that would indicate that I see no value in having children. I didnt just wake up one day and decide to not procreate, it is a long considered descision. I would rather do the things that I'm doing now than have kids, I'm well aware of where that may leave me in later life and I quite prepared to deal with that when /if the time comes.
No squeak, once again, you are incorrect. People like you who don't want kids SHOULDN"T produce them. You shouldn't have them if you don't want them. The problem lies (not only in your ability to comprehend my posts, perhaps I'm not being clear) in that you see no value yourself in having kids.
To me that's a tragedy.You profess tolerance but your writtings do not mirror that. The tone of my replies has also been considered. I find your preching to be sactimonious, and as you point out yourself the is MY oppinion, and I, like you am entittled to it.
And please squeak, stop w/ this petty name calling. It's obvious I've hit a nerve here. If you can't add something to the debate w/o resorting to calling me names, I'd prefer you just to move on . If not, try to raise the tone a little, hmm?So you lied when you said this stuff doesn't bother you
As for judging others, you judge others all the time. We all do. We all make judgements on the behaviors of others. It's part of the human condition. Quit acting like I've committed some heinous offense for which you would like to send me to the gallows. It's rather annoying.BTW I"m enjoying this so no you have not hit a nerve in any way, I actually type this with a smile on my face, not because I'm shallow, but because isee great humour in it.
Edited to add: You know squeaker, it's time I bow out of this discussion w/ you. Your comments to me have become far too rancorous, and I've said all I really want to say anyhow.
OK dont let the door smack you on the rear as you exit

My Life ROCKS!
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skydyvr 0
Edited to add: You know squeaker, it's time I bow out of this discussion w/ you. Your comments to me have become far too rancorous, and I've said all I really want to say anyhow.
Don't you mean "Edited to change"?
Nice job removing the PAs at the last second.
. . =(_8^(1)
Squeak 17
Damn I missed them, they, I'm sure would have been wonderfully insightful (or is that inciteful

My Life ROCKS!
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micro 0
Nice try dude... there were no PAs in my post.
I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...
Dolph 0
If you re-read my posts, I stated quite freely that there are many very legitimate reasons for people to NOT have kids. The reason I do not agree with is simply this: some childless couples avoid having kids b/c they want to live in a state of perpetual adolescence, wherein they think that life is simply a playground in which they should engage in whatever recreations fit their fancy at the neglect of higher callings. That, IMO, is far from a legitimate reason for avoiding having kids. That was my only "bone of contention."
If that makes me a bastard as righteous bastard in your eyes, well at least you're big enough a man to forgive me.
I guess you see 'avoiding having kids' as morally wrong in certain situations and in these situations, you cannot think of such individuals as anything but selfish.
I see 'having kids' as morally wrong in certain situations and cannot help myself but I cannot think of such individuals as being anything selfish.
It just doesn't correspond very well with a live and let live attitude. Which means both of us are just as bad as the people who comment on the size of your family.
That's food for thought and an option of self improvement.
Zenister 0
It is an import question.... who is going to shove you into an old folks home
who plans on living that long?
sorry not me.. i've watched enough of my aging relatives lose their minds and their bodies as age overtakes them..
i honestly cant see the point in that last 10 years uselessly hanging on..
when my faculties fail, its time to move on....
in the meantime i can devote my time an energy to a MUCH wider range of people and causes than those who's existence is tied to raising their 'little emperor'..
as a matter of fact. IMO all those who insist one bringing THEIR child into the world instead of helping an existing one are the 'selfish' ones..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
Zenister 0
Great question. I wish I knew the answer.
Just an initial thought would be, whats the point of living a life to the fullest if no one is going to remember you.
if you are performing any act for posterity you are missing YOUR life....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
PLFXpert 0
Mental image of my parents doing the nasty!
Actually numerous studies show that a child who was aware of its parents healthy sexual life is more apt to have a healthy one themselves.

It is no coincidence I heard my dad & stepmom doing it, like, all the time.

Oh, by the way: My stepmom never had her own kids, but she raised me from age 8; totaly selfish of her.

It's hilarious to me this debate is still going on, with all the holes and lack of structure and all.
Selfish/Unselfish is relative...
Mother Teresa did not have children. Of course she was a nun. I guess by some peoples' logic it would therefore be selfish to become a nun. Wait, no, that would be an exception to the rule. But, no other exceptions can/shall exist...
The above example is silly. Just like this debate.

Squeak 17
***The above example is silly. Just like this debate.
But it has been fun

I dont come into speakers corner, this is really the first times I posted in here, it's been a great laugh, I may have come in more frequently

My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?
PLFXpert 0
I dont come into speakers corner, this is really the first times I posted in here, it's been a great laugh, I may have come in more frequently
Same here.

If I do come back, I will continue to look over my shoulder.

I just wanted to reiterate that sentiment.
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